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12 European Projects Found

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Creative and Innovative Training Based on Digital Materials and Games

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

A sine qua non of successful learning is motivation: a motivated learner can’t be stopped. Content to be learned by students and traditional methods are boring for digital natives. Teachers must do their best to adapt to this century and continuously work at learning the new technological language, whereas digital natives were born into retrieving information, problem solving, and communicating wi ...
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Changing e-minds

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Manuel Siurot school from Málaga is part of those schools that benefit from European projects in order to fulfill some formative needs with an European added value and in tune with the Strategic Framework in Education and Training 2020 (ET2020). We are a cooperative that teach from pre-primary level to the 4th year of compulsory secondary education. We bet on the idea of internationalization and E ...
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Квалифицирани учители- успешни деца

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Mobility Plan set out in this project was created after a thorough analysis and identify the needs of team areas . We are looking for courses and observations that enable participants to acquire more knowledge on the subject, set our goals on the one hand and improvement of foreign language knowledge on the other . Direct our strategic objectives to:• improve the level of key competences and skill ...
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thinking … coding

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

CONTEXTEU, with ''Education and Training 2020", agreed that in the period up to 2020, the main goal of European cooperation should be to support the further development of education and training systems of the Member States; they aim to personal, social and professional fulfillment of all citizens, sustainable economic prosperity, employability, promoting democratic values, social cohesion, active ...
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Keep calm ...and play traditional sports.

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"Keep calm traditional sports" is a project which aims at development of bilingual teaching methods among partners with the main theme of traditional sports. The concept of our project is to create CLIL workshops related to traditional sport from each partner country . We will integrate History and Culture, PE, Science, Maths, ICT and English and design a valuable and innovative program ...
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The project PC- G.AM.E. develops a theme that is more than relevant in the social and political context from nowdays,namely the study of English,which has become a necessity in the education of children,even from an early age. The project encourages the study of English, as a modern foreign language,and aims at improving the methodology and teaching tehniques in order to increase the motivation of ...
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English Learning Friends

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project titled "English Learning Friends" (ELF) was created on the basis of work of the partner schools in an eTwining project. The idea of the project comes from the need to fulfil one of the main objectives mentioned in our schools' development plans: developing students' key competences which are essential for young Europeans to succeed not only in today's modern society but also in their ...
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Desarrollo de la Metodología de la Enseñanza Bilingüe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Atenea Primary School is a public school focusing on developement of the bilingual curriculum. We intend to implement CLIL and other active teaching methods in everyday teaching practice. Our aim is to teach Science, Culture, and PE in a bilingual system. To achieve this we need to provide our staff with training and courses concerning bilingual teaching. In order to revise and strengthen the pro ...
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Rozwój metodologii nauczania języka angielskiego dwujęzyczne.

Start date: Dec 12, 2014, End date: Dec 11, 2016,

Zespol Szkol Prywatnych Sp. z o. o. is a primary school focusing on developement of new bilingual curriculum. We intend to implement CLIL and other active teaching methods in everyday teaching practice. Our aim is to teach science, maths, history and culture, PE in a bilingual system. To achieve it we need to provide our staff with training and courses concerning bilingual teaching. In order to r ...
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We intend to provide our children with the opportunity to act as citizens of Europe by setting up an investigation into the environment: the four natural elements-air,water,earth,fire-.The protection of the environment will allow the promotion of an intercultural dialogue around a common interest.Our pupils, who are the next generation of decision-makers, thus will be allowed to take the initiativ ...
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Chaque pays partenaire possède une histoire, une culture, des traditions... La chanson, la musique et la danse traditionnelle font partie de ce patrimoine historique, cuturel et traditionnel. Pour sortir de l’isolement, pour développer une conscience européenne à travers quelque chose qui peut être vécue en commun, les partenaires veulent à la fois le redécouvrir et le partager.Concrètement, un ré ...
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Schools that have applied to take part in this project wish to design and implement a shared pedagogy about the heritage of public gardens in Europe, under the heading: "Parks and public gardens of our cities."Having discovered and investigated the public spaces in their environment, students will make a virtual presentation of the city gardens and parks, using a slide show.A squirrel, in the form ...
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