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17 partners from11 countries covering all building life cycle will develop an innovative Integrated Evolutionary Design Methodology that can allow the stakeholders to predict the current and future energy efficiency of buildings (both at individual level and neighbourhood level) and make better informed decision in optimising the energy performance at building life cycle level, including operati ...
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Global ATM security management (GAMMA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The GAMMA project stems from the recognition that while the SESAR initiative is effectively addressing some security issues in the new global ATM scenarios, there is a need to extend this scope to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the full set of security threats and vulnerabilities affecting ATM, considered as a system of systems and covering operational as well as technological aspects. In ad ...
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Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support today's information society as inter-system communication enabler.Consequently boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role. At the same time, multi-core and ma ...
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Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure (DEWI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure) envisions to significantly foster Europe’s leading position in embedded wireless systems and smart (mobile) environments such as vehicles, railway cars, airplanes and buildings. These environments comprise wireless sensor networks and wireless applications for citizens and professional users. Therefore the consortium introduces the concept of a “s ...
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Arrowhead (ARROWHEAD)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Ser ...
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Prospective global supply and demand for gallium, indium and other key metals show an increasing discrepancy, amongst others due to the explosive growth of green technologies such as photovoltaics (PV) and solid-state lighting (SSL). While their primary production is highly controlled by a few countries, recycling systems to reclaim these materials from discarded products are not yet in place. Thi ...
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REEcover aims to:A) Improve European supply of the critical Rare Earth Elements Y, Nd, Tb and DyB) Strengthen SME positions in REE production and recovery value chainC) Innovate and research two different routes for hydro/pyro metallurgical recovery of REEs: as Rare Earth Oxides (REO) or Rare Earth Oxy-Carbides (REOC) in electrolytic reductionD) Demonstrate and compare viability and potential for ...
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CORSAIR project is a wide investigation concerning the capabilities of Cold Spray Technology for maintenance and repair of aeronautic frames and components. Today, deep and systematic investigation in Cold Spray is required to better understand the capabilities and fully validate the technology in aeronautics. In this scenario, the activities planned in CORSAIR project are (1) Explore the real cap ...
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In the last 10 years, EU beef production has declined nearly 15% due to decreased consumer demand because of animal disease issues. As the concern about food poisoning is growing among consumers and Food Standard and safety agencies, the food industry is called to bring in changes. On the other hand, current consume by and best before dates are confusing for consumers. A recent survey indicates th ...
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HoliDes addresses development and qualification of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Machine Sys-tems (AdCoS) where many humans and many machines act together, cooperatively, in a highly adaptive way. They adapt to each other and to the context to guarantee fluent and cooperative task achievement. Such systems with higher levels of automation are urgently needed to enhance safety and to increase the conf ...
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Against the background of the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing, SmartCare aims to define a common set of standard functional specifications for an open ICT platform enabling the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens. A total of 24 regions and their key stakeholders will define a comprehensive set of integration building blocks around the challenges of dat ...
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A (Meta-) product is now a customer driven customisable entity that integrates sensory/computing units, which are in turn connected to the cloud, leading to a paradigm shift from mass production to intelligent, over-the-web configurable products. Product design and production is however becoming highly complex and requires interdisciplinary expertise. The goal of EASY is to develop new methodologi ...
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Background Garbancillo de Tallante (Astragalus nitidiflorus ) is a plant that is endemic to Cartagena in the Murcia Region of Spain. First described early in the 20th Century, the species has a population of just 300 adult plants, all growing in the SCI Cabezos del Pericón (ES6200040) and surrounding area. It is a named species on several conservation l ...
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Future RepAIR and Maintenance for Aerospace industry (REPAIR)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Project RepAIR will perform research on future repair and maintenance for the Aerospace industry. Therefore the onsite maintenance and repair of aircraft by in-tegrated direct digital manufacturing is in the focus of this project. The main objective of RepAIR is to shift the “make” or “buy” decision towards the “make” decision by cost reduction in the remake and rework of spare parts and there ...
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Community Based Comprehensive Recovery (COBACORE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The Community Based Comprehensive Recovery (COBACORE) project aims to support common needs assessment and recovery planning efforts in complex multi-sectorial, multi-stakeholder crisis environments by building upon the community as an important source of information and capabilities. COBACORE aims to help bridge the so-called collaboration gap: failure of collaboration through insufficient informa ...
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ETCS Advanced Testing and Smart Train Positioning System (EATS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Currently European Train Control System (ETCS) rollout is a major concern for the railway sector. Equipment for ETCS level 1 and 2 typically follows a long process before being put into service due to interpretation variations in the specification and certification procedures requiring long and expensive field-testing. On the other hand, migration from ETCS level 2 to 3 has not been yet foreseen d ...
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"European Chemicals Industry supplies European Textile & Clothing industry with textile fibres, 75% of which are synthetic (polyester, elastane, nylon). The European Biomass Industry needs to gain market share to the petrochemical industry as supplier of sustainable biomaterials to the Chemicals Industry. More than 99.9% of the world synthetic fibers are made of non-renewable petrochemical resourc ...
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"Recent dramatic events such as the earthquakes in Haiti and L’Aquila or the flooding in Pakistan have shown that local civil authorities and emergency services have difficulties with adequately managing crises. The result is that these crises lead to major disruption of the whole local society. The goal of ICARUS is to decrease the total cost (both in human lives and in €) of a major crisis. In o ...
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The stringent Solvent Emission Directive (1999/13/EC), fully transposed in 2007, imposes limitations of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) due to the use of organic solvents in paints and varnishes. The most economical way of limiting VOC emission is using water-based coating formulas in which water replaces a substantial amount of the organic solvents traditionally used. Unfortunately, ...
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Seven European cities (Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Eindhoven-Helmond, Newcastle, Thessaloniki, Verona & Vigo) have joined forces with the objectives of substantially improving road safety, increasing energy efficiency and reducing level of congestions for road transport.In order to address these topics the cities and industrial partners will jointly implement three cooperative services, Road Hazard Warn ...
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"The main aim of TRANSBIO is the implementation of an innovative cascading concept for the valorisation of sub-products from fruit and vegetable processing industry using environmental friendly biotechnological solutions like fermentation and enzyme-conversion strategies to obtain valuable bioproducts like plastics (PHB), nutraceuticals / platform chemical succinic acid and enzymes for detergent a ...
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"ICT-based service and product innovation is curtailed by the growing vertical chain of dependence on poorly interoperable proprietary technologies in Europe. This issue was identified to have high impact on European innovation productivity by the Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation, commonly known as the Aho-report. The report demanded incentives for the convergence of sh ...
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Large scale societal challenges require large scale monitoring and control solutions. Technological developments will make it possible to design and build these large systems. A major obstacle in realizing these systems is the lack of a versatile methodology to design and implement adaptive monitoring and control systems taking into account intrinsic properties of system of systems (decentralizati ...
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Roll-to-roll PAper Sensors (ROPAS)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

