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15 European Projects Found

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...concept for start-ups in business oriented services, which covers the whole life-span of a start-up from the first idea up to the implementation of the new entreprise, shall be installed in Pskov and Kaliningrad.
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Regional Cooperation in Waste Management (RECO)

Start date: Jan 12, 2005, End date: Jan 11, 2008,

RECO is a waste management and spatial planning project in cooperation between partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its Central Objective is to support the development of efficient Institutions for management of municipal waste in the BSR in order to minimize negative environmental effects, lower life cycle costs for waste managem ...
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Exploiting Inland Waterways for Regional Development (InWater)

Start date: Jan 1, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...ation, legal)- Studies on current functions of waterway- Strategies, concepts and documentations for pilot regions- Exchange of the bests practices- Study tours on international waterway E-70 Berlin -Kaliningrad.Main results and outputs of the project including durabilityPlease describe what kind of changes the project contributed to. Please also describe the main concrete outputs. The presentatio ...
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East-West Transnational Transport Corridor in the S-BSR (EAST-WEST)

Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...ansport Corridor (EWTC)” between Vilnius and Esbjerg via the Öresund region, includes several TEN-T ports, road and railways links, parts of the Nordic triangle and Corridor IX B/D in Lithuania /Kaliningrad. The EWTC has a strong and growing market position, but is hampered by bottlenecks and lack of intermodal transport concepts.The Northern Transport Axis is one of the five Trans-European transp ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF, aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region by developing local sustainability strategies. The project is of special relevance for spatial planning, building strategies, and infrastructure development, where the role of the municipality is large. The project aims to develop integrative tools for urban management.The project addr ...
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The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is a project whose objective is to build sustainable e-learning structures throughout the Baltic Sea Region, to supply the Baltic Sea countries equally with academic online education in future. The project has a running time of three years (2002-2005) and is financed through the participating partners, the regions and the EU.The overall aims of the BSVC, besides the e ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) is a cooperation between cities/towns and universities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development. The BUUF project aims to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities and towns. 20 cities and towns, and 15 universities in 9 countries take part in the project. Through the Union of Baltic Cities the results will be available fo ...
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The main objective of the ENGENSEC project is to create new Master’s program in area of IT Security as a response on current and emerging cybersecurity threats by educating the next generation experts in this area, thus supporting development of e-based economics, life and society in partner countries. To achieve this wide objective, consortium defined set of specific objectives to achive:1. P ...
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The proposal Aurora – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education II (Aurora II) will promote multidisciplinary cooperation at various levels, which will increase the links between Europe and Russia and contribute to cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.The proposal builds on an agenda of higher education institutions and business benefiting from working together. By developing partnershi ...
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Wider Objective: To upgrade the curricula on built environment in the universities of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine accorting to Bologna practices in order to increase their capacity to continually modernise, enhance the quality and relevance of education of the building and civil engineering students to the labour market needs and to ensure international cooperation.Specific objectives of the proje ...
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The main goal of the project is to modify the existing Bachelor Degree courses in the field of water bioresources at Russian faculties at Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kuban State University, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy and Tumen State Agricultural Academy into environmental orientated courses, so that each courses contains modules on modern environmental management and ...
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 FINISHED management and restoration system seeking to preserve and restore the diversity of water fauna, to increase the efficiency of fisheries and to strengthen the co-operation between Lithuania and the Kaliningrad oblast of the Russian Federation in the cross-border regions. The main tasks of the project are to assess the present ecological state in the region; to prepare the fisheries cadastre on t ...
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The overall objective of the project is to develop the principles of monitoring water quality in the shared basin of the Wistula Lagoon divided between Poland and the Russian Federation. By means of modern methodology, based on satellite remote sensing, the project aims at implementing a long-term and constantly improving tool for providing information about the Wistula Lagoon waters. The project ...
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The project partners aimed at combating the problem of no historical-buildings conservation or restoration specialists being prepared in the regions. The youth from Kaliningrad and Gdansk studying architecture and construction participated in a number of trainings, exchange visits and workshops.
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...gion; creation of the International Center of Aquaculture and Pisciculture; presentation of new technologies and data (organization of two cooperation meetings for cross-border fisheries subjects in Kaliningradand Rusna organization of a training session in the Kaliningrad region, holding of training tour in Lithuanian and Polish fisheries organizations, and training (workshop) in Polish partner o ...
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