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Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Vaccine (CCHFVaccine)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2022,

Natural epidemics and outbreaks of emerging viral epidemics are growing problems internationally. The general aim of the CCHFVaccine project is to develop and deliver a vaccine, which can significantly increase our capacity to control the situation of Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) disease on a global basis. The proposed work program on CCHF virus aims to build a multidisciplinary researc ...
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Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) causes ~20% of all deaths in Europe. SCA is lethal within minutes if left untreated and survival rates are presently only 5-20%. Therefore, there is a large medical need to improve SCA prevention and treatment. Designing effective individualized prevention and treatment strategies requires knowledge on genetic and environmental risk factors. So far, these efforts have b ...
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The complex interactions between genetic and non-genetic factors produce heterogeneities in patients as reflected in the diversity of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, response to therapies, disease development and progression. Yet, the full potential of personalized medicine entails biomarker-guided delivery of efficient therapies in stratified patient populations.MultipleMS will therefor ...
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The vision of EU-ToxRisk is to drive a paradigm shift in toxicology towards an animal-free, mechanism-based integrated approach to chemical safety assessment. The project will unite all relevant disciplines and stakeholders to establish: i) pragmatic, solid read-across procedures incorporating mechanistic and toxicokinetic knowledge; and ii) ab initio hazard and risk assessment strategies of chemi ...
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RECAP: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm (RECAP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

The project’s overall aim is to improve the health, development and quality of life of children and adults born very preterm (VPT, < 32 weeks of gestation) or very low birth weight (VLBW, < 1500g) – approximately 50 000 births each year in Europe – by establishing an ICT platform to integrate, harmonise and exploit the wealth of data from 20 European cohorts of VPT/VLBW children and adults and the ...
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The INFRAFRONTIER RI integrates European Mouse Clinics and the European Mouse Mutant Archive with the common goal to ensure access to mouse models for basic research of human health and disease, and to translate this knowledge into therapeutic approaches for the benefit of the European society. The expanded INFRAFRONTIER2020 network, coordinated by the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, includes 3 SMEs and is st ...
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Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (PedCRIN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Children’s health is a major societal challenge for Europe and the world, requiring development of paediatric medicines and treatments strategies based on evidence derived from clinical trials demonstrating efficacy and safety in infants and children, rather than on uncritical extrapolation from adult data (over 50 % of the medicines used for children had not been tested in this specific age group ...
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The goal of this multidisciplinary project is to comprehensively characterise high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGS-OvCa) at single-cell level, identify the best combination of drug combination to kill HGS-OvCa populations and commercialise a predictive biomarker kit for finding the right therapeutic regimen to the right patient.This project takes an advantage on prospectively and longitudinally ...
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COSYN integrates outstanding European academic and three large Pharma to exploit genomic findings for intellectual disability (ID), autism, and schizophrenia. We capitalise on comorbidity, from clinic to cells and synapses, and have access to large existing samples. We focus on rare genetic variants of strong effect in patients with clinical comorbidity. Our aims are: (1) Understand comorbidity by ...
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Understanding mechanisms underlying comorbid disorders poses a challenge for developing precision medicine tools. Psychiatric disorders are highly comorbid, and are among the last areas of medicine, where classification is driven by phenomenology rather than pathophysiology. We will study comorbidity between the most frequent psychiatric conditions, ADHD, mood/anxiety, and substance use disorders, ...
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Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur ...
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Common mechanisms and pathways in Stroke and Alzheimer's disease.It has long been recognized that stroke and (Alzheimer’s Disease) AD often co-occur and have an overlapping pathogenesis. As such, these two diseases are not considered fellow travelers, but rather partners in crime. This multidisciplinary consortium includes epidemiologists, geneticists, radiologists, neurologists with a longstandin ...
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European AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2020 (EAVI2020)

