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33 European Projects Found

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European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (ENABLE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The intensive use and misuse of antibiotics has resulted in some level of antibiotic resistance in essentially all human bacterial pathogens. There is a growing concern that the loss of therapeutic options will present us with a post-antibiotic era where present and future medical advances are negated. Resistant bacteria dramatically reduce the possibilities of treating infections effectively, a ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow (LEGATO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources avail ...
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Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions (MareFrame)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"MareFrame seeks to remove barriers preventing a more widespread use of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM). It will develop assessment methods and a Decision Support Framework (DSF) for management of marine resources and thereby enhance the capacity to provide integrated assessment, advice and decision support for an EAFM. Enabling comparisons between relevant ""what-if"" s ...
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Buildings consume about 40% of total final energy in Europe, and those built before 1980 represent 95% of this energy consumption. The low renovation rate of building stock (1% per year) means that boosting energy efficient buildings’ retrofitting is the only way to reach EU’s “20-20-20” targets. The higher impact will be achieved through interventions in non-residential buildings, as their energy ...
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Multimodal Imaging of Neurological Disorders (MINDView)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The key concept behind this proposal is the development of a very high resolution and high efficiency brain dedicated Positron Emission Tomograph (PET) imager that can visualize neurotransmitter pathways and their disruptions in the quest to better diagnose and consequently to better treat schizophrenia. In addition, the plan is for this compact PET imager to be integrated with a Magnetic Resonanc ...
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...gained professional experience abroad as well as new personal and professional skills and competencies complement their profile as professionals in the long term. Last but not least for LAB and St. John's Academy the successful participation in a mobility project increases the attractiveness of their education and training facilities within Leipzig and beyond.
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"BRAAVOO aims to develop innovative solutions for real-time in-situ measurements of high impact and difficult to measure marine pollutants. The concept of BRAAVOO is based on a unique combination of three types of biosensors, which will enable both the detection of a number of specific marine priority pollutants as well as of general biological effects that can be used for early warning. First, in ...
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Fabrication and Functionalization of BioMedical Microdevices (FaBiMed)

Start date: Sep 2, 2013, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

The aim of FaBiMed proposal is to improve and develop new manufacturing techniques, based on micromoulding, specific for biomedical microdevices. The project will be to reducing the cost of mass production of diagnosis and therapeutic micro devices which have a common problematic: medium sized batches, customization needs, micron-scale geometrical features. These include optofluidic sensors (MIR t ...
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Small Wind Turbine for Urban Environments (WINDUR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