ROPAS aims to develop a wireless sensor device on a paper surface which can be manufactured using high-end and low-cost printing techniques.A technological platform is created on a fiber based substrate consisting of the following building blocks: 1. a planar printed battery, 2. a (wireless) signaling device, and 3. a printed sensor switch. Hereto, recent advantages in nanotechnology ((encapsulati ...
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FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) is a large-scale field testing of the road infrastructure management systems needed for the operation of seven close-to-market cooperative I2V, V2I & I2I technologies (the FOTsis Services), in order to assess in detail both 1) their effectiveness and 2) their potential for a full-scale deployment in Europe ...
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Advanced cellulose packaging (ADCELLPACK)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The use of bio-based materials is a promising alternative in the packaging industry to reduce the disposal and the use of non-renewable resources. A 5% substitution of these materials using Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) applications would reduce over 300.000 tons of non renewable plastic packaging wastes disposal. Packaging used in MAP is usually based on multilayer plastic materials that ar ...
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"The present FP-7 proposal MAX is subsequent to the recommendations of the Strategic Research Agenda of SNETP for ADS development in Europe. Its aim is to pursue the R&D required for a high power proton accelerator as specified by the MYRRHA project. There is especially a strong focus on all the aspects that pertain to the reliability and availability of this accelerator.This R&D effort builds on ...
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Platform of Local Authorities and Cities Engaged in Science (PLACES)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2014,

