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24 European Projects Found

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ConceptThe discovery of regulatory T cells (Tregs) has revolutionized our understanding of autoimmune diseases. As T1D is caused by the failure of Tregs to block autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß-cells, Treg stimulation has the potential to stop the process, preserve ß-cells’ insulin secretion, and likewise prevent or delay disease progression and improve clinical outcome for patients.Backgro ...
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The genetics underlying phenotype-genotype relationships during development and disease is often complex with many genes contributing to a particular phenotypic outcome. While forward genetic screens have uncovered many mutations that are limiting at a particular stage or tissue, the majority of genes in most genomes remain genetically untouched. Recent studies in model organisms, in particular in ...
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Gene Therapy for X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) (NET4CGD)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2018,

This project is focused on the clinical development of a new orphan drug that can rapidly become a new treatment option for patients with the X-linked form of chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD). This rare primary immune deficiency of phagocytes is caused by mutations in the gp91phox gene. Affected patients are highly-susceptible to infections and develop inflammatory granulomas. Several member ...
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The discovery of regulatory T cells (Tregs) is a breakthrough in immunology: it revolutionises our understanding of autoimmune disease (AID) pathophysiology and treatment opportunities. Treg numbers or function is defective in most mouse and human AIDs and their restoration induces clinical improvement, as we recently showed using low-dose IL-2 to induce Tregs in patients with AID.The TRiPoD proje ...
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Scientific understanding of the role and mechanisms of bioactives is fragmented. Research often addresses the theoretical possibility of health improvement effects rather than their real, practical use for everyday diets. Bioactives cannot be considered as discrete chemical compounds and research must focus on bioactive-enriched foods (BEF), if consumer demands for foods delivering appropriate hea ...
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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare inherited syndrome characterized by the early development of bone marrow failure and increasing predisposition to cancer with age. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) is the only curative therapy for hematopoietic manifestations of FA, although associated with complications arising from myeloablation, graft versus host disease and increased inciden ...
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The regenerative power of a living organism is linked to the potential of its stem cells to replace the corresponding damaged tissue. Therefore organisms are as old as their stem cells. Whereas the vulnerability to cancer and chronic inflammation is associated with a decline of the immune system, the latter is in turn a sum product of interactions among hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), endothelial ...
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The thymus plays a central role in the induction of self-tolerance, a hallmark of the immune system. During T cell development a highly diverse T cell receptor repertoire is probed against a matching array of self-antigens. While the generation of the T cell receptor repertoire relies on unique genetic recombination mechanisms, the corresponding molecular principles underlying the generation of TC ...
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Systems medicine of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (SYSMEDIBD)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a major health problem with severe co-morbidities, requiring life-long treatment. Oscillating processes, like biological clocks are well studied and modeled in a number of systems. Circadian rhythms are extremely important for optimal treatments of patients. Recently, the NfkB pathway has been shown to be oscillating. In this project, we will model NfkB oscillat ...
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Quantitative T cell Immunology (QuanTI)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The primary objective of this ITN is to train a new generation of European quantitative immunologists, who will be able to address challenges arising in Systems Immunology. This will be achieved with the proposed Network, Quantitative T cell Immunology (QuanTI), that will train 11 ESRs and 4 ERs, bringing together renowned experimental and theoretical scientists from private and academic instituti ...
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The current test systems employed by Industry are poorly predictive for Drug induced liver injury (DILI). The ‘MIP-DILI’ project will address this situation by the development of innovative preclinical test systems which are both mechanism-based and of physiological, pharmacological and pathological relevance to DILI in humans. An iterative, tiered approach with respect to test compounds, test sys ...
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Substantial evidence supports the therapeutic potential of ex vivo gene therapy based on Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) or T lymphocytes to treat inherited diseases or cancer. Yet, the intrinsic limitations of current gene replacement approaches based on semi-randomly integrating vectors, and the occurrence in some clinical trials of severe adverse events related to gene transfer, prevent safe depl ...
