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10 European Projects Found

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Erasmus+ for circular economy

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The project REcircle “Erasmus+ for circular economy” involves 100 students, attending the ultimate years of upper-secondary schools of the province of Ascoli Piceno, who are following training programmes related to the sectors:“Material & Energy” – Technical and professional Institutes with specialisation in Chemistry, Material, Biotechnology, and high schools specialised in applied sciences;“Comm ...
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S.T.Y.LE. - Supporting Traineeships for Young LEarners

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

S.T.Y.LE. - Supporting Traineeship for Young LEarners is a mobility project lasting 24 months, promoted by a National Consortium coordinated by "ISIS Novelli" and composed, apart from it, by the Vocational Institutes "F. Trani", "F. Orioli" and by Essenia UETP. The project foresees the allocation of 50 grants for the realization of traineeships in European companies operating in the Fashion indus ...
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PRO.CO.DE.-PROfessional COmpetences for local Development

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

PRO.CO.DE. (PROfessional COmpetences for local DEevelopment) is a two-year project of international mobility which includes the provision of 48 scholarships to as many new graduates in computers, electronics, aeronautics, aiming at developing training courses lasting 120 days in enterprises located in Spain, Ireland and the United Kingdom.It's proposed by a national consortium of mobility made by ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

CONTEXT: Mobility project for VET learners of three Vocational Training Schools of Murcia: IES "Ramón y Cajal", IES "Carlos III", and IES "Aljada". STUDENTS, NUMBER AND PROFILE: 14 students of different professional families: Administration, Commerce and Marketing, Personal Image, Car electro-mechanics, Image and Sound, Health, and Information and Comunication Technologies. DURATION: 24 months O ...
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Innovazione delle Competenze Tecniche

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

I.C.T. is a mobility project with a training period abroad , for 50 young people, students and new graduates belonging to or coming from Institute in Fuscaldo, of which: - 20 VET students belonging to the 4th and 5th year addressed in the service sector for electronics, information technology, mechanics and energy. Is provided a theoretical and practical internship at Vocational Training Institu ...
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The project GLOCAL 2015 (Grant Opportunities for Learning in european Countries Aimed at promoting local development) fits the local, regional (Campania) context where has arisen which is particularly affected by the problem of youth unemployment. According to ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy, most recent national accounts dat ...
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E.T.E: economy & tecnology in Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The E.T.E project is addressed to students taking part in their initial vocational training in the economic sector (administration, finance and marketing) and tecnology sector ( Construction Environment and Territory) in the region of Tuscany, in particular from the Institute of Secondary Education Salvemini Duca D'Aosta (50 students) and the Institute of Secondary Education Signorelli di Cortona ...
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Training opportUnities for young gRaduated In ARt and Tourism

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Amalfi Coast is an area geared to tourism recognized throughout the world. This should encourage the awareness of its potential among the young generations and of the need to train professionals so that they could make the history and fortunes of the hospitality industry in the area. Also, there is a need to open the way to some places along the winding road of tourism. In an age in which stud ...
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Let's Go! Mobilità Trasnazionali e Formative per i Giovani

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project Let's Go inserts in the wide context of the objectives of Europe 2020 with the aim of integrating policies for education and training in the Strategy, the mandate that the European Union has given to all operators in the sector. Two key aspects of the Strategy: 1) the promotion of a "sustainable, smart and inclusive" economic growth; 2) the reduction of early dropout in charge of young ...
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Students at Work in European Enterprises through Training PLUS

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The SWEET+ proposal is the result of the partnership between Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, the sponsoring body and coordinator of the initiative, 13 proponent entities, 11 host/receiving organizations, and will involve 80 students of the fourth year of some higher vocational technical and professional schools of the province of Novara. Novara is placed at the intersection of two major Pan-Eur ...
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