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The European network for observing our changing planet (ERA-PLANET)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

In the last decade a significant number of projects and programmes in different domains of environmental monitoring and Earth observation have generated a substantial amount of data and knowledge on different aspects related to environmental quality and sustainability. Big data generated by in-situ or satellite platforms are being collected and archived with a plethora of systems and instruments m ...
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Clean drinking water is crucial to human health and wellbeing. The ambition of the NaToxAq ETN network is to expand the research basis for EU’s leading role in securing high quality drinking waters for its citizens. Focus is on natural toxins – a large group of emerging contaminants with unknown impact on drinking water resources. Both known toxins, like cyanotoxins, cyanogenic glucosides and terp ...
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The ENIGMA network will train a new generation of young researchers in the development of innovative sensors, field survey techniques and inverse modelling approaches. This will enhance our ability to understand and monitor dynamic subsurface processes that are key to the protection and sustainable use of water resources. ENIGMA focuses mainly on critical zone observation, but the anticipated tech ...
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An increasing number of nanomaterials (NMs) are entering the market in every day products spanning from health care and leisure to electronics, cosmetics and foodstuff. Nanotechnology is a truly enabling technology, with unlimited potential for innovation. However, the novelty in properties and forms of NMs makes the development of a well-founded and robust legislative framework to ensure safe dev ...
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PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction (PLACARD)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

Significant challenges exist towards strengthening the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) communities for coherent, mutually reinforcing and pragmatic planning and action. PLACARD seeks to support the coordination of these two communities. PLACARD will tackle current challenges by 1) providing a common ‘space’ where CCA and DRR communities can come together, share ex ...
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"Agricultural production in Europe has significantly damaged soil and water resources, ecosystem biodiversity, socio-economic well-being and contributed to climate change. Expected further intensification of production to ensure food safety for population growth must be sustainable to minimise future impacts and negative externalities. This ETN addresses these challenges by training 15 early stage ...
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The aim of EKLIPSE is to establish an innovative, light, self-sustainable EU support mechanism for evidence-based policy on biodiversity and ecosystems services open to all relevant knowledge holders and users, and to hand over this mechanism to the wider knowledge community by the end of the project. The mechanism will build on existing science-policy-society interfaces and be further refined via ...
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The GEMex project is a complementary effort of a European consortium with a corresponding consortium from Mexico, who submitted an equivalent proposal for cooperation. The joint effort is based on three pillars: 1 – Resource assessment at two unconventional geothermal sites, for EGS development at Acoculco and for a super-hot resource near Los Humeros. This part will focus on understanding the tec ...
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Integrating Social Sciences and Humanities into Teaching about Energy

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The relationship between technology and society changes; it is becoming a widely recognized view that future technology policies including energy policies have to be not only technically, but also socially acceptable. While it is uncertain what this shift means for the transformation of political decision-making about energy, the implications for the scientific ethos are obvious. It seems to be no ...
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The ultimate purpose of ANYWHERE is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events. This will be achieved through the operational implementation of cutting-edge innovative technology as the best way to enhance citizen's protection and saving lives.ANYWHERE proposes t ...
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The seven specific objectives of TOXI-triage address the operational; technological; ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multi-use systems are derived.19 partners in 4 Task forces will deliver 9 Work Packages (WPs) that address: end user specifications; Design and delivery; Test and Validation; and, Impact ...
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Terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide essential services to human societies. Anthropogenic pressures, however, cause serious threat to ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation, increased risk of collapse and loss of ecosystem services. Knowledge-based conservation, management and restoration policies are needed to improve ecosystem benefits in face of increasing pressures. ECOPOTENTIAL makes ...
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Taking into account the current global water scarcity and the expensive operation and maintenance cost of wastewater treatment, INCOVER concept has