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Erasmus+ for circular economy
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project REcircle “Erasmus+ for circular economy” involves 100 students, attending the ultimate years of upper-secondary schools of the province of Ascoli Piceno, who are following training programmes related to the sectors:“Material & Energy” – Technical and professional Institutes with specialisation in Chemistry, Material, Biotechnology, and high schools specialised in applied sciences;“Commerce & Communication” – Technical and professional institutes with specialisation in commercial services and high schools specialised in languages and commerce.The choice of exploring the application of the principles of circular economy to these specific sectors, stems from a European (COM868 New competencies for new jobs), national and local (Regional Operational Programme Guidelines 2014-2020) necessity to train dynamic young people to ensure continuous improvement of competencies, developed in response to the new needs of the labour market. These strategic sectors, drivers in guaranteeing sustainability and development of a circular model, are those which performs better in terms of employment and which therefore demonstrate having strong employment prospects at local, national and European level. “REcircle” offers a transnational training experience to sustain an innovative educational offer, with the objective to integrate the institutional training path with a professional training experience of 4 weeks. The mobility experience, to be realised in the period of May to October 2017 in companies in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Finland, Ireland, UK, Czech Republic, Spain, and Portugal, will be carried out through a training on the job modality and will allow the trainees to practice tasks with a direct relevance to their professional profiles. The initiative is of high relevance for the addressed target: the surveys conducted by the Consortium gives an updated description of the students’ situation at their entrance to the academic and/or professional world. They are not fully aware of their knowledge and have scarce capacity of applying it; moreover they report a general lack of operational competencies and little familiarity with the professional world. They show a certain mistrust in respect to their future employment prospective, needing of a concrete solution for how to turn their formal and non-formal educational pathway into practical use.The implementation of training experiences in companies which have adopted circular and sustainable models, will offer the beneficiaries the opportunity to develop proper competences and thus overcoming the above-mentioned aspects. The mobility experience abroad will be accurately prepared before departure, thanks to a linguistic, cultural, pedagogical and professional preparation (OLS, training on health and safety at work place, propaedeutic and sector seminars). The quality of the foreseen activities as well as the recognition, the certification and validation of competencies will be guaranteed by the application of ECVET tools.The expected results, in consideration to the identified needs and objectives are: - Development of communication and linguistic skills and technical-professional competencies of the participants, in respect to the project sectors;- Strengthening of technical professional competences, and the consequent improvement of the professional curriculum, through a certified, recognized and validated professional path;- High quality mobility experiences that can be transferred to the local, cultural and professional local environment: families, social partners and companies, by the participants themselves;- Training experience designed to promote employability of young people and a life-long learning process; - Strengthening the project’s synergies with other initiatives to favour the creation of a permanent network and the realisation of future successful projects, thanks to increased cooperation among schools, companies and social partners, also by the use of common and transparent tools.The following elements reflect an important innovative approach in the way of conceiving, describing and certifying the learning process, contributing in a positive way, at local, national and European level, to the development of a quality culture and institutionalisation of the mobility:- the capitalization of the experience through the active participation of beneficiaries in activities such as vocational guidance and meetings with local companies and social partners;- the active participation of the project in the ECOMONDO fair, with an exhibition space dedicated to the project;- the concept of learning outcomes, developed according to the ECVET system.The promotion of tools such as Europass and ECVET among potential employers, allows to fully valorise the experience and to create solid basis for a greater cooperation, internationalization and transparency of the educational system.

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