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37 European Projects Found

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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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Background EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is an EU-level management tool designed to help registered organisations enhance their environmental performance and credibility. The EMAS scheme operates through incentives that reward organisations that make commitments to sustainability. The European Commission has initiated a process to improve and sim ...
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LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow (LEGATO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources avail ...
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The overall objective of Bin2Grid concept is to promote segregated collection of food waste as energy source, conversion to biogas, and its upgrading to biomethane and utilization in associated network of filling stations.To that end, accent will be given to defining strategies for establishing efficient network of food and beverage waste collection methods and practices. Also, whole range of food ...
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M.IN.D - Marketing, Internationalization & Development

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The "MIND - Marketing, Internationalization & Development" project aims to: • carry out a process of transnational cooperation to analyse, design, test, validate and disseminate a European framework for the qualification of the Vocational profile of International Marketing Manager to: a) support SMEs to define internationalisation processes to define strategies to choose the foreign country/market ...
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PPI4Waste is based on an integrated approach which will permit to define needs, targets, improvement of functional performances, and monitor the complete cycle of preparation activities for PPI process to be implemented in the waste sector, while making know-how on procedures for innovation procurement widely available through the establishment of buyer’s group, making state-of-the-art solutions a ...
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Background According to the national ministry of agriculture, food and the environment, around 121 746 hectares were under rice cultivation in Spain in the 2011-12 agricultural season. One of the main environmental challenges of rice cultivation is the management of the organic waste material known as ‘rice straw’. Burning the rice stubble in the fie ...
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DAREED aims at delivering an ICT service platform (and some specific tools) to foster energy efficiency and low carbon activities at neighbourhood, city and district level. Project results will be validated via pilots in three (3) different countries and contexts, thus granting the possibility to generalise results and ensuring replicability throughout Europe and beyond.The key success factor for ...
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"The European Commission has placed a firm wager on an "industrial renaissance" in which SMEs are to play a leading role. Within this context, the role the new Community instruments have assigned to the Enterprise Europe Network, as a European-wide network of entities integrated into regional innovation systems, is that of being the lever and driving force for innovation management capacities in S ...
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In the European Union, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the food sector are increasingly under pressure due to developing open markets, increasing demand of standardized and price competitive food products by the consumers, rising importance of large retailers and challenges in obeying governmental regulations. This raises the risk of losing many traditional foods as well as traditional proc ...
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"The European Commission has placed a firm wager on an "industrial renaissance" in which SMEs are to play a leading role. Within this context, the role the new Community instruments have assigned to the Enterprise Europe Network, as a European-wide network of entities integrated into regional innovation systems, is that of being the lever and driving force for innovation management capacities in S ...
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Objetivos principales :La propuesta tiene como objetivo general mejorar la competitividad de los puertos y gestores de terminales de Andalucía oriental y costa norte-oriental de Marruecos a través de la optimización de la gestión del flujo de mercancías ro-ro en las áreas portuarias.Acciones del proyecto:Análisis de la situación inicial en métodos y tecnologías utilizados por puertos de Andalucía ...
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Emprendimiento sostenible Espana-Marruecos (EMPREMAR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Objetivos principales:Proporcionar a emprendedores españoles y marroquíes un entorno de trabajo y de relaciones para la generación o lanzamiento ideas de negocio aplicando sostenibilidad, creatividad e innovación en un contexto transfronterizo.Acciones del proyecto:ACTIVIDAD 1.PUESTA EN MARCHA: Puesta en marcha e identificación del estado de situación,Análisis y caracterización del emprendimiento ...
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AGRO+ pretende crear, en el marco de un escenario de cooperación hispano-marroquí, el entorno adecuado para definir estrategias competitivas de innovación e integración empresarial en el sector agroalimentario y generar capacidades en las empresas para la mejora de su competitividad. ...
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El objetivo general del proyecto consiste en diagnosticar y evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente la situación energética en Andalucía y el Norte de Marruecos así como su potencial crecimiento, definiendo el marco de actuación que ayude a fomentar el desarrollo de sistemas de energía solar termoeléctrica y microrredes eléctricas mediante la colaboración de las entidades de referencia en dicho se ...
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Dinamización socioeconómica y empresarial fomentando el desarrollo de la cultura por la calidad, el medio ambiente y la seguridad y salud en el trabajo en las empresas de las Provincias de Cádiz y Málaga y el Norte de Marruecos a través de formación y Asistencia Técnica a empresas. ...
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Aumentar la competitividad y promocionar el uso eficiente de energías renovables entre las empresas del sector turístico andaluz y marroquí a través de la evaluación y mejora de los aspectos ambientales y energéticos asociados a sus actividades y/o servicios. ...
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BAT4MED is a 33-month project, whose main objective is to ensure a higher level of environmental protection of the Mediterranean region, minimising the negative impacts associated to the activity key industrial sectors.To that aim, the possibilities for and impact of diffusion of the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control approach to the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) will be assess ...
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Background Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up a large part of Europe’s economy. All but 1% of Europe's companies are SMEs, and SMEs generate 57% of economic activity in the EU. SMEs thus have a primary role to play in shifting the European economy to more sustainable production and consumption patterns. SMEs invest in innovation but thei ...
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El objetivo del proyecto OiLCA es mejorar la competitividad del sector del aceite de oliva en el Espacio SUDOE reduciendo el impacto ambiental de la producción mediante la aplicación de los principios de la eco-eficiencia. Se pretende implementar alternativas en la gestión de los residuos con tecnología de vanguardia que tenga en cuenta aspectos económicos y, a la vez, favorezca la modernización d ...
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Eco-Design for Eco-Innovation: the Green-Car case (Green-Car Eco-Design)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

