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Federation for FIRE Plus (Fed4FIREplus)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The Fed4FIRE+ project has the objective to run and further improve Fed4FIRE’s “best-in-town” federation of experimentation facilities for the Future Internet Research and Experimentation initiative. Federating a heterogeneous set of facilities covering technologies ranging from wireless, wired, cloud services and open flow, and making them accessible through common frameworks and tools suddenly op ...
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Enabling flexible integrated circuits and applications (FLICs)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Thin-film transistor technologies are present in many products today that require an active transistor backplane e.g. flat-panel displays and flat-panel photodetector arrays. Unipolar n-type transistors based on amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (a-IGZO) as semiconductor is currently the most promising technology for next generation products demanding a high-performant, low power transistor, ma ...
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Photonic Integrated Circuits Assembly and Packaging Pilot Line (PIXAPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

PIXAPP will establish the world’s first open access Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) assembly & packaging Pilot Line. It combines a highly-interdisciplinary team of Europe’s leading industrial & research organisations. PIXAPP provides Europe’s SMEs with a unique one-stop-shop, enabling them to exploit the breakthrough advantages of PIC technologies. PIXAPP bridges the ‘valley of death’, providing ...
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The main objective of SPICE is to realize a novel integration platform that combines photonic, magnetic and electronic components. Its validity will be shown by a conceptually new spintronic-photonic memory chip demonstrator with 3 orders of magnitude higher write speed and 2 orders of magnitude lower energy consumption than state-of-the-art spintronic memory technologies. This enables, e.g., futu ...
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Chemistry is fundamental to nanotechnology, as chemistry can prepare specifically tailored molecules to serve, in a bottom-up approach, as the building blocks for the fabrication of functional and structured nano-materials. Nanotechnology is the technology of the 21st century with applications from electronics to biotechnology and medicine. The next decade will thus be characterized by an increasi ...
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The InSCOPE project will set-up an open access pilot line service for Hybrid TOLAE (H-TOLAE) technologies capable of sampling products at TRL6-7. It positions itself in between R&D and industry and deploys a service for validating potential H-TOLAE products. Manufacturing progresses beyond R&D level (TRL5 towards 6) by improving processes, functionality and reliability allowing sampling at high qu ...
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Capacitive Identification Tokens (CAPID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Almost every person in Europe now has access to a connected touch device and the creation of new capacitive sensing devices has become easy and cost effective. Building on this, the CAPID project wants to develop ‘c-tokens’, that interact with these touchscreen and capacitive readers. C-tokens are thin and flexible, metal-oxide tags, integrated in paper and plastic products. The tags will send a d ...
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From government to consumer applications, personal identification is an ever increasing concern and demand. Fingerprints are the oldest and the most reliable features to be used because of their singularity and inalterability. The main goal of the PYCSEL project is to develop a low cost thin and large area fingerprint sensing surface enabling the personal identification via the development of a TO ...
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Orchestration and Reconfguration Control Architecture (ORCA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

