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"Electronic spins are usually detected by their interaction with electromagnetic fields at microwave frequencies. Since this interaction is very weak, only large ensembles of spins can be detected. In circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) on the other hand, artificial superconducting atoms are made to interact strongly with microwave fields at the single photon level, and quantum-limited detectio ...
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A Diagonal Approach to CO2 Recycling to Fine Chemicals (CO2Recycling)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Because fossil resources are a limited feedstock and their use results in the accumulation of atmospheric CO2, the organic chemistry industry will face important challenges in the next decades to find alternative feedstocks. New methods for the recycling of CO2 are therefore needed, to use CO2 as a carbon source for the production of organic chemicals. Yet, CO2 is difficult to transform and only 3 ...
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Cancer, the second most common form of death after cardiovascular disease, is a major European health concern. In 2006, 3.1 million new cases were diagnosed and 1.7 million deaths were attributed to cancer within Europe. The European Commission has a “European Partnership for Action against Cancer” (IP/09/1380) with the aim of reducing the number of cancer cases by 15% by 2020. A key challenge is ...
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Understanding electronic correlations remains one of the most important challenges in theoretical condensed matter physics. The interaction-induced metal-to-insulator Mott transition plays a major role in many transition metal oxides, f-electron materials and now in quantum optics. Upon doping or application of a strong electric field, strongly correlated Mott metals emerge from the Mott insulat ...
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"Glassy systems are central in several fields from statistical mechanics and soft matter to material sciences and biophysics and they appear even in completely different areas of science such as information theory, computer science, agent-based models and game theory.The aim of this project is to develop a new, possibly groundbreaking, approach to glassy systems based on the non-perturbative renor ...
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New Directions in Dark Matter Phenomenology at the TeV scale (NEWDARK)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Dark Matter constitutes about 80% of the total matter of the Universe, yet almost nothing is known of its nature: despite the huge experimental and theoretical efforts of the last decades, its true identity is yet to be determined. The recent years and the next few years, however, see several experimental exploratory techniques approaching for the first time the TeV scale, in a multi-faceted attac ...
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"The success of PetaWatt (PW) laser facilities presently under construction, which aim at producing promising particle and light sources from relativistic laser-plasma interactions, will rely on the strong coupling between experiments and large-scale simulations with Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes.Standard PIC codes currently in use fail to accurately describe these new interaction regimes because ...
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SPRITE is a multi-disciplinary European training network which brings together Europe’s premier research institutes in technology and applications of ion beams. Those involved are already actively collaborating, for example in the recently very favourably reviewed EC Infrastructure project SPIRIT.SPRITE addresses the urgent European need - identified in a recent Foresight Review - to train the ne ...
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Non-equilibrium dynamics of soft and active matter (SoftActive)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

"**The joint exchange programme “Non-equilibrium dynamics of soft and active matter” (SoftActive) aims at bringing closer communities of physicists working at the forefront of statistical/nonlinear physics of out-of-equilibrium systems. Although many aspects of this very wide topic will be covered, the project is centered on the dynamics and fluctuations in soft and active matter, a subject of cru ...
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CARbon nanoTube phOtONic devices on silicon (CARTOON)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Primary goal of the proposed research action is the development of a novel strategy for hybridizing silicon based photonic devices, exploiting semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNT) as integrated light source, modulator and detector. Photonics in Information and Communication Technologies is more and more investigated for a broad application domain. These applications require efficient optoelectron ...
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"The storage density of computer hard drives is growing so rapidly that for new computer drive generations not only optimized materials are needed but also new concepts for data storage. Last decades, higher storage densities on computer disks were achieved by optimization of magnetic materials, i.e. the magnetic grains were gradually shrunk while, at the same time, the magnetic stability was incr ...
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Soft Matter at Aqueous Interfaces (SOMATAI)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Soft nanotechnology is generally considered as a field that will have a major impact on technological developments in near future. However, the fundamental understanding of the wealth of new structures lacks far behind, despite supporting activity from material science. Such an understanding is indispensable for sustainable growth of this important research domain and its applications. A physics-o ...
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The long-standing challenge of string theory, confronting the real world, has become more pressing and at the same time tangible in view of the upcoming LHC. Since the low energy limit of the theory is the main stage where predictions can be compared with experimental data, the goal of this project is to develop a new unified framework to formulate, compute and analyze this limit and its phenomeno ...
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Strongly Coupled QCD Matter (QCDMat)

