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Fast and Advanced Storyboard Tools (FAST)
Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description FAST aims to provide an innovative visual programming environment that will facilitate the development of next-generation composite user interfaces.FAST wants to create a new visual programming environment that will facilitate the development of next-generation user interfaces. It tries to find a comprehensive solution for developing complex gadgets, involving multiple screens and process-execution flows that rely on back-end Semantic Web Services. An Innovative Approach As opposed to the majority of today's business process management technologies, FAST adopts a top-down user-centric approach rather than a program-centric one. This means, that instead of first building programs that orchestrate available Semantic Web Services and then try to figure out how to implement interaction with the users at given points of the process execution flow, software designers of FAST, will automatically create final applications by arranging gadgets with the enterprise's back-end. The way programmers will visually establish this connection will follow an approach similar to what sequence diagrams in UML look like.With a new user-oriented approach, FAST intends to overcome the limits of current business process engine approaches. Most citizens require and expect that they can easily locate and manage their administrative procedures on their own. However, this is usually not the case and most transactions and tasks need recurrent browsing, searching and discovering through a variety of websites and services allocated in disparate government portals. The FAST project intends to interlink the disparate information and functionality inside a unique mashup-based interface in order to make it more useful and valuable. The objective however, is not to develop the gadget mash-up platform but a tool that enables to develop mash-up-able gadgets which rely on screen-flow resources and semantic Web Services stored in a catalogue. Experience and BenefitsFAST will contribute to a range of benefits in the course of three years:* Economic and societal benefits by bridging the gap between people, business and IT and by putting a visual face on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). * Users will be empowered from service consumer to producer. * Software development will benefit from concealing the complexity of programming, and from greater support for modelling loosely structured user-centric orchestrations, thereby surmounting the limitations of current business process engine approaches.* FAST also contributes to software industrialisation and improves the cost-effectiveness of application development.

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