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ST-ART APP Interactive learning space for developing enterpreneurial skills in cultural assets and heritage

In the current EU economic climate research indicates a critical need to respond creatively to VET training and up skilling requirements. Through the adaptation and integration of innovative contents and results of a LLP Project, I-CAMPUS, ST-ART APP aimed to develop skills and enhance self employability by creating connections between VET, education and labour market by working with transnational partners (public and private vocational training institutes, SMEs and Organisations and Foundations active in the support for self employability)in the sector of Creative enterprises and Cultural Assets and Heritage. It was generally agreed that the successful promotion of the cross-curricular key competences, transversal skills and attitudes required a different, non-traditional pedagogic approach and changes in school organisation and management culture. Thanks to the high quality of the Consortium composed by Partners from 6 EU Countries (IT,EL,UK,DK,HU,PT) and Croatia, the project aimed to provide the target groups, youngsters and entrepreneurs that wanted to approach business in Creative enterprises and Cultural Assets and Heritage sector, with tools that allowed them to start up and continue in business in the sector of Creative enterprises and Cultural Assets and Heritage. Direct beneficiaries acquired transversal capabilities and skills such as critical thinking, creativity, sense of initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision-making and constructive management of feelings. ST-ART APP allowed organisations of the vocational education sector to work with partners from across Europe, exchanging best practices, and increasing their staff expertise. Attending the planned activities, Partners analysed firstly the needs of the target group and therefore in which way the innovative contents of I-Campus have been adapted to the needs of the target groups. Partners debated the results in a Round Table and worked together for creating new support for delivering a user friendly set of key-skills. By running this action, the consortium delivered a transferable VET skills set with the aim to build capacity, employability and opportunities in entrepreneurship in Creative enterprises and Cultural sector for all across the EU. The tools have been tested in the Workshop and experimented in partner countries. In order to create awareness about the results achieved, a series of dissemination and visibility activities have been organized: 7 National Seminaries and a Final Open day. The long term impact of this project is to promote the self-employability culture, increasing in the meantime the internationalisation of the providers of VET, developing a true example of interactive and effective didactic tool for indirect beneficiaries, trainers of VET.
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9 Partners Participants