PLACES Networks partners are developing a common platform for a wide and diverse community of actors to promote the cooperation in their science communication activities, at city/regional level. Over four years, 67 science communication institutions (science centres, museum, festivals) are supported to work with their local authority administrators and policy makers to plan and implement their lon ...
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Wireless Smart Distributed end System for Aircraft (WILDCRAFT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2014,

"WILDCRAFT proposes the design, development and testing of a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) aimed at applications in the aerospace industry. The continuous pressure on aircraft manufacturers to produce better and more secure aircrafts has led to increasing costs in maintenance and monitoring procedures that are being performed at given time intervals to assess the ...
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Pro-active decision support for data-intensive environments (ASTUTE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2014,

"ASTUTE aims at defining reference architecture for the development of HMIs, targeting proactive information retrieval and delivery based on situational context, as well influenced by information content and services, and user state information. This architecture will support the user intentions, optimizing the choices available to the user, while keeping the user in control of the situation. Veri ...
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The Organic.Lingua project will extend the current Organic.Edunet portal to fill the gaps in multilingual support and cross-language resource organization and search, by significantly expanding its linguistic coverage. It particularly it aims at analyzing and re-engineering the service infrastructure and the related facilities and business models, in order to be able support more widely and effect ...
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Background Cities occupy 2% of the earth’s surface but use 75% of the world’s natural resources. In Spain, municipalities have become increasingly committed to actions in support of sustainability. They can play an important role in promoting sustainability at a local level, provided the necessary political will and resources are made available. Spain ...
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EnergyTIC is a demonstration project that will put into practice innovative ICT solutions available in two different countries, France and Spain, with a common goal: providing the end-users with an easy to understand / intuitive solution allowing him to monitor and adapt its energy and water consumptionTechnical solution: Comprehensive convergent ICT solutions will be implemented in 1700 dwellings ...
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Sewage systems are crucial to reduce the risks of water borne diseases and avoid flooding of cities. Cleaning processes are thus highly important to avoid health risks and environmental, economic and societal impacts which can be caused by damaged or blocked sewerage. European sewage networks are operated by over 20,000 municipalities and public entities which spend over €6.5 billion annually to c ...
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Canadian Networking Aeronautics Project for Europe (CANNAPE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

"The proposal creates a platform for enhancing aeronautics and air transport research and development cooperation between the EU and Canada, and to explore the potential for and to promote the participation of Canadian stakeholders with their European counterparts in common activities. The objectives for CANNAPE are:• To explore the potential for enhancing EU and Canadian cooperation through anal ...
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"There is a need for fast ship transportation that is both efficient and non-polluting. Conventional propellers are known to have low efficiency. As an indicative example, most of ship propellers installed on cargo vessels waste about 40 percent of the energy in the form of rotational losses in the wake, vortex generation, noise production, cavitation, etc. The recovery of such losses is one of th ...
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Reduced Certification Costs for Trusted Multi-core Platforms (RECOMP)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

"The proposed RECOMP (Reduced certification cost for trusted multi-core platforms) research project will establish methods, tools and platforms for enabling cost-efficient certification and re-certification of safety-critical systems and mixed-criticality systems, i.e. systems containing safety-critical and non-safety-critical components.RECOMP recognizes the fact that the increasing processing po ...
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Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT (CARDIAC)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

The major aim of the Coordination Action would be to improve the overall success of Challenge 7 ICT 2009 7.2 'Accessible and Assistive ICT'.It would assist those involved in the research aspects of Challenge 7 by identifying the research and development that is needed in this field, both immediately and in the near future, by raising the level of knowledge and understanding of Accessible and Assis ...
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"SUNJET is a European Project within the Framework Programme 7 (Research / Aeronautics and Air Transport) aiming at establishing an initial framework, data base and network, in order to facilitate and enhance the cooperation in R&T activities between Japan and Europe. Through the participation of all the relevant Stakeholders, it will introduce a more structured dialogue to identify the similariti ...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has a significant impact on the European society in terms of mortality, morbidity and allied healthcare costs. The opportunity of multi-scale modelling spanning, sub-cellular level up to whole heart is to improve CVD outcomes by providing a consistent, biophysically-based framework for the integration of the huge amount of fragmented and inhomogeneous data currently av ...
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