Start date: Aug 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

This project addresses fundamental issues in the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energy, such as the thermodynamics of matter at extremely high temperature, or the dynamics of the dense system of gluons that constitute most of the wave-function of a nucleus at asymptotically high energy. In either case, one is dealing with strongly interacting systems whose description requires the dev ...
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In low-dimensional systems the strength of electronic interactions is enhanced, which can give rise to fascinating phenomena such as charge fractionalization, spin-charge separation and fractional or non-Abelian statistics. Furthermore, the effects of disorder and external factors (such as the substrate, the leads, magnetic fields, or the coupling with a gate or an STM tip), are much stronger in l ...
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The ScaleQIT vision is to "develop a conceptual platform for potentially disruptive technologies, advance their scope and breadth and speed up the process of bringing them from the lab to the real world." ScaleQIT will address the engineering side of quantum information processing (QIP), analyzing and implementing realistic scenarios for scaling-up superconducting hybrid systems for quantum compu ...
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"Advanced solutions to the challenges that confront our technology-based society – from energy and environment to health – are crucially dependent on advanced knowledge of material properties down to the atomic scale. Neutron and Muon spectroscopy offer unique analytical tools for material investigation. They are thus an indispensible building block of the European Research Area and directly addre ...
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The main goal of the project is to develop a new generation of neuroscience tools for electromagnetic measurement and spectroscopy at the neuron level.Spin electronics offers nowadays the possibility to create very sensitive, micrometer-scale magnetic field detectors. Here, we propose to exploit this technological advance to create novel tools for probing neuronal magnetic fields at the cellular l ...
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LASERLAB-EUROPE III is the European Consortium of major Laser Research Infrastructures, forming a FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. Geographically it covers the majority of European member states, following recent efforts to include partners from all over Europe 27. Scientifically, it covers many areas of laser science and applications with particular emphasis on short-pulses and high-inte ...
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Mathematical framework for multiplex networks (PLEXMATH)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The aim of PLEXMATH is that of formulating a brand new mathematical framework for the analysis of multi-level time-dependent complex networks in terms of tensor-like structures, in particular rank-four objects that represent with four indices the most general structure of possible connections. Generally speaking, our goal is similar to that of Maxwell equations when representing the foundation of ...
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Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"This proposal aims at developing a new generation of novel materials for high performance permanent magnets (PM) with energy product 60 kJ/m3 5) nanostructures by environmentally friendly synthesis methods and b) using high-throughput (HT) thin film synthesis and characterization techniques to identify new PM candidate phases. The first strategy, through the control of the nanostructure will le ...
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We propose innovative approaches to electronic quantum noise going from very fundamental topics addressing the quantum statistics of few electrons transferred through conductors to direct applications with the realization of new types of versatile broadband photon detectors based on photon-assisted shot noise. We will develop electron counting tools which will not only allow to full characterizati ...
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Modern Methods for Perturbative Gauge Theories (MM-PGT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Gauge theories are the basis of modern theories of high-energy physics. Perturbative calculations are crucial to developing our quantitative understanding of these theories, as well as seeking new and deeper structures in these theories. Precision higher-order calculations in the SU(3) component of the Standard Model, perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), will be crucial to understanding data ...
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Ultrahigh-Intensity Plasma Optics (PLASMOPT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Ultraintense and ultrashort light pulses have a huge potential for applications, such as the production of very compact particle accelerators. Exploiting this potential requires pushing the characteristics of lasers beyond their present state-of-the-art performances. However, the laser technology used so far is approaching its limits, in particular because of the optical breakdown of conventional ...
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String Theory, QCD and Black Holes (STRING-QCD-BH)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

I intend to use string theory to understand gauge theories in four dimensions, both at strong and weak coupling. This includes describing strongly interacting gauge theories and their metastable vacua using their supergravity and string duals, as well as understanding gauge theories at intermediate coupling via integrability. It also includes using and developing new string-inspired twistor-space ...
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Single particle imaging requires that identical objects would be successively exposed to powerful coherent X-ray pulses, and diffraction `snapshots' collected at unknown object orientations. However determining the orientations of the individual low-signal diffraction patterns and hence reconstructing the diffraction volume require much more signal than available. To circumvent the difficulty, we ...
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Circuit and Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (CCQED)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

This network will bridge two very active disciplines in physics, namely the quantum electrodynamics of atoms or ions strongly interacting with light in resonators, and the emerging field of solid-state superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. Advanced techniques will be developed jointly with industry partners for the manipulation of a deterministic number of particles - atoms, ions or art ...
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Evolutive User-centric Networks for Intraurban Accessibility (EUNOIA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Urban transport is essential for citizens to perform their daily activities, but it also constitutes a major source of pollution. The goal of EUNOIA is to take advantage of smart city technologies and complex systems science to develop new models and tools empowering city governments and their citizens to design sustainable mobility policies.EUNOIA will pursue advances in three complementary direc ...
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Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic InstabilitieS (CRISIS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