ORCA offers experimentation facilities to promote wireless innovation in several market segments, including manufacturing, automotive industry, healthcare, ambient assistant living, public events, home automation, and utilities. Within the manufacturing market, for instance, application requirements vary from very low latency, up to real-time 3D video-driven interaction between collaborative robot ...
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The MIRPHAB (Mid InfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications) consortium will establish a pilot line to serve the growing needs of European industry in the field of analytical micro-sensors. Its main objectives are to:• provide a reliable supply of mid-infrared (MIR) photonic components for companies incl. in particular SMEs already active in analytic ...
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Photonics is essential in today’s life science technology. PIX4life will mature a state of the art silicon nitride (SiN) photonics pilot line for life science applications in the visible range and pave the way to make it accessible as an enabler for product development by a broad range of industrial customers. We aim at 1) establishing a validated CMOS compatible SiN technology platform in the vis ...
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End-user and societal acceptance is critical to the success of the IoT large scale pilots. U4IoT combines complementary RRI-SSH expertise encompassing social and economic sciences, communication, crowdsourcing, living labs, co-creative workshops, meetups, and personal data protection to actively engage end-users and citizens in the large scale pilots. It will: • Develop toolkit for LSPs end-user e ...
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AQUARIUS proposes disruptive improvements in laser based water sensing employing MIR quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). It is motivated byi) the EC Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) where hydrocarbons are identified as priority hazardous substances,ii) the industrial and regulatory need for fast and continuous detection of contaminants and iii) the current state-of-the-art of measuring these subs ...
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Advanced aRchitectures for ultra-thin high-efficiency CIGS solar cells with high Manufacturability (ARCIGS-M)This project´s goal is advanced materials and nanotechnologies for novel CIGS PV device architectures with efficiencies ≥ 23.0 %, thus beyond that of the current state-of-the-art technologies. The technology targets the BIPV sector and enables several innovative solutions for BIPV.The novel ...
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"Metastasis is responsible for > 90% of cancer-related deaths. Billions of dollars have been spent trying to cure primary tumors but very little was spent in trying to detect or kill the highly aggressive tumor cells that cause disease spreading. One of the reasons is that single cell studies of rare cells in blood still present a large challenge. Single cell analysis remains tedious with many d ...
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Current practice is such that a production system is designed and optimized to execute the exact same process over and over again. The planning and control of production systems has become increasingly complex regarding flexibility and productivity, as well as the decreasing predictability of processes. The full potential of open CPS has yet to be fully realized in the context of cognitive autonom ...
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SynchroniCity represents the first attempt to deliver a Single Digital City Market for Europe by piloting its foundations at scale in 11 reference zones - 8 European cities & 3 more worldwide cities - connecting 34 partners from 11 countries over 4 continents. Building upon a mature European knowledge base derived from initiatives such as OASC, FIWARE, FIRE, EIP-SCC, and including partners with le ...
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High quality public services constitute the backbone of citizens’ social welfare and are also essential to a region’s competitiveness and business entrepreneurship. Delivery of high quality public services is instrumental so that society and its economy can function. Despite this, the future provision of public services faces significant social challenges, as stated in H2020 “Understanding Europe ...
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The NextBase project, involving 8 research institutions and 6 companies, deals with the development of innovative high-performance c-Si solar cells and modules based on the interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction (IBC-SHJ) solar cell concept targeting cells with efficiency above 26.0% and corresponding solar modules with efficiency above 22.0%. In particular, a number of new design an ...
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CONTEXTThe VALIDATION and RECOGNITION of PRIOR NON-FORMAL and INFORMAL LEARNING (VPL) is a priority of EU educational policies and central to lifelong and life-wide learning. The aim is to strengthen the flexibility of learning pathways to increase labour market transition and mobility across Europe. Key objective is to enhance employability and labour market opportunities for disadvantaged indivi ...
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Integrated Smart Education in Robotics

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ntioned we have a good team of educational institutions (TTK, RTK, LAMK) and competence centres, doing research and training and counseling about the needs of the industry and trends in mechatroncis (IMECC, KTK). Through this consortium, education and industry are brought closer to each other.Intellectual outputs of the project are:- integrated modular curriculum for robot operator- integrated mod ...
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EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors (EXTMOS)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

EXTMOS’ main objective is to create a materials model and the related user friendly code that will focus on charge transport in doped organic semiconductors. Its aims are (i) to reduce the time to market of(a) multilayer organic light emitting devices, OLEDs, with predictable efficiencies and long lifetimes (b) organic thin film transistors and circuits with fast operation.(ii) to reduce productio ...
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TCBL uses Europe’s Textiles & Clothing (T&C) industry as test beds for evolutionary-driven co-design, dynamic optimisation and deployment of business models. It aims to increase the performance of a sector that, over the past two decades, upheld three main strategies to handle global competitive pressure: cost-oriented, product/service-oriented and productivity-oriented. TCBL provides a business e ...
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ProACT targets Europe’s 50 million multimorbid patients to proactively self-manage and offset the EU’s annual €700billion cost of chronic disease management. ProACT aims at providing and evaluating an open application programming interface to integrate a variety of new and existing technologies to advance ‘home based’ integrated care (IC). Cloud based data analytics will determine correlations bet ...
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Rf Engineered substrates to FostER fEm performaNCE (REFERENCE)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

The REFERENCE project aims to leverage a European leading edge Radio Frequency (RF) ecosystem based on RF Silicon On Insulator (SOI) disruptive technology, perceived as the most promising to address performance, cost and integration needs for RF Front End Modules (FEMs)s.The project targets to develop over the next 3 years, innovative solutions from material, engineered substrates, process, design ...
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Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health (ASTONISH)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

