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Canadian Networking Aeronautics Project for Europe (CANNAPE)
Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The proposal creates a platform for enhancing aeronautics and air transport research and development cooperation between the EU and Canada, and to explore the potential for and to promote the participation of Canadian stakeholders with their European counterparts in common activities. The objectives for CANNAPE are:• To explore the potential for enhancing EU and Canadian cooperation through analysis of themes and topics of aeronautics and air transport R&D;• To develop and enhance networks and partnerships between EU and Canada in specific technical themes that will provide mutually beneficial R&D cooperation;• To promote Canadian participation in the aeronautics and air transport activities of FP7 through focused workshops, information and advisory services.CANNAPE will build on previous work undertaken, and will capture the aeronautics and air transport capabilities and needs of the EU and Canada, to enhance further co-operation. CANNAPE will be the catalyst for R&D projects that will have both Canadian and European partners. CANNAPE’s successes and impact assessment will be based on:• Success in bringing about increased networking and partnering in the aeronautics R&D community, measured by determining the greater extent of FP7 consortium arrangements, and range and number of EU partner organisations with which Canada collaborate;• Involvement of key Canadian organisations who can assist with Canadian engagement in joint activities,• The extent to which cooperative relationships are leveraged through joint identification of needs and priorities for collaboration, and• An overall increase in participation in FP7 by the Canadian aeronautics research communities.The project will have a core group of partners that will undertake facilitation with the wider community. Other participants will be part of a Steering Group, participating in specific tasks. Both groups will consist of Canadian and European partners, who will be in a position to provi"
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