As SMEs in the supply chain of small Wind Turbines (WTs), we have identified an excellent opportunity in the urban submarket. The Small Wind market mainly corresponds to turbines installed in rural and isolated areas. Nevertheless, Urban is by far the largest potential market, as 80% of European population lives in cities and the EU Directive 2010/31/EU on Energy Performance of Buildings requires ...
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The availability of suitable laser sources is one of the key issues for the development of active optical instruments in future earth observation missions. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a semiconductor based laser source to be used as a laser transmitter in a Differential- Absorption LIDAR (DIAL) system for the observation and monitoring of greenhouse gase ...
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The Gene2Farm project will address the needs of the cattle industry, in particular of the SMEs and end users, for an accessible, adaptable and reliable system to apply the new genomic knowledge to underpin sustainability and profitability of European cattle farming. Gene2Farm will undertake a comprehensive programme of work from statistical theory development, through genome sequencing, to address ...
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Online Professional Irrigation Scheduling Expert System (OpIRIS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Increasing water scarcity and environmental concerns have urged the search for solutions for better water management in irrigated agriculture. Precision irrigation is one of these solutions.Technologies have developed potential systems, although effective partnerships have to be fostered between private industry and scientific community to shape up some common and complementary solutions.The proje ...
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People Localization for save ship evacuation during emergency (LYNCEUS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The objective of the Lynceus project is to investigate and demonstrate ultra-low power wireless body-area-network technologies for enabling unobtrusive localisation and tracking of people for onboard and overboard search and rescue as well as for safe evacuation of ships during emergency. The Lynceus technology aims to revolutionise current emergency management and ship evacuation practice throug ...
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Current development models are leading to unprecedented environmental challenges, chief amongst them, climate change. How to respond to these challenges are key research questions. Although they are global problems, their effects are felt locally, especially by the communities that traditionally base their livelihoods in those natural resources. The relevance of these problems at global level has ...
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Recreational water use is usually a very small but growing percentage of total water use and is mostly tied to reservoirs. If a reservoir is kept fuller than it would otherwise be for recreation, then the water retained could be categorized as recreational usage. Recreational usage is usually non-consumptive. The report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), reveals that Europe has so far con ...
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Energy efficiency in the building sector through intelligent energy management is a key measure for the global reduction of greenhouse gas emitted by this sector and additionally facilitates user costs reduction in the context of growing energy prices and harshness of natural resources.The KnoholEM project's aim is the engineering of an intelligent energy management solution that will considerably ...
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"The livestock sector in Europe is facing a problem: The manure it generates cannot all be used as fertiliser because excessive amounts of manure to land can lead to surface and ground water contamination through the accumulation of minerals in the soil, as manure contains high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. The EU has legislated to place severe restrictions on the quantity of organic manure ...
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VEG-i-TRADE provides platforms to identify impacts of anticipated climate change and globalisation on food safety, microbiological and chemical hazards, of fresh produce and derived food products. Control measures of managerial and technological nature will be developed in the supply chain of crop production, post-harvest processing and logistics to minimize food safety risks. The assessment of th ...
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ERA-NET Plus on Materials Research (MATERA+)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The objective of MATERA+ is the launching, management and follow-up of a Joint Call in the field of materials. The project is a direct outcome of the coordination work initiated within ERA-NET on Materials (MATERA 016102) in FP6. MATERA+ takes advantage of the experience gained along the last 3 years in the previous transnational calls carried out in MATERA (MATERA Calls 2006, 2007 and 2008).Mater ...
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Language Technology in the Web (LT-Web)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The goal of LT-Web is to set the foundation for the integration of language technologies into core Web technologies, via the creation of a standard defining three kinds of metadata about: 1) information in Web content being relevant for language technology processing; 2) processes for creating Web content via localisation and content management work flows; 3) language technology applications and r ...
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"In recent years, word of aircraft water quality issues has spread, generating negative media coverage, attracting the attention of regulators worldwide, and giving airline passengers a new cause for concern. Health enforcement agencies are currently in the process of drafting new, more stringent quality regulations for aircraft potable water and the world's other regulators will follow suit.Aircr ...
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The Moorinspect project will bring a step change to the current in-water moor chain inspection systems through the development and introduction of new method for detection of fatigue cracks in the large chain links used in Deepwater offshore facilities.Moorinspect main objective would be to develop a medium range ultrasonic in-water testing technology using Ultrasonic Guided Waves (UGW) method to ...
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"The project aims to continue with some exciting work following up a development in delivering active agents to bivalve molluscs through micro-encapsulation. The early work showed that bacteria with a potential in vitro to break down some algal toxins could be effectively delivered to the gut of the bivalve. The size and nature of the micro-capsule (bead) was shown to be key. The SMEs and Other in ...
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European Middleware Initiative (EMI)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

The European Middleware Initiative is a collaboration of the three major middleware providers in Europe, ARC, gLite and UNICORE, and other consortia. EMI aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components for deployment in EGI, PRACE and other DCIs; extend the interoperability between grids and other computing infrastructures; strengthen the reliability of the services; and establish a su ...
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Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"The Optical Infrared Coordination Network for astronomy brings together all the national and international agencies and organisations which fund, support, develop and operate Europe's facilities for optical and infrared astronomy, both night-time - callsical astronomy- and daytime - solar astronomy. Opticon provides a framework allowing joint action to improve the quality of Europe's infrastructu ...
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Internet of Things Initiative (IoT-i)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important areas of a Future Internet with significant potential to positively impact European economy and society. The current IoT research community is however highly fragmented, featuring diverging approaches and technologies. This inevitably leads to a lack of coherency that hinders the realisation of an interoperable IoT, preventing the IoT to achiev ...
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Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The TAS3 (Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services) proposes an Integrated Project that will develop and implement an architecture with trusted services to manage and process distributed personal information. This architecture will be dependable, robust but at the same time also cost-effective and reliable. The personal information that will be processed and managed can consist of any typ ...
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"SUDEVAB brings together the main producing SMEs and leading RTD Providers from the abalone aquaculture sector in Europe, for a project that will have a significant impact for developing sustainable abalone aquaculture in Europe. Abalone species have been considered potential candidate for aquaculture for a long time, and in recent years, abalone aquaculture in other parts of the world has surged ...
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Description Establishing dynamic links between research and business environmentsCloser alignment and interaction between academia, enterprise and industry as a whole are essential to boost EU socio-economic growth and international competitiveness, especially in innovative fields such as ICT. Within this context, VALUE-IT is aimed at pro ...
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"The goal of the SFERA project is to deliver a complete innovative solution by developing a new Subsurface, Fast internal Engraving and Reading system suitable for Anticounterfeiting applications needed by the pharmaceutical industry. Counterfeiting is a major global problem, with important societal and economic consequences, including the expansion of organised crime, loss of jobs and tax revenue ...
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