Search for European Projects

6 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Cities Against Social Exclusion (CASE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Cities in the new EU Member States and in Candidate Countries face rapid social and economic restructuring and associated development challenges. A specific problem that merits systematic attention is social exclusion and the associated spatial segregation, which was often fuelled by the dismantling of traditional industries. European cities and regions, therefore, strive to develop effective poli ...
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Speaking is one of the most difficult skills to put into practice when learning a foreign language. Formal second or foreign language acquisition settings do not provide enough room for everyone in the classroom to practice the language. If the learning is done through an online course, speaking is mostly put aside in favour of writing, reading and listening. SpeakApps aims to fill this and other ...
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The project Fostering University Support Services and Procedures for Full Participation in the European Higher Education Area (FUSE) is aimed at developing, at all levels, the capacities of HEIs in Serbia to establish and improve support services and procedures dealing with international cooperation and mobility in line with advanced EU practices. This wider objective will be achieved through the ...
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Euro-Russian Academic Network Plus

Start date: Jul 15, 2012,

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Basierend auf dem was Mitarbeiter ihren Arbeitgebern wert sind, konzentrieren sich die 13 EUROPLACEMENT Partner auf die Entwicklung von fachlichen Kompetenzen von Absolventen, die Bereitstellung von Verfahren für qualitative Berufserfahrung basierend auf den bereits bestehenden Kompetenzen. Dies wird, angepasst an einen integrierten Produkte-Bausatz, übertragen werden können, was die Zusammenarb ...
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