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Квалифицирани учители- успешни деца
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility Plan set out in this project was created after a thorough analysis and identify the needs of team areas . We are looking for courses and observations that enable participants to acquire more knowledge on the subject, set our goals on the one hand and improvement of foreign language knowledge on the other . Direct our strategic objectives to:• improve the level of key competences and skills , with a focus on learning skills , ICT, communication and native language , cultural awareness and creativity through all forms of art .• improving the quality of education through enhanced transnational cooperation between partner educational institutions• encourage language learning teachers' team to a better quality of their work and activities for the benefit of students / kindergarten is base for University of Shumen / .The activities under this project are expected to bring about positive and lasting effects on participants applicant organization regarding the introduction of new practices , excellent reputation among the community.Participation in courses and observations will lead to improved skills related to their professional profiles ( teaching, learning , working with children and parents , etc.) on the modernization of the kindergarten , quality educational services, introduction of language schools and those in the arts . In each mobility will be included appling teacher whose account of knowledge, skills , interests closest to the course and that you can immediately multiply the best way of learning them. To be as equal all , our team decided when the project is approved for funding to declare an internal competition for participation. The Outcome will do four levels: kindergarten , regional , national and international . Quality of the project evaluation will judge that will do a thorough two-stage - at the beginning and end of the project when we expect to have more prepared , motivated and satisfied teachers.
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