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PROSPERITY will:1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for SUMPs in member states and in the organisational culture of transport planning in city authorities.2. Get ministries and national agencies to play a national leading role on SUMPs, as in many member states these are the organisations from which cities take their main direction; where ministries are already playing this role, to ...
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IMPRESSIONS will provide empirically-grounded, transformative science that quantifies and explains the consequences of high-end climate scenarios for both decision-makers and society. IMPRESSIONS will develop and apply a novel participatory methodology that explicitly deals with uncertainties and strong non-linear changes focussing on high-end climate change, but also including intermediate warmin ...
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Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials (FORAM) (FORAM)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The project Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials (FORAM) will develop and set up an EU-based platform of international experts and stakeholders that will advance the idea of a World Forum on Raw Materials (WFRM) and enhance the international cooperation on raw material policies and investments.The global use of mineral resources has drastically increased and supply chains have become ever more c ...
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Harmony project aims to contribute to development of a comprehensive internationalization strategies and their harmonization at EU and Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Russia) within the framework of HEA in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Process through modernization of international relation management of the partner countries universities, promoting the academic mobility ...
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Landscape Education for Democracy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

LED (Landscape Education for Democracy) is an interdisciplinary, international course unit training conceptual thinking, diversity management and intercultural communication for building leadership competence in the spatial planning professions. To meet contemporary needs in spatial planning, we need to rethink design and planning education so that future practitioners will have the knowledge, sk ...
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Consumers have increasing demands for healthy, nutritious, and innovative food produced sustainably. Minor cereals can address these points, as well as contributing to feed and non-food markets. However, they have been hardly developed as commercial varieties, with no major investment to exploit genetic diversity in breeding programmes, and have low yields. There has been little research to optimi ...
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The use of advanced methods to solve practical and industrially relevant problems by computers has a long history. Whereas Symbolic Computation is concerned with the algorithmic determination of exact solutions to complex mathematical problems, more recent developments in the area of Satisfiability Checking tackle similar problems but with different algorithmic and technological solutions. Though ...
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Rydberg Quantum Simulators (RYSQ)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Quantum Simulators provide new levels of understanding of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of many-body quantum systems, one of the most challenging problems in physics. The main objective of the RYSQ project is to use Rydberg atoms for quantum simulations, because their outstanding versatility will allow us to perform a great variety of useful quantum simulations, by exploiting diffe ...
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The project eartH2Observe brings together the findings from European FP projects DEWFORA, GLOWASIS, WATCH, GEOWOW and others. It will integrate available global earth observations (EO), in-situ datasets and models and will construct a global water resources re-analysis dataset of significant length (several decades). The resulting data will allow for improved insights on the full extent of availab ...
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Meeting of Energy Professional Skills (MEnS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

MENS is a project conceived in order to provide an enhance the NZEB skills of building managers such as engineers and architect through a series of accredited training activities developed by 9 universities and 3 market players. MENS aims: - To increase the knowledre and skills of at least 1800 building managers (engineers, architects) in NZEB design and construction, out of which 50% would be wom ...
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Traditionally, the European manufacturing industry is characterized by innovative technology, quality processes and robust products which have leveraged Europe's industrialization. However, globalization has exposed Europe's industry to new emerging and industrialized manufacturing markets and the current economic challenges have decelerated the internal boost and investment, respectively. Hence, ...
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The project aims at developing innovative systems for masonry enclosures, to be used for façades, envelopes and internal partitions of reinforced concrete framed buildings, to derive sound concepts for their analysis and to develop reliable, simple and efficient methods for their design in the everyday engineering practice. Masonry enclosure systems have excellent, yet still improvable, performanc ...
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The project aims at promoting and validating social, personal and organisational key competences such as entrepreneurship, civic competences and learning to learn with the help of an innovative, self-directed learning approach at the interface of higher education and business.Social and personal key competences are hardly to be acquired in lectures, frontal teaching and self-learning.The ideal lea ...
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Animal health status in organic dairy farming does not in all respect meet consumers’ expectations. Improvements are crucial to support consumers’ confidence and their willingness to pay premium prices. These are urgently needed to cover the higher production costs. Previous herd health planning concepts have prepared the ground for further advancements. However, recommended measures are often imp ...
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Creating competences for a circular economy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...e . Young people need to acquire skills to be able to contribute to and work in a circular economy. Participants There is a vital synergy of projects and experiences. The lead partner, Landkreis Kassel(1) is a regional authority which has been active in environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation and in the circular economy since several decades. BUPNET (2)has been develop ...
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Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations (OSCAR)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

