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23 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

All chemicals whether they are drugs, cosmetics, agrochemicals or others need to be tested for their safety to man and the environment. The use of whole animal studies for the prediction of adverse effects in man, is problematic due to species dependent effects, high costs and a large burden to animals in terms of numbers and suffering. While there have been major improvements in human in vitro a ...
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From residual steel gasses to methanol (FReSMe)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

The FReSMe project, From Residual Steel gases to Methanol, will produce a methanol that will be demonstrated in ship transportation. This green fuel will be produced from CO2, recovered from an industrial Blast Furnace, and H2 recovered both from the blast furnace gas itself, as well as H2 produced by electrolysis. The two different sources of H2 will enable (i) maximum use of the current residual ...
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The overall objective of PLOTINA is to enable the development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with innovative and sustainable strategies for the Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) involved. This objective will be achieved by: i) Stimulating a gender-aware culture change; ii) Promoting career-development of both female and male researchers to preve ...
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The LiRichFCC project will explore an entirely new class of materials for electrochemical energy storage termed “Li-rich FCC” comprising a very high concentration of lithium in a cubic dense packed structure (FCC). The process by which energy is stored in these materials constitutes a paradigm change in the design of battery materials and involves unexpected and surprisingly effective mechanisms: ...
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In ADREM, leading industries and university groups in process intensification, catalytic reactor engineering and process control team up to address the domain of resource- and energy-efficient valorisation of variable methane feedstocks to C2+ hydrocarbons. The development of new and intensified adaptable catalytic reactor systems for flexible and decentralized production at high process performan ...
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High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries (HELIS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

Lithium sulphur batteries (LSB) are viable candidate for commercialisation among all post Li-ion battery technologies due to their high theoretical energy density and cost effectiveness. Despites many efforts, there are remaining issues that need to be solved and this will provide final direction of LSB technological development. Some of technological aspects, like development of host matrices, in ...
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Next-generation biopharmaceutical downstream process (nextBioPharmDSP)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

The scope of the project is the optimization of downstream process (DSP) for the production of Biopharmaceuticals. Biopharmaceuticals have been successfully used as efficient therapeutic drugs for many pathophysiological conditions since the first recombinant product, insulin, was approved in 1982. Despite its efficacy, accessibility is still limited due to extremely high costs. In the production ...
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Based on an international team derived from the COST action BM1003 (, 2011-2014) and thus relying on consolidated group interactions and synergies and on a unique combination of chemistry, biology, biophysics, biochemistry and pharmacology expertise, the TOLLerant project aims to gain information on molecular aspects of TLR4 activation and signaling by using synthetic and natur ...
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Methanol represents one of the most common and widespread platform chemicals and precursors for further synthesis, and is traditionally produced from synthesis gas, obtained by the reforming of natural gas. This methanol synthesis process operates in a stable, high-throughput manner and demands low carbon dioxide/carbon monoxide ratios in feed. The current project, nonetheless, is to encompass fle ...
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NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NANORESTART)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Currently there is a lack of methodologies for the conservation of modern and contemporary artworks, many of which will not be accessible in very short time due to extremely fast degradation processes. The challenge of NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART) will be to address this issue within a new framework with respect to the state of the art of conservation science. NA ...
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"Li-ion batteries become a reality in the future vehicles, although they do not fulfil completely the demands of consumers. In this respect batteries with higher energy density are required. Lithium technology utilizing sulphur as a cathode is one of the optimal choices since it offers the possibility of achieving high-energy, long-life storage batteries with a potential low price. At present, the ...
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Nanoscale Enhanced Characterisation of SOlar selective coatings (NECSO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Optical coatings are commonly deposited over large areas on different substrates: glass, metals (steel, aluminium...) or polymeric foils (PET...). Production processes involve normally large machinery including many times roll-to-roll processes to deposit multilayers over several square meters of substrates. However, properties of these coatings depend strongly on nanometric properties: compositio ...
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The COSMOS project will address the assessment needs of the cosmetics industry by delivering an integrated suite of computational tools to predict the effects of long-term exposure to cosmetic ingredients in humans, thus reducing the need for repeated dose toxicity testing in animals. To achieve this, individual modules comprising: (new) databases, thresholds of toxicological concern (TTC), in sil ...
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High energy density Li-ion cells for traction (EuroLiion)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The research described in this proposal aims to develop a new Li-ion cell for traction purposes with the following characteristics:• High energy density of at least 200 Wh/kg• Low costs i.e., a maximum of 150 Euro/kWh• Improved safetyAlthough the Li-ion cell appears to be the most appropriate technology to meet these goals, considerable research and development is required. For example, the much- ...
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The Gender in Science and Technology LAB – GENIS LAB (GENIS LAB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The GENIS – LAB project aims to implement structural changes in a group of selected scientific organisations in order to overcome the factors that limit the participation of women in research. Our proposal is to create a synergy among scientific partners promoting common actions and best practices exchange in order to defeat gender discrimination, and technical partners providing and sharing innov ...
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The project Trans2Care involves and integrates the expertise of 13 institutes of research, training, health care and technology transfer. It seeks to establish a permanent two-way flow of knowledge transfer between the partners, industrial companies and other stakeholders, aimed at establishing a system that can generate innovative products and services to public health, in particular for the prev ...
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NMR for Structural Biology (Bio-NMR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

In the past two decades spectacular insight into basic principles of life has been obtained from paradigmatic high-resolution structural investigations providing a rational basis for biological experiments. NMR is an indispensable enabling technology for determining such structures and their interactions in solution, the immobilized state and living cells. The power of NMR to link structural, dyna ...
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Staphylococcus aureus infections are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in healthcare and community settings. Inside the host, invading S. aureus is challenged by host innate immune defenses that include professional phagocytes and an arsenal of secreted antimicrobials. Long term persistence of S. aureus may be due to adoption of quiescent physical and metabolic states, such as bi ...
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Bio-Orthogonal Chemo-Specific Ligation (BioChemLig)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The Post-genomic era calls for a deep understanding of protein structure and function. The elucidation of protein structures, localization, post-translation modifications, and protein-macromolecule interactions are important to establish their role in the biology of the cell. To establish their role and investigate the protein functions requires the integration of various complementary disciplines ...
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"Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a key technology for research in the modern Life Sciences, with an increasing impact on human health. This technology is unique in new areas of molecular systems biology providing detailed insight into protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. NMR Research Infrastructures (RIs) are of primary importance here; they offer the resources necessa ...
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"The applicants propose the development of a sound industrial process that unites the urgently needed solution of industrial waste problems with the creation of essential alternative strategies for polymer industry. This will be done by the biotechnological conversion of waste streams from slaughterhouses, rendering and biodiesel industry towards biodegradable polymeric materials. Slaughterhouse w ...
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INNOSHADE is concerned with an innovative, nanocomposite-based switchable light transmittance technology developed previously for small sized objects (eyewear). It constitutes a breakthrough in smart shading technology by overcoming common limitations of state-of-the-art electrochromic devices. INNOSHADE enables the low cost production of electrochromic shading appliances with lower energy consump ...
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The main purpose of this computational research is to improve the understanding of biocatalysis and receptor triggering by studying the quantum nature of nuclear motion in proteins. Specifically, the research will be focused on three particular biological systems: Soybean lipoxygenase (SLO–1), Monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) and histamine H2 receptor (hisH2). The proposed studies will be devoted to th ...
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