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24 European Projects Found

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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

"R2π examines the shift from the broad concept of a Circular Economy (CE) to one of a Circular Economy Business Models (CEBM), by tackling both market failure (business, consumers) and policy failure (conflicts, assumptions, unintended consequence). Its innovation lies in having a strong business-focus, examining stimuli beyond environmental goals (including ICT and eco-innovation), and in examini ...
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The FIRSTRUN project advances the theoretical and practical debates on the effective mechanisms of fiscal policy coordination. It analyzes the very reason why fiscal policy coordination may be needed in the first place, namely cross-country externalities (spillovers) related to national fiscal policies. Specifically, it identifies different types of spillover effects, investigates how they work in ...
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Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe (STYLE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The overriding aim of this project is to conduct a comparative EU wide analysis on youth unemployment that is sensitive to gender, ethnic and class differences and the historical legacies of multi-level institutions shaping relevant policies.This aim will be achieved through 10 objectives organized around 12 research, management, dissemination and scientific coordination work packages.There are th ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The starting point for MOPACT is the ambitious goals set by Horizon 2020 and the European Innovation Partnership Pilot Project on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA). Our response is ambitious too: we aim to provide the research and practical evidence upon which Europe can make longevity an asset for social and economic development. MOPACT will create a high quality, multi-disciplinary critical mas ...
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Think Dance-4 is 6 weeks EVS project which gathers 30 volunteers from different countries for UNESCO 17.International Bodrum Dance Festival in may 2016. By this project we aim to increase awareness among young people on European Opportunities and increase the visibility of our festival in Europe.Social Media management,dance choreographies,short film making,photography,youth information are some o ...
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The objective of NEUJOBS is to imagine future, or rather various possible futures, under the conditions of the socioecological transition (and incorporating other key influences), map the implications for employment overall, but also in key sectors and relevant groups and integrate all of this together under a single intellectual framework. It will do so by combining EU-wide studies based on exist ...
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Bringing closer ESPON evidence for decision making (ESPON on the Road)

Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

AimThe ESPON 2013 Programme has produced a lot of results and the applied research, targeted analyses, scientific tools and publications provide a huge pool of knowledge that can be actively used in decision making. The project aims at strengthening the bridge between ESPON knowledge and local reality by bringing ESPON results closer to potential users. The project shall provide a platform for dis ...
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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

USESPON is about capitalization of European perspective on territorial development and cohesion by encouraging the use of work and findings from the ESPON 2013 Programme. The aim is to create awareness and sense of ownership amongst key stakeholders in respect of use of methods and tools developed within the current programme. The strategy is to draw on and share work done in four previous and ong ...
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"Free and independent media are vital for the workings of democratic systems. Media structures which are free of interference from government, business or other social groups, and in which access of diverse views and opinions is effectively guaranteed, support democratic debate and sustain citizens’ active involvement in political and civic life.Given the strong interconnection between politics, b ...
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The primary objective of this research project is to produce a comprehensive study on the impact of market services on aggregate economic growth in the EU and its comparative performance relative to competitor regions, especially the US. The research is divided into three areas: Productivity and its drivers in service industries; Firm strategies in the knowledge-based economy and Internationalisat ...
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"The objective of the INDICSER project is to develop indicators which provide information on the performance of service sectors in the EU. At the heart of the project are concerns that such indicators should be valid in terms of concepts, measurement methods and feasibility but should also have value in terms of their usefulness for policy. Therefore the approach adopted is to include both an EU-w ...
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BalticSupply (BS) is a transnational project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Programme. The project addresses the problem that very often markets in the BSR are too small and the fact that SMEs encounter a number of access barriers to European supply markets. These barriers cause competitive disadvantages for Baltic SMEs and th ...
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ESPON in Integrated Territorial Strategies (INTERSTRAT)

Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Feb 29, 2012,

The aim of this project is to encourage and facilitate the use of ESPON findings in the creation and monitoring of integrated territorial development strategies and to support transnational learning about the actual and potential contribution of ESPON to integrated policy-making. Its focus is active learning, using ESPON analysis and related data in the development of integrated territorial develo ...
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"It is widely recognised that intellectual assets are major determinants of the generation of innovation and thus in the enhancement of growth, employment and competitiveness of the EU. The importance of R&D and innovation is also explicitly acknowledged in the “Lisbon process”. However, our knowledge of the contribution of intangibles to economic performance is still incomplete. While firms undou ...
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Historically, mountain regions located in remote border areas were often marginalised. They separate countries and peoples and face huge challenges regarding spatial development. However, mountain regions can also become powerful unifiers and a link between nations and peoples. As experiences, for example in the Alps, demonstrate, mountains have a considerable potential for development if the rich ...
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Integrating Logistics Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region (InLoC)

Start date: Jul 31, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

As a follow up of the project NeLoC projecz InLoc aimed at further improvement of the networking between logistics centres, ports and other logistics operators in the Baltic Sea Region. The project also analysed spatial and environmental consequences of logistics centres and aimed at removing bottlenecks in port-hinterland connections. Furthermore, the project tried to improve the compatibility of ...
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Spatial aspects of the Information Society (Information Society)

Start date: Jun 9, 2005, End date: Mar 18, 2007,

The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the liberalisation of the telecom sector have given a growing number of people the possibility to access to all type of information and also have contributed to promote the communication among citizens, businesses and public administrations, removing the constraints of time, place and distance, making the world a "global vill ...
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The Cloud is a major technological breakthrough with huge potential for education. It allows students and their tutors/teachers to interact productively in formal and informal education situations. Hosted Cloud communities mean that learners themselves can become creators and developers. Laptops and tablets will be everywhere, eBooks will replace text books as a normal part of classroom learning. ...
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To support the creation of stable cooperation between youth NGO’s and the communities in which they work that lead to more young people taking part in public life in their communities, the planned TC “Youth Caravan 2012 – Promoting Youth Participation in Europe’’ will give its participants the necessary knowledge and set of practical skills to promote youth participation, civic activism and volunt ...
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Youth photo games

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Training Course "Youth photo games" from 1st to 9th June 2012 is about promotion of voluntarism using creative photography as a method for social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities.Venue: Sremski Karlovci, SerbiaThe type of project: Training Course, Sub - Action 3.1The theme is promotion of voluntarism values and inclusion of excluded youth groups through photography.Target group on our t ...
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There is a growing recognition around the world, seeing SMEs as a challenge in sustainability debate. SMEs have been seen as subjects unconcerned by environmental and social issues. The EC has published a report "Opportunity and Responsibility: How to help SMEs to integrate social and environmental issues into what they do". The report is clear about education and training: "Attention should be gi ...
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... aimed to develop skills and enhance self employability by creating connections between VET, education and labour market by working with transnational partners (public and private vocational training institutes, SMEs and Organisations and Foundations active in the support for self employability)in the sector of Creative enterprises and Cultural Assets and Heritage. It was generally agreed that th ...
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According to UNAIDS estimates, around 2.2 million people were living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia at the end of 2007. Estimated HIV prevalence varies from below 0.1% in parts of Central Europe to above 1% in parts of the Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Against this background our partners are deliberately chosen to come from some of the most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS countries: Armenia, Azerbaija ...
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