Search for European Projects

9 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Current surveillance systems and control efforts are clearly insufficient to combat dengue in endemic countries and to prevent spread to previously uninfected areas (including Europe). We will focus on the following aspects of the call: better diagnosis, surveillance, prevention as well as prediction and/or prevention of the spread of Dengue fever to previously uninfected regions (including Europe ...
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Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe (EDENext)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

To address the call for proposals 'Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe' launched by the European Commission, we want to investigate the biological, ecological and epidemiological components of vector-borne diseases (VBD) introduction, emergence and spread, and to propose innovative tools for controlling them, building on the basis of acquired knowledge. We have selected the ma ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet vise à mettre en place des méthodologies qui peuvent permettre des interventions de restauration territoriale dans le but de reconstruire le paysage en promouvant particulièrement les espaces verts et d’intervenir pour rendre plus agréable et vivable les lieux dégradés qui offrent aujourd’hui une faible valeur attractive.
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Climate change is one of the most important issues facing society today in the Mediterranean, and in many parts of the world. Given the trans-boundary nature of this phenomenon, a regional approach is necessary to holistically address the issue. Training of local professionals in the field of climate change management is therefore a priority for the countries so that they can continue to meet the ...
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Moving Generation 6

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

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Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

« Moving generation 5 » est la cinquième version du projet d'accueil, d'envoi et de coordination EUROCIRCLE pour le Service Volontaire Européen activement soutenus par un partenariat public-privé bien développé et ce de longue date.Forts de nos expériences précédentes en matière de conduite de projets européens et spécifiquement dans le champ du Programme Jeunesse en Action, nous souhaitons poursu ...
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The EUTRANEX project aims to meet a recognised need within education and training professionals, to reinforce their capacity for responding to an increasing need to develop an entrepreneurial culture. The project will further address the problems faced by young people preparing for labour market insertion, in particular in depressed areas. Project activities, to be undertaken via a series of techn ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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An ecosystem for environmental expertise exchange : A network has been created to raise awareness and allow information exchange on environmental problems. A website and eLearning course have been developed to train people across Europe for new jobs in the environmental sector. This project started in 2001 and lasted 38 months.
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