The ageing population and related increase in chronic diseases put considerable pressure on both the healthcare system and the society, resulting in an unsustainable rise of healthcare costs. As a result there is an urgent need to improve efficiency of care and reduce hospitalisation time in order to control cost and increase quality of life. Addressing this need, medical applications need to beco ...
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ENABLE-S3 will pave the way for accelerated application of highly automated and autonomous systems in the mobility domains automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime as well as in the health care domain. Virtual testing, verification and coverage-oriented test selection methods will enable validation with reasonable efforts. The resulting validation framework will ensure Europeans Industry competiti ...
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The EU has set the stage to empower semiconductor manufacturing in Europe being one of the key drivers for innovation and employment and creator for answers to the challenges of the modern society. Aim of IoSense is to boost the European competitiveness of ECS industries by increasing the pilot production capacity and improving Time-to-Market for innovative microelectronics, accomplished by establ ...
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Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices (GreenDiamond)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

The key to the efficient transmission and conversion of low-carbon electrical energy is the improvement of power electronic devices. Diamond is considered to be the ultimate wide bandgap semiconductor material for applications in high power electronics due to its exceptional thermal and electronic properties. Two recent developments - the emergence of commercially available electronic grade single ...
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3D Advanced Metrology and materials for advanced devices (3DAM)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...ent companies in the area of metrology and characterization. The link to future needs of the industry, as well as critical evaluation of concepts and demonstrators, is ensured by the participation of IMEC and LETI. The project will directly increase the competitiveness of the strong Europe-based semiconductor Equipment industry. Closely connected European IC manufacturers will benefit by accelerat ...
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Ultra-Low PoweR technologIes and MEmory architectures for IoT (PRIME)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The goal of the PRIME project is to establish an open Ultra Low Power (ULP) Technology Platform containing all necessary design and architecture blocks and components which could enable the European industry to increase and strengthen their competitive and leading eco-system and benefit from market opportunities created by the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. Over 3 years the project will deve ...
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I-Media-Cities is the initiative of 9 European Film Libraries, 5 research institutions, 2 technological providers and a specialist of digital business models to share access to and valorise audiovisual (AV) content from their collections for research purposes in a wide range of social sciences (sociology, anthropology, urban planning, etc). The project revolves around cities in European history an ...
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Technology Advances and Key Enablers for 5 nm (TAKE5)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...t the 7nm technology node. The main objective of the TAKE5 project is the demonstration of 5nm patterning in line with the industry needs and the ITRS roadmap in the Advanced Patterning Center at the imec pilot line using innovative design and technology co-optimization, layout and device architecture exploration, and comprising demonstration of a lithographic platform for EUV technology, advanced ...
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Metrology for future 3D-technologies (METRO4-3D)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Within the food chain of equipment delivery for the semiconductor industry, Europe has kept a very strong position in the metrology area with many companies establishing themselves as main leaders in the field. Hence in line with the objectives of the ICT25 call for innovation action to overcome the (initial) barriers for the successful commercialization of novel European products, this project a ...
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The overall objective of STREAMS is to develop the necessary Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies towards a new, power efficient, WDM-based, Tb/s, optical on-board interconnection paradigm that enables multiple high bandwidth, point-to-point direct links on the board level, as a step forward to the realization of exa-scale computing systems. Through the migration of successful WD ...
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The EU population is increasingly exposed to new physical and chemical agents in the environment, some of which may be detrimental to public health. Of these, electromagnetic fields (EMF) are one of the most ubiquitous, with new EMF technologies and novel applications being actively developed and commercialised. To address pertinent questions on EMF and health, GERoNiMO proposes an integrated appr ...
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We propose to fabricate a chip implementing a neuromorphic architecture that supports state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and spike-based learning mechanisms. With respect to its physical architecture this chip will feature an ultra low power, scalable and highly configurable neural architecture that will deliver a gain of a factor 50x in power consumption on selected applications compare ...
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The main goal of the FIREHUB2020 project is to transform the current FIRE scenario into a dynamic, collaborative, and participatory Innovation ecosystem capable of more effectively supporting and coordinating activities across the whole FIRE/FIRE+ context. The main idea is to guarantee continuity by building on top of the results and major achievements previous FIRE CSAs (FIRE WORKS, FIRE STATION, ...
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Wafer scale Integration of Photonics and Electronics (WIPE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The WIPE project aims at developing hybrid electronic-photonic chips as a key enabling technology for data transmission purposes. It aims at bringing photonics to a new level by developing a concept that can be well industrialised. This sustains EU leadership in photonics, as is the ambition of the work program. A new wafer-scale technology will thus be developed for direct and intimate attachme ...
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Wearable technologies aimed at private consumers constitute a nascent market, expected to grow very fast. Their disruptive power is exemplified by the competition between established technology giants and start-ups. In particular, the development of the wearable market relies on its capacity to break down barriers between creative industries and digital technology companies. At the core of this ma ...
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