El objetivo del proyecto Green-Car Eco-Design es la inclusión de la variable ambiental en la etapa de diseño (UNE 150301) de los componentes principales del vehículo eléctrico, y aumentar el conocimiento de su impacto ambiental a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. De esta forma, se proporcionará un valor añadido a los mismos, al reconocerlos como fabricados con un menor impacto ambiental y garantizando ...
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Life Cycle Assessment for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EnerBuiLCA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

El objetivo último del proyecto EnerBuiLCA es fomentar la sostenibilidad en la construcción y rehabilitación de edificios, ya sean de viviendas o de uso terciario o industrial. Para ello, se plantea el desarrollo de una herramienta destinada a realizar el análisis de ciclo de vida de edificios existentes o de nueva construcción, permitiendo identificar las mejores soluciones en términos de eficien ...
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Western Internationalisation Network Atlantic (WINAtlantic)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 29, 2011,

The goal of this project is to help redirect the economies of regions in the Atlantic Area and develop their endogenous regional potential, by implementing an action to stimulate the internationalization of Innovative Start-ups and SMEs (ISS) in these territories. Achievements: ...
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El proyecto HYRREG persigue desarrollar y definir una hoja de ruta, contemplando la especificidad de las regiones del SUDOE, para implantar la economía del hidrógeno, introduciendo el hidrógeno en los sistemas energéticos europeos. Asimismo, se pretende facilitar y promover el lanzamiento de proyectos de cooperación tecnológica (entre empresas y centros de investigación y universidades) gracias a ...
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Cluster Virtuel de la créativité entrepreneuriale (CREA- BUSINESS-IDEA)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Este proyecto pretende crear un entorno favorable para la aparición y puesta en marcha de ideas de negocio innovadoras en cada una de las regiones participantes, a través de acciones que fomenten el trabajo en red y permitan la aparición natural de un Cluster Virtual de Creatividad Empresarial. Este Cluster debe entenderse como un instrumento que impulse y desarrolle nuevas técnicas de trabajo y n ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