There is a need to improve sustainability in farming systems particularly through soil care and improvement, but not at the expense of productivity. One approach is to focus on a comprehensive advance in conservation tillage. This will be developed from improved ways of integrating subsidiary crops (SC) as living or dead mulches or cover crops with the main crops in rotations so as to simultaneous ...
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Energy Efficient Converters using GaN Power Devices (E2COGAN)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The E2COGaN project will target the demonstration of GaN-on-Si as a disruptive power device technology platform through the whole value chain up to demonstrators with high industrial, societal and environmental relevance. Its innovative character will be proven through a well-balanced and application specific trade-off between the “corner” benefits given by higher efficiency, higher switching freq ...
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"Windows are critical elements to control the energy performance of buildings especially for zero-energy buildings. It is of paramount importance to develop windows which show reduced U-value, weight and costs and certain features to control and harvest energy. Such a window will have a high impact in the window industry and will reduce green house gas emissions as long as the window is affordable ...
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Optimal Control Technologies in Quantum Information Processing (QUAINT)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

We seek to bring together all major European and Israeli research centres in Optimal Control of Quantum Information Processing. This project will coordinate ongoing research activities, best practice dissemination, personnel training and public engagement as well as interaction with public stakeholders and policymakers for 17 established research groups from 15 universities in 6 countries – a tota ...
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...on were monitored during these experiments. Also, experiments have been performed for sand removal of the delivered biomass. The processing was scientifically supervised by experts of Uni Kassel. They will analyse the results in the coming months, incl. combustion tests for the solid fuels produced during the experiments.Uni Gent has conducted thermo-chemical experiments with the biomass. IFBB tre ...
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The Affinomics programme aims to leverage existing efforts in Europe to generate large-scale resources of validated protein-binding molecules (‘binders’) as affinity reagents for characterisation of the human proteome and to apply them in comprehensive structural and functional analyses of protein expression, interactions and complexes. Proteome targets will be focused on five categories of inter- ...
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Open Innovation Project (IOIT)

