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33 European Projects Found

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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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aGent Oriented Zero Defect Multi-stage mANufacturing (GO0D MAN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Multi-stage manufacturing, which is typical in important industrial sectors such as automotive, house hold appliance and semiconductor manufacturing just to name few, is inherently complex. The main idea of GO0D MAN project is to integrate and combine process and quality control for a multi –stage manufacturing production into a distributed system architecture built on agent-based Cyber-Physical S ...
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Designstem: integrated design + STEM education

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Design-intensive industries play a vital role in the EU economy. The European Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe; raise awareness of how design-driven innovation increases efficiency in public services and drives business growth; create capacity and competencies to deliver these policies ( ...
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Advanced Use of Learning Technologies in Higher Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Until now established LMS are rather a database for files like Power Point, PDF or Word than used in a sophisticated way. The consortium reviewed multiple studies which are dealing with this issue and the reasons why lecturer at the Universities use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) only very basically. The main barriers the consortium could identify in these surveys are the following: (1) time, ...
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The project entitled Building Bridges: Promoting Social Inclusion and Wellbeing for Families of Children with Special Needs (PSI_WELL) proposes an innovative approach aimed to facilitate social inclusion and wellbeing for families confronting with disabled children through adult education for parents. The project is addressing to the specific needs of families parenting children with special needs ...
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Student Profile for Enhancing Engineering Tutoring

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

This project goal emerges from the potential synergy among a) the huge amount of academic data actually existing at the academic departments of faculties and schools, and b) the maturity of data science in order to provide algorithms and tools to analyse and extract information from what is more commonly referred to Big Data. A rich picture can be extracted from this data if conveniently processe ...
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PERFoRM - Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery aims to the conceptual transformation of existing Production Systems towards plug&produce production systems in order to achieve a flexible manufacturing environments based on rapid and seamless reconfiguration of machinery and robots as response to operational or business events.These objectives require research acti ...
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E-Learning from Nature

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The project rationale is deeply rooted in the long lasting effort of European policies in addressing the underachievements in basic skills as far as scientific issues are concerned. The "Council conclusions on increasing the level of basic skills in the context of European cooperation on schools for the 21st century" stated that "A good level of reading literacy and numeracy, together with a solid ...
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Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood (SIMWOOD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"SIMWOOD presents a novel idea for an innovative, integrated approach to multifunctional forestry and enhanced wood mobilisation across European forest regions. The project targets a multitude of forest owners and stakeholders to spread integrated, transferable solutions and viable policies to unlock immobile forest resources and ensure sustainable forest functions. A novel pan-European Informatio ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Chemical engineering and technology are the foundation of innovative fields such as: nanotechnology, biotechnology, and also modern technologies of medicine production. The growing demand for innovative products makes the demand for chemical engineering and technology specialists growing as quickly as the development of our civilisation. To fulfil these requirements, it is necessary to analyse and ...
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In response to the effects of the economic crisis, curtailed public budgets and the magnitude of future challenges, social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility (CSR) emerge as a key policy priority in the EU. They are sources of social innovation and a contributing factor to building up the innovation capacity and competitiveness of EU economies. This turns them into increasingly c ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

An incentive strategy to promote the mobility of apprentices in Midi-Pyrenees, Region leads an incentive policy to encourage the mobility of apprentices in Midi-Pyrenees. It affects around 500 apprentices each year and the Regional Assembly voted again for 2015, an amount of € 350,000 from its budget, to encourage the mobility of the public. To boost this policy, the region received significant su ...
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Discipline Echange Mobilité Expérience Transfert Europe Ressources

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Ecole nationale de formation agronomique (ENFA) is a higher education institution under administrative supervision of the French Ministry of Agriculture. The ENFA has 156 employees (civil servants and professors). Initial and continuous training of employees from public agricultural technical and vocational institutions constitutes the main activities of ENFA. It's the only french HEI in char ...
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The TRADEIT project is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers in the areas of Collaboration, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Technology Transfer to increase the competitiveness and inter-regional advantage of Traditional Food Producing SMEs. This will be achieved through focused regional coordination ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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EXPeriential EDUcation COMpetence

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project rose from the needs to meet the requirements of the modern world via developing and implementing innovative educational practices related to experience-based pedagogical approach educating children aged 3-12. The project outcomes target at strengthening professional profile of already working educators and students - future teachers by developing pedagogical guidelines on experientia ...
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The partnership between CFPPA (agricultural training center for adults) of Toulouse Auzeville and of Moissac and Albi has proven their worth in the context of three Leonardo Da Vinci PMT programs: use of all mobility activities allocated and satisfaction of participants and partners. These three institutions want to carry on this partnership in order to offer their interns a foreign vocational tra ...
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Mobilité européenne pour les enseignants et CPE agricoles