In his opening address to the ECB Central Banking Conference, Jean-Claude Trichet said that "in the face of the crisis, we felt abandoned by conventional tools", and went on to call for the development of complex systems based approaches to augment existing ways of understanding the economy. This project proposes to address this need by creating an integrated set of complex systems-based ICT too ...
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The goal of this project is to establish the foundations for the next generation diagnostic magnetic resonance for in-vivo studies of biochemical processes. Magnetic resonance, unlike other techniques, probes in a non-invasive manner the local structure and dynamics of chemical and biological function. Many systems (e.g. organisms) are however heterogeneous and, currently, studies by high-resoluti ...
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Fluid Dynamics and Quantum Gravity (FluiDGravity)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Using and combining the experiences and tools from quantum field theory, gravity and fluid dynamics, the goal of this proposal is to address the challenging task of mapping the Navier-Stokes turbulence problem to a general relativity problem. For this we will study fluctuations of certain d-dimensional geometries at a cutoff surface beyond the linear order, and study the map to the nonlinear fluid ...
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Photon and Neutron Data - Open Data Infrastructure (PanDataODI)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

The PaN-data collaboration brings together eleven large multidisciplinary Research Infrastructures which operates hundreds of instruments used by over 30,000 scientists each year. They support fields as varied as physics, chemistry, biology, material sciences, energy technology, environmental science, medical technology and cultural heritage. Applications are numerous, for example, crystallography ...
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Start date: Jun 18, 2012, End date: Jun 17, 2014,

Magnetoresistance, giant or tunnel, is at the heart of several ‘spintronic’ components, a new branch of electronics based on the spin of the electron with applications in information technology. Because of the never ending drive for miniaturization, spintronics is about to reach the ballistic regime of electronic transport for which spin dependent properties are still not completely understood. Fu ...
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"The study of the transport properties of nanowires grown by bottom-up approaches is a fundamental step toward their technological integration into a real device. Their integration into complex electronic devices by simple and controllable methodologies is the key issue to achieving the evolutionary progress that should permit to improve computers and communication systems such that they offer sup ...
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Advanced studies of atomic and molecular systems require very precise probes with a few Angström space resolution and a few attosecond time resolution. High Harmonic Generation (HHG) satisfies these two requirements in a single tool: during this process, an intermediate step is the formation of an electronic wave packet in the continuum, whose central wavelength and duration perfectly match the sp ...
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Nanoelectronics: Concepts, Theory and Modelling (NanoCTM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The NanoCTM network will tackle major challenges in the theory of nanoelectronics. Ten internationally-leading European theory-of-condensed-matter groups from nine different countries [including one of Europe’s leading industrial electronics-research groups (QinetiQ)] have joined forces as full participants, combining theoretical expertise in nanowires, quantum dots, carbon-based electronics, and ...
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"Worldwide there is great excitement about two new ultrafast XUV/x-ray sources that are presently coming available. Attosecond XUV pulses by high-harmonic generation (HHG) will now allow for the first time to “make movies” of ultrafast electron motion, and thereby to investigate photo-chemical processes beyond the Born-Oppenheimer limit. At the same time, XUV/x-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) base ...
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Start date: Nov 7, 2011, End date: Nov 6, 2013,

"The main scientific aim of the proposed research program is to study the physical properties of unconventional superconductors, in particular those with high superconducting transition temperatures (cuprates and iron-pnictides). The key issues are addressed through intensive team work and a bottom-up approach. This begins with the synthesis and careful characterization of single crystals, continu ...
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Solid State Systems for Quantum Information Processing (SOLID)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The SOLID concept is to develop small solid-state hybrid systems capable of performing elementary processing and communication of quantum information. This involves design, fabrication and investigation of combinations of qubits, oscillators, cavities, and transmission lines, creating hybrid devices interfacing different types of qubits for quantum data storage, qubit interconversion, and communic ...
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"SPIRIT is an Integrating Activities project integrating 7 leading ion beam facilities and 4 research providers from 7 Member States and 1 Associated State. The 7 partners providing TransNational Access supply ions in an energy range from ~10 keV to 100 MeV for modification and analysis of solid surfaces, interfaces, thin films and nanostructured systems. The techniques cover materials, biomedical ...
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