Start date: Jan 3, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

OIP will promote a cultural and operational shift from a closed innovation model to an open and connected model. In doing so identify and encourage transnational collaboration and partnering to maximise European level synergies and development potential in the knowledge economy. Aims; • Design and deliver open-innovation activities to knowledge sector companies. by a process-oriented approa ...
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...gional tram systems linking to high-quality multimodal interchanges at national/international rail or air hubs. These will be tested by knowledge transfer across 5 demonstration regions: Nordhessen (Kassel)(DE). Fylde Coast (Blackpool)(UK). West-Vlaanderen (Diksmuide/ Koksijde/ Veurne)(BE). Valenciennes (FR) and Nijmegen-Kleve (NL). Two alternative solutions will be examined: (i) TramTrain syst ...
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The SIAM decision support system will ease the complexity associated with the assessment of security measures and technologies. Where today decision makers have to oversee a wide range of relevant aspects from many different scientific fields and national as well as cultural interests SIAM will pass the needed information in a structured manner to the decision maker. It ties together those strands ...
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MIcrowave and TErahertz PHOtonics (MITEPHO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"MITEPHO (MIcrowave and TErahertz PHOtonics) is an Initial Training Network that seeks to investigate and optimize photonic sources for CW signal generation at Microwave and Terahertz frequencies. The main objective is to integrate these two disciplines, usually addressed separately, through the development of techniques based on the photonic oscillator concept, a rather new technique for generati ...
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CLIMSAVE will develop and apply an integrated methodology for stakeholder-led, climate change impact and vulnerability assessment that explicitly evaluates regional and continental scale adaptation options, and cross-sectoral interactions between the key sectors driving landscape change in Europe (agriculture, forests, biodiversity, coasts/floodplains, water resources, urban development and transp ...
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"The European integrating project COMBINE brings together research groups to advance Earth system models (ESMs) for more accurate climate projections and for reduced uncertainty in the prediction of climate and climate change in the next decades. COMBINE will contribute to better assessments of changes in the physical climate system and of their impacts in the societal and economic system. The pro ...
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"European seismic engineering research suffers from extreme fragmentation of research infrastructures (RI) between countries and limited access to them by the S/T community of earthquake engineering, especially that of Europe’s most seismic regions. A 23-strong Consortium of the key actors in Europe’s seismic engineering research (including 3 industrial partners) addresses these problems in a sust ...
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With the STACCATO project the three European capital cities Amsterdam, Budapest and Sofia, will demonstrate sustainable energy concepts in representative existing residential areas. Presently, the urban areas all facing technical arrears and a lack of social cohesion. Redevelopment is a unique opportunity to implement energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources. STACCATO will result in ...
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Solid state light sources based on compound semiconductors are opening a new era in general lighting and will contribute significantly to a sustainable energy saving. For a successful and broad penetration of LEDs into the general lighting market two key factors are required: high efficiency and low cost. Two new disruptive technologies based on nanostructured semiconductors are proposed to addres ...
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Ultrafast control of quantum systems by strong laser fields (FASTQUAST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"The objective of this project is to set up an Initial Training Network on advanced techniques for ultrafast manipulation of atoms and molecules by strong femtosecond laser pulses. The project comprises a diverse range of applications of strong-field coherent control to ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy; nuclear and electron wavepacket dynamics; alignment of molecules with applications to coll ...
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...). Habitats may not be reduced in area, or altered in terms of structure and function, and their long-term maintenance is closely association with appropriate human use of the land. The University of Kassel has developed an approach to producing bio-energy from the harvest of mature and abandoned grasslands in protected Natura 2000 habitats that also helps to achieve conservation goals. It is thou ...
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"The overall strategic objective of the E-URAL project is to improve in quantity and quality the participation of Russian researchers and SMEs in the “Environment (including climate change)” theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). This objective answers to specific gaps that hamper the participation of Russia, such as the lack of knowledge among researchers and multipliers from Russia on t ...
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Governing the speed of light (GOSPEL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The GOSPEL project aims at developing new, highly effective technologies for enabling slow and fast light propagation as a tunable feature in photonic devices. In fact, controlling the speed of light offers a solution to a necessary, and often missing, functionality in broadband ICT systems: a time-delay/phase-shift line. The proposed research will address three slow and fast light device platform ...
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"With the ongoing growth of the organic sector and the spread of organic production across the EU, the field of organic certification has become a maze of competing labels and logos, involving different private and public standards, in addition to European law. This diversity reflects the specific conditions for organic operators in countries or regions but can also lead to confusion for both prod ...
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Fast and Advanced Storyboard Tools (FAST)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2011,

Description FAST aims to provide an innovative visual programming environment that will facilitate the development of next-generation composite user interfaces.FAST wants to create a new visual programming environment that will facilitate the development of next-generation user interfaces. It tries to find a comprehensive solution for dev ...
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Future Approaches to Land Development (FARLAND)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

FARLAND aims to encourage a more innovative approach to land development. By anticipating the current and future needs of local and regional authorities, FARLAND wants to place at their disposal an approach that allows them to achieve multiple objectives when tackling issues of land development in agricultural areas, environmentally-sensitive zones and metropolitan landscapes. ...
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The ENTLEARN project aims at enhancing existing understanding of the preferred and most efficient ways of learning to be entrepreneurial. The project will further address how existing programmes are able to meet current learning needs, thus highlighting gaps in the training supply in this area. The project will result in a model European Vocational Entrepreneurship Examination Programme, supported ...
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E-CLIC aims to bring European policy making closer to European citizens by helping schools, universities and communities to engage in a dialogue about these policies and how they influence people’s lives. The European Landscape Convention is taken as an example, linked directly to local development issues while affecting the environment and quality of life of all Europeans. A CLIC competition will ...
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