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Chapter 1, article L811-1, of the Livre VIII of the French Code Rural ensures the international cooperation as one of the 5 missions of the agricultural education system. Moreover, this system is concerned by contemporary and European subjects as professional inclusion of young workers, well trained and open-minded towards an international labor market. The training of youth is directly conne ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The Erasmus project that finished now its part of the internationalization policy of the Institute Polytechnic of Bragança (IPB). It's our desire that most part of the students currently studying at IPB can take part in the Erasmus programme mobility. IPB covers all the areas that we teach so all the students have the same opportunity to have a study period mobility. Every year we disseminate the ...
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Establecimiento de una red transfronteriza de experimentación y transferencia de tecnología en el sector agropecuario y agroindustrial. Creación de una plataforma digital de transferencia de tecnología a través de las TIC en el sector agropecuario y agroindustrial. Fomento de la diversificación y la diferenciación de las producciones agropecuarias y agroindustriales para mejorar la competitividad ...
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The GRACE main objective is to realize a cooperative multi agent system (MAS) operating at all stages of a manufacturing system, integrating process control with quality control, for developing: - self-adaptive procedures into control and diagnostic systems at local and global level handling variation in process set-point and variables and unplanned fluctuations of process/product parameters; - su ...
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OBJETIVOS: Cambiar el actual modelo constructivo por un modelo bioclimático más sostenible, ambiental y económicamente, disminuyendo la demanda energética de los edificios y poniendo en valor la Diversidad Bioconstructiva y el Patrimonio Bioclimático transfronterizo. ACCIONES: Estudio de la Diversidad Bioconstructiva y Modelización de Soluciones Bioclimáticas. Incorporación de Resultados a la Norm ...
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OBJETIVOS: Las ZOONOSIS, son enfermedades comunes al hombre y los animales. Se pretende establecer mapas epidemiológicos entre las afectaciones de ambas poblaciones, con el fin de evaluar los factores de riesgo e implementar un programa divulgativo y de prevención entre la población sensible. ACCIONES: Análisis y grabación de los datos en plataforma informática común. Realización de estudios epide ...
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OBJETIVOS: 1. Prospección y caracterización de material vegetal tradicional de Castilla y León y Alto Tras os Montes, así como evaluación de sus posibilidades comerciales. / 2. Definir y proponer en base a sus características y a su adecuada adaptación a las zonas objeto del proyecto la utilización de nuevas especies y/o variedades agrícolas para la obtención de productos de alto valor añadido. De ...
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OBJETIVO: Creación de centros de difusión y apoyo a proyectos energéticos, realización de acciones de fomento del ahorro en empresas y edificios públicos, diseño estratégico de un sistemas de producción de energía distribuida y valoración de potencial de cultivos energéticos.ACCIONES: Creación de centros de difusión y apoyo a proyectos energéticos, realización de acciones de fomento del ahorro en ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

OBJETIVO: Establecer las estructuras y acciones necesarias para desarrollar una Plataforma informática común que permita el flujo transfronterizo de información relacionada con la sanidad animal, la gestión de los riesgos sanitarios, como instrumento garante de la salud pública, la sanidad animal y los recursos económicos agropecuarios. ACCIONES: Desarrollo de una Plataforma informática de consult ...
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The La MANCHE project is implemented by a consortium of 6 EU partners (from 5 countries) and 23 HEIs from 5 Partner Countries (PCs). The project’s overall objective is to promote the modernization of PCs’ higher education (HE) by building governance and management capacities at PC HEIs and initiating sustainable dialogue on HE reforms among relevant interest groups. Specific objectives are:- to ma ...
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Chemistry Is All Around Network

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

CONTEXTThe project idea relies on the evidence of common needs in Europe related to the insufficient diffusion of scientific culture and awareness, that starting from the school level (primary and secondary education) affects all levels of educational systems.The Chemistry Is All Around Us project n° N° 167126-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-KA1-KA1ECETB aiming to develop common European strategies to promote Lif ...
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The project will develop innovative training programs based on the use of web-based geographical information system (GIS) technologies related to natural heritage, aimed at university students and researchers involved in earth sciences. The project will produce an integrated on-line spatial database with a range of topographical and geographical data. The system will act as an information-renderin ...
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The project will develop innovative training programs based on the use of web-based geographical information system (GIS) technologies related to natural heritage, aimed at university students and researchers involved in earth sciences. The project will produce an integrated on-line spatial database with a range of topographical and geographical data. The system will act as an information-renderin ...
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