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Cancer is hallmarked by multiple genetic aberrations that lead to a functional derangement of cellular signalling networks. Embryonal tumours (ETs) comprising neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma and Ewing sarcoma, occur early in life, and thus may reveal pathogenetically relevant lesions clearer than adulthood tumours which carry passenger mutations accumulated during life. ASSET will exploit this fact ...
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"EPIC-CVD's overarching goal is to provide clinicians and policy-makers with a menu of evidence-based options for cost-effective individualised risk assessment that enables the EU's increasingly resource-constrained economies to achieve more personalised predictive medicine in harmony with Europe's diverse cultures and healthcare systems.We will achieve this through developing and validating innov ...
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"Assessment of repeated dose toxicity is a standard requirement in human safety evaluation and relies on animal testing as no alternatives are currently accepted for regulatory purposes. An integrated research strategy for the replacement of animal tests needs to comprise the development of biomarkers of long-term toxicity in human target cells. To this aim, the DETECTIVE project will set up a scr ...
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"At least 20% of human malignancies are caused by consequences of persistent infections. High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types cause over 500.000 cancer cases per year, rendering HPV the #2 human carcinogen after tobacco. Infection-related tumors are attractive targets for cancer vaccination, as they provide the opportunity to target antigens that are immunological non-self. Vaccination can b ...
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Mast cells (MC) are best known for their central role in allergic disease but, more recently, MC have also been considered as important elements of the immune system in general. Since the original recognition, more than 10 years ago, that MC may have immunological functions beyond allergic disease, a very long list of physiological and pathological conditions has been accumulated in which MC have ...
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Amino acid sensing by TOR (TOR-AA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The kinase TOR is a key regulator of cell growth and organismal metabolism in animals. Consequently, the correct regulationof TOR activity is important both for normal development and for disease. For instance, TOR is hyperactivated in almost allhuman cancers, and reduced TOR activity is associated with leanness and resistance to obesity. TOR activity is regulatedby a number of inputs including, i ...
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Infrastructure for Systems Biology - Europe (ISBE)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The Infrastructure for Systems Biology in Europe (ISBE) programme comprises an infrastructure that is designed to meet the needs of European systems biology, in terms of development, applications and training. In order to address this requirement, we are proposing a distributed, interconnected infrastructure which primarily comprises three types of centres: Data Integration Centres (DICs), and sys ...
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Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play a significant role in the control of gene expression and epigenetic regulation. It seems that ncRNAs might be numerous and highly adapted in roles that require specific nucleic acid recognition without complex catalysis, such as in guiding RNA modifications or in directing post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and chromatin structure. Our previous work ha ...
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"Accurate replication of the genome is very important in cells to prevent the propagation of mutations which cause tumour development. After DNA damage, normal non-cancerous cells arrest the cell cycle in G1 to prevent cell growth until DNA damage is repaired or, if levels of damage are high, cells undergo programmed cell death. Stress responses leading to a DNA damage response stem from different ...
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Systems Biology of T-cell Activation in Health and Disease (SYBILLA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

T-cell activation, whether induced by pathogens or auto-antigens, is a complex process relying on multiple layers of tightly controlled intracellular signalling modules that form an intricate network. Defects in this network can cause severe and chronic disorders such as autoimmune diseases. Although 5% of the population suffer from these diseases, only a few therapeutic treatments are available. ...
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The vision of the proposed GRANATUM project is to bridge the information, knowledge and collaboration gap among biomedical researchers in Europe (at least) ensuring that the biomedical scientific community has homogenized, integrated access to the globally available information and data resources needed to perform complex cancer chemoprevention experiments and conduct studies on large-scale datase ...
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Function of Non-coding RNAs in Lung Cancer (ncRNALungCancer)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of tumor-related death in Europe with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) representing 75% of all lung tumors. Its molecular pathogenesis is incompletely understood and specifically the role of functional RNAs in this deadly disease remains to be uncovered. Shifting a paradigm, RNA is now recognized not only as a mediator in protein synthesis, but as important ...
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