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Rozwój metodologii nauczania języka angielskiego dwujęzyczne.
Start date: Dec 12, 2014, End date: Dec 11, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zespol Szkol Prywatnych Sp. z o. o. is a primary school focusing on developement of new bilingual curriculum. We intend to implement CLIL and other active teaching methods in everyday teaching practice. Our aim is to teach science, maths, history and culture, PE in a bilingual system. To achieve it we need to provide our staff with training and courses concerning bilingual teaching. In order to revise and strengthen the professional profile of our teachers it is essential to offer continuous professional learning opportunities. We believe that the best possibility to develop our professional skills is to practice them by teaching assignments and job shadowing in partner schools. We also wish to introduce elements of bilingual teaching to very young children in our school as innovation resulting from changes in the national curriculum (children are coming to school one year earlier at the age of 5/6). It is valid to reinforce the quality in early childhood education. Our aim is to implement and promote a coherent vision of the early primary education. Bilingual teaching in our school will also apply to older primary pupils by developing basic skills in Literacy ,Numeracy, Maths and Science. Our priority is to implement holistic approach to school education and teaching science and other subjects in context , across the curriculum and with real life relevance. Our goal is to establish and adjust effective curriculum frameworks. We intend to: 1. Increase and strengthen staff competences in bilingual teaching methodology and ICT. 2.Provide the teaching staff and management with training courses (CLIL teaching, ICT, active methods, language development courses). 3. Build and strengthen formative and diagnostic assesment/feedback. 4.Establish and implement effective curricular frameworks and portfolio. 5.Build leadership competences for bilingual teaching coordinator. 6.Develop teaching qualities by job shadowing and teaching assignements in parter schools from other countries. 7.Introduce innovative bilingual teaching to early stage primary pupils. 8.Establish strong relation with partnership organisation in order to maintain cooperation in the following years. 9. Raise pupils awareness of European citizenship. 10. Build entrepreneurial experience in organizing international cooperation. Our's school developement programme assumes implementation of high standards of bilingual teaching to all students starting from the very early stage of primary education. We can accomplish that by creating innovative bilingual teaching curriculum and improving it during the period of carrying out the project. We believe that fulfilling the projects assumed objectives will lead us to improvement of teaching quality in our school. Teaching staff will acquire the essential competences to carry out professional bilingual teaching practice. By increasing staffs ICT skills we can conduct lessons which are more advanced and complex and thus more involving for students . International teaching experience will contribute to broadening our staffs cognitive capacity, enrich the workshop and raise motivation which in turn will be beneficial for the students. Thanks to experience and knowledge gained in the process of realizing the project we will be able to fulfill school's programme objectives. We aim to participate in the following courses: Digital Literacy in the Collaborative Classroom,Content and Language Integrated Learning for Primary Education,ICT for Collaborative, Project-Based Teaching and Learning,Primary Language Matter-developing Literacy and building skills for foreign language learning,language courses,cross cultural methodology for teaching international English in not English environment, English culture knowledge courses, management in school practice,CLIL courses for teachers of Science, History, Maths. All the above mentioned courses and mobilities will enable our school to reach goals of the project, develop bilingual teaching curriculum and practice. Teaching quality in our school should definitely increase and our benefit from the international partnership will be significant. Finally we will be able to promote and implement high standards of bilingual teaching and we should be able to share our knowledge and experience with other schools and institutions in Poland as an example of good practice. All partner schools will participate in producing bilingual teaching curriculum and portfolio as well as providing peer teaching and their own feedback. By taking part in the exchange we will promote Poland as a significant and competent partner in European society.

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