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

...ogens and vaccine modalities with reduced risk of failure in late stage development. To overcome this bottleneck some of the most competitive research groups in vaccine discovery from European public institutions and biotechs from 9 EU countries together with top Australian and Canadian groups and US collaborators, have agreed to join forces in EAVI, providing a pool of international expertise at ...
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Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing (BRIDGES) (BRIDGES)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Breast cancer affects more than 360,000 women per year in the EU and causes more than 90,000 deaths. Identification of women at high risk of the disease can lead to disease prevention through intensive screening, chemoprevention or prophylactic surgery. Breast cancer risk is determined by a combination of genetic and lifestyle risk factors. The advent of next generation sequencing has opened up th ...
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The objective of the ATHLOS Project is to achieve a better understanding of ageing by identifying patterns of healthy ageing pathways or trajectories, the determinants of those patterns, the critical points in time when changes in trajectories are produced, and to propose timely clinical and public health interventions to optimise healthy ageing. Moreover, a new definition of ‘old age’ based on ma ...
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Metabolic disorders are at pandemic levels. Based on recent estimates, ~50% of Europeans are overweight, 20% are obese and 10% have type II diabetes. Obesity and insulin resistance impact European health to the tune of €110 billion per year. These disorders have genetic, nutritional and lifestyle causes. However, the molecular mechanisms that link nutrients and lifestyle to gene activity and chrom ...
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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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The objective of the caLIBRAte project is to establish a state-of-the-art versatile Risk Governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of MN and MN-enabled products. The framework will be a web-based “system-of-systems” linking different models and methods for: 1) screening of apparent and perceived risks and trends in nanotechnology, 2) control banding, quali ...
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Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: May 14, 2019,

Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods.Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chem ...
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We concur to the IMI on “Reclassification of SLE, connective tissue diseases and RA” call by presenting a proposal aimed at using the power of OMICs, and bioinformatics to identify new classifications for diseases known to share common pathophysiological mechanisms. Such knowledge has not been applied to individual patients, depriving them from potential benefits in terms of the use of new therape ...
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The recent explosion of next generation sequencing (NGS) data has caught Europe unprepared and led to a critical shortage of computational biology expertise. As NGS methods are expected to become pervasive from basic science to personalised medicine there is an urgent need for highly skilled young scientists trained in both computational biology and experimental wet lab biology. Our network addres ...
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IMI’s Call 8 is geared to develop knowledge frameworks for ‘druggable mechanisms’ for two domains of pathophysiology. In response to this call, we propose (I) the development of a generic AETIONOMY pipeline to capture and infer over mechanistic knowledge of pathophysiology, and (II) the focused application of this pipeline to derive clinically significant mechanistic taxonomies of neurodegenerativ ...
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Chromatin Dynamics in Development and Disease (Chromatin3D)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The cell nucleus is organized and compartmentalized into a highly ordered structure that contains DNA, RNA, chromosomal and histone proteins which make up a structure called chromatin. The dynamics associated with these various components are responsible for regulating physiological processes and the overall stability of the genome. The destabilization of such regulatory mechanisms that act on the ...
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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are frequent, chronic and highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorders. Despite their societal importance, progress in understanding disease biology has been slow and no curative treatment options are available.The pan-European training network MiND aims to educate a new generation of researchers in the field of n ...
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Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis (EMI-TB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health problem, killing 1.5 million of people every year. The only currently available vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, is effective against severe childhood forms, but it demonstrates a variable efficacy against the pulmonary form of TB in adults. Many of these adult TB cases result from the reactivation of an initially controlled, latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis ...
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Vaccination In Atherosclerosis (VIA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

"Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is still a leading cause of death in the European Union (EU) accounting for nearly half of all deaths in Europe (48%). In addition, CVD complications lead to a vast number of hospitalizations and thus to a great burden of health care costs in the EU. Atherosclerosis and its final complication, plaque rupture and subsequent infarct in heart or brain, is the main underl ...
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Important progress has been made in the field of HPV-disease prevention with the development and implementation of HPV vaccines and HPV DNA screening. In the CoheaHr project, the (cost-) effectiveness of different European preventive strategies will be compared. The goal is to build a reliable and comparable evidence base on the (cost-) effectiveness of these policies implemented under country-spe ...
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"BBMRI-ERIC: the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure - European Research Infrastructure Consortium, aims to establish, operate and develop a Pan-European distributed research infrastructure in order to facilitate the access to biological resources as well as facilities and to support high quality biomolecular and biomedical research. The ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC proposal aims at ...
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Aim: The ADVANCE vision is focused on Timely and Best Evidence on Vaccine Effects. Our mission is to establish a best practice framework to rapidly provide robust data on vaccine benefits and risks to support accelerated decision-making.Approach: To achieve this vision through a public-private partnership, ADVANCE partners 1. establish common grounds and rules for collaboration between public and ...
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Assessing individual exposure to environmental stressors and predicting health outcomes implies that both environmental exposures and epi/genetic variations are reliably measured simultaneously. HEALS (Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys) brings together in an innovative approach a comprehensive array of novel technologies, data analysis and modeling tools th ...
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Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe (SHIPS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Very preterm birth is a principal determinant of motor and cognitive impairment in later life. About 50 000 infants in the EU survive very preterm birth annually and are at much higher risk of cerebral palsy, visual and auditory deficits, impaired cognitive ability, psychiatric disorders and behavioural problems than infants born at term. However, the long term prognosis at initial discharge from ...
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Lipid lowering has significantly reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in EU. However, the aim to abolish CVD in EU is far from achieved and attempts to improve on the benefits of statins with new agents have not yet delivered new therapeutics. The Consortium Athero-Flux builds on FP7-generated large-scale lipidomics data showing that specific sphingolipids and in particular distinct cer ...
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One of the greatest challenges facing regulators in the ever changing landscape of novel nano-materials is how to design and implement a regulatory process which is robust enough to deal with a rapidly diversifying system of manufactured nanomaterials (MNM) over time. Not only does the complexity of the MNM present a problem for regulators, the validity of data decreases with time, so that the wel ...
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European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research (EuroStemCell)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research (EuroStemCell) unites 33 partner institutions, that collectively represent >400 stem cell research groupings across Europe. Our common goal is to provide trusted high quality information on stem cells accessible to citizens and stakeholders across Europe, through support and further development of the multi-lingual European Stem Cell Inf ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

...gical innovation and economic growth.To realise this vision, we have brought together a larger European consortium with about 150 partners in 23 countries. The partners represent academia, research institutes and industries, which work closely together in 15 technical work packages and five supporting work packages covering the entire value chain from materials to components and systems. As time p ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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Scientific understanding of the role and mechanisms of bioactives is fragmented. Research often addresses the theoretical possibility of health improvement effects rather than their real, practical use for everyday diets. Bioactives cannot be considered as discrete chemical compounds and research must focus on bioactive-enriched foods (BEF), if consumer demands for foods delivering appropriate hea ...
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Healthy Aging Through Internet Counselling in the Elderly (HATICE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, smoking and physical inactivity are common in elderly persons and are all associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and dementia. Efficacious treatments of these cardiovascular diseases are available, but in elderly patients with multiple cardiovascular diseases and risk factors however, treatment is currentl ...
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ECRIN is a distributed ESFRI-roadmap pan-European infrastructure designed to support multinational clinical research, making Europe a single area for clinical studies, taking advantage of its population size to access patients. Servicing multinational trials started during its preparatory phase, and it now applies for an ERIC status by 2011. The ERIC budget will be restricted to core activities re ...
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European Medical Information Framework (EMIF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

In response to the need to tackle increasingly complex medical research questions, a growing amount of human health data is being collected, either in routine Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) databases, through research-driven cohort studies, in biobanks or related efforts. However, data sources are typically fragmented and contain information gaps which prevent their full exploitation. EMIF aim ...
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