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24 European Projects Found

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EMMC Mechatronic Engineering

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

REFERENCE: 564467-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_EU4MTITLE: Joint Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, EU4MObjectiveThe aim of the Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering (EU4M) is to familiarize students and invited scholars with the methods, the development and the application of mechatronics in different fields, including automotive engineering, aerospace, mobile communication system ...
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A shared learning environment for vocational and engineering students is developed, in which project-based learning methodology is implemented targeting both students’ groups in final two years of their academic track. The developed education methodology is expected to yield a new line of industry human capital (engineers and technicians), who are technically and socially competent for professiona ...
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VicInAqua will follow an integrated approach in order to develop a sustainable combined sanitation and recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for wastewater treatment and reuse in agriculture in the Victoria Lake Basin area. In this decentralized integrated treatment system wastewater from households and fish processing industry as well as RAS production water will radically reduce stress on the ...
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Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity (MAKERS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

MAKERS will bring together leaders from business, academia and policy to study issues related to the drivers and dynamics of sustaining the competitiveness of EU manufacturing sectors. The project’s innovative research, training and mobility activities will address key concerns related to the historic opportunity for the EU to lead a manufacturing renaissance that not only upgrades existing manufa ...
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E-TALEB is a structural project aiming at developing Lebanese Professional Standards in Teaching and Learning and cooperating for innovation and exchange of good practices and experiences relevant to similar frameworks established in Europe.The main objective of this project is to support the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and foster dynamic approaches ...
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An interdisciplinary manufacturing/business entrepreneurship continuous learning system is introduced aiming at developing a new line of small-business owners with engineering background grasping in-depth expertise in manufacturing technology with adequate entrepreneurship skills capable of establishing a sustainable small manufacturing business within micro economy spectrum. Although, manufacturi ...
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What is Technical Communication (TC) and why is it important? For the safe and efficient use of products – whether devices, machines, software, entire production plants or service provider products – users require information. The manufacturers or providers of the products are obligated to make this information available across the entire product life cycle in a suitable media format. The creation ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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EmployID aims to support and facilitate the learning process of Public Employment Services (PES) practitioners in their professional identity transformation process. To perform successfully in their job they need to acquire a set of new and transversal skills, develop additional competencies, as well as embed a professional culture of continuous improvement. EmployID will offer efficient use of te ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Learning Layers develops a set of modular and flexible technological layers for supporting workplace practices in SMEs that unlock peer production and scaffold learning in networks of SMEs, thereby bridging the gap between scaling and adaptation to personal needs. By building on recent advances in contextualized learning, these layers provide a meaningful learning context when people interact with ...
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The vision of ReBORN is to demonstrate strategies and technologies that support a new paradigm for re-use of production equipment in old, renewed and new factories; maximizing the efficiency of this re-use and making the factory design process much easier and straight forward, shortening ramp-up times and increasing production efficiency and flexibility. This paradigm will give new life to decommi ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Im Rahmen der Internationalisierungsstrategie unserer Hochschule wurde unter anderem das Ziel formuliert, wonach 50 % der Studierenden einen Auslandsaufenthalt vor Studienabschluss absolviert haben sollen. Sei es durch ein Praxis- oder ein Studiensemester, oder durch das Anfertigen einer Bachelor- oder Masterthesis. Zentraler Baustein ist hier das Erasmus+ Programm. Aufgrund der klar strukturiert ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Founded in 1975, the coordination office for the practical semesters (KOOR) based at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences is a state-wide institution for all universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg. To accomplish the European "Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) / Erasmus+", the Erasmus consortium "Baden-Württemberg Partnership for the Exchange of Students, Graduates and Knowledge Tr ...
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"The vision of I-RAMP³ is to enable the European industry towards smart manufacturing systems in conventional production. The project aims at creating innovative solutions in order to improve the competitiveness for this industry sector. This goal will be reached by a new concept for fast and optimized ramp-up and operation of production lines with heterogeneous devices. By this, significant reduc ...
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The objective of INTUITEL is to enhance state-of-the-art e-learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS) with features that so far have been provided only by human tutors. An INTUITEL-enabled system constitutes an integrated learning environment that configures itself in response to any learner, monitors his/her progress and behaviour, combines these data with pedagogical and methodologic ...
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Energetic Algae (EnAlgae)

Start date: Oct 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Aim Energetic Algae aims to reduce CO2 emissions and dependency on unsustainable energy sources in NWE. by accelerating the development of sustainable technologies for algal biomass production. bioenergy and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation from pilot phase to application and marketable products. processes and services. This is achieved by bundling know-how. finance and political support. The plan ...
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Development of the next generation bioreactor system (BioNexGen)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is regarded as key element of advanced wastewater reclamation and reuse schemes and can considerably contribute to sustainable water management. MBR technology is used for wastewater treatment and reuse in municipal, agricultural and a variety of industrial sectors in Europe and MENA. The market pull, in the context of this NMP call, is the increasing demand fo ...
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Le projet consiste à concevoir et réaliser des actions transfrontalières de formation initiale et de formation continue ainsi quun projet de recherche commun dans deux domaines thématiques de la construction durable : la durabilité et limpact environnemental des matériaux de construction ; la gestion de lénergie dans les bâtiments.Der Projektinhalt besteht aus der Erarbeitung und Durchführung gren ...
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...ikulturellen Zug zu absolvieren, der mit einem Ingenieur- oder Architektenabschluss endet. Ein weiteres Ziel ist, neue Doppeldiplome, bzw.- abschlüsse zwischen den Partnerhochschulen aufzubauen und dazu beizutragen, die Mobilitäten der Studenten der Partnerhochschulen zu fördern.
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This project aims at developing and strengthening a specialization in advanced engineering systems focussing on automation, control and mechatronics in Egypt and producing a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering work in such field to complete the cycle started with two former local TEMPUS projects "MEKATRON-2004" for undergraduate and "DIMPTOT-2005" for trainin ...
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EUE-Net – European University-Enterprise Cooperation - is an initiative to create a European Network able to assemble and to coordinate the efforts towards a better cooperation between universities and enterprises at European level, to disseminate the cooperation models and to promote best practice in Europe. The target groups of the project are graduates, students and learners in European univer ...
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