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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT: Mobility project for VET learners of three Vocational Training Schools of Murcia: IES "Ramón y Cajal", IES "Carlos III", and IES "Aljada". STUDENTS, NUMBER AND PROFILE: 14 students of different professional families: Administration, Commerce and Marketing, Personal Image, Car electro-mechanics, Image and Sound, Health, and Information and Comunication Technologies. DURATION: 24 months OBJECTIVE: To offer our intermediate level vocational students the opportunity to do their internship abroad in enterprises that will allow them to acquire new professional, personal and linguistic competences. All that would be recognised by the Europass mobility document, which will help them in the labour market. ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION: - Dissemination of the public note announcement of the call - Selection of the candidates - Linguistic support - Cultural awareness of the hosting country - Internship organization - Financial control and documentation management - Management of the mobilities in eTwinning - Implementation of the FCT module (work placement) - Resolution of eventualities that may occur during their stay abroad as independent adult citizens - Ensure recognition of acquired competences and skills - Making a review of their experience to share it with the whole educative community, and at wider levels through the websites of the schools. - Dissemination of the results METHODOLOGY: This will be done with the collaboration of the school staff of the three schools involved. The public note announcement will be made on the schools' websites and on the hall notice boards. Specifically, it will be made public thanks to the tutors, and with informative meetings with the students interested in the mobilities. The selection will be carried out following the criteria established on this form, and with the help of the foreign language departments and the career advisors of the schools. Communication with the students abroad and the mentors in the hosting organizations will be made through eTwinning. The coordination of the project will be made by IES Ramon y Cajal, together with the collaboration of the teachers in charge of the project in the other two schools, using the same safe and free platform. OUTCOMES AND IMPACT: As regards students: - Students highly motivated to improve their linguistic and professional competences. - Improved quality and educational offer of the schools, what will make them more competeitive - Recognition of the competences and skills acquired: Europass - Students more motivated to take part in the future formal/non formal education after the mobility period abroad - Enhanced employability and improved career prospects - Enhanced intercultural awareness - More active participation in society - Better awareness of European projects - Increased sense of initiative and entrepeneurship As regards teachers and organizations: - More international and opened institutions - Increased support and promotion of mobility activities for learners - Enhanced teaching practice thanks to the feedback provided by the students taking part in the mobilities - Increased teacher motivation and satisfaction in their daily work - Broader understanding of practices and systems of education and training in other countries - Improved foreign language competences for the teachers involved - Synergies with other European projects/ educational projects of our schools LONG-TERM BENEFITS: We expect this project to be sustainable in the long run. To do so we will invite the students involved in the mobilities to share their experiences with the rest of students at school taking advantage of the celebrations we hold on 9th May, Europe Day. In the same way, the students' new experience will remain visible for the public on the websites of the schools with interviews or video clips that may encourage other youngsters. The schools will be have a more modern, committed and professional environment, able to integrate new methods and good practice into their daily activities. Thus, we will have a more international impact and will be ready to create synergies with organizations active in different social, educational and employment fields. In the long term the enterprises surrounding us will be more competent and international employing young workers with Erasmus+ experience. This mobility project promotes a flexible approach to learning between formation and education: according to our experience many of these students decide to go on with their higher education formation after the internship abroad and their improved self-steem and self-empowerment.

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