L’objectif du projet ARISTHOT - Sciences en Méditerranée est de développer des solidarités culturelles dans le bassin méditerranéen en facilitant l’accès pour tous à un héritage commun. Les Sciences ont toujours été source d’échanges dans le bassin Méditerranéen, c’est pourquoi il semble nécessaire de médiatiser ces relations de toujours en constituant un corpus textuel et iconographique sur les S ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Initiation dun partenariat, par le biais des centres de transfert de technologies, entre tous les acteurs tant scientifiques que techniques travaillant sur les procédés de transformation des produits de base de lalimentation méditerranéenne, au regard de lavancée des connaissances en matière de nutrition, de sécurité alimentaire et denvironnement. Il sagit donc avant tout de mettre en réseau des p ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

O objetivo geral deste projecto é duplo, por um lado aglutinar e coordenar a informação sobre as diversas iniciativas regionais, de forma a que o empreendedor tecnológico, tenha acessível a informação sobre procedimentos e ajudas para a concretização do seu projecto empresarial; por outro, promover a criação de empresas de base tecnológica no SUDOE, de forma a que se apresente o auto emprego em ár ...
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The overall goal of this project is to establish the bases to become regions of excellence (regions that have a proven record in competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development and social cohesion through implementation of a common methodology for managing scientific and technical knowledge and innovation at the regional level). Five major goals have been identified for the project: ·Eva ...
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MED-DIET-NET : Mediterranean Dietetic Networks (MED-DIET-NET)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

« MED-DIET-NET » a pour but de créer un réseau de centres de compétences de transfert de technologies sur lalimentation méditerranéenne. Le projet vise ainsi à améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire du pourtour méditerranéen dans la perspective de la zone de libre-échange de 2010, et à lui apporter un outil de veille technologique, de manière à accroître ses performa ...
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The Process of Bologna calls for an urgent reform the higher education system so that universities may become motors of change and innovation. One strategic action is the curricula reform to tailor them with the requests coming from the labour market (cfr. Comm. "New skills for new jobs").Nevertheless, relevant weaknesses are still detectable. The programmes of most EU universities are still root ...
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EMILIE will strenghten SMEs innovation capacities in the field of energy efficiency in tertiary sector buildings, identifing innovative technologies and know-how extending MED SMEs market positions and leveraging private investments. The project finds its roots in the need to overcome barriers and gaps detected by MARIE and ELIHMED startegic projects in the field of supporting innovation in MED SM ...
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An international consortium composed of a variety of institutions, from international radiance non-profit organisations to SMEs to training institutions has decided to join forces and prepare the INT-SME project, . The INT-SME project will offer an online e-learning platform for SMEs, individual entrepreneurs, managers of start-ups or BIC tenants where the training material will not be traditional ...
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LeanXeur aims at providing cost-effective, high quality and accessible lean training (lean is a concept concerned with increased competitiveness and productivity for businesses) aimed particularly at SME employees within the component manufacturing, food and engineering product-supply sectors. The project addresses a recognised difficulty for small companies with regards to individual competitiven ...
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The project addresses the design of energy policies/strategies in the Med for cost-optimized utilization of RES and it involves optimizing smart energy management schemes, in particular net metering, to provide an economically sustainable alternative to government FIT subsidies. With the highest solar resource in Europe, the region is one of the first to see PV electricity reach grid parity. In li ...
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Based on the 'LEAN' and Value Stream Management (VSM) methodologies/principles of adding value and eliminating waste in business, which are commonly applied to large organisations, this project adapts and develops these methods for application to SMEs (initially in the polymer/plastics industry). The project's Value Stream Management for SMEs (VSMlite) will develop SME-specific tools to enable SME ...
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The project will develop a training package and undergo a series of training workshops with regard to Training SMEs for e-Business.A course of continuing training in e-Business will be developed covering topics such as; Information Systems, Electronic Communication, Operational Management and Information & Project Management, to be presented through a variety of learning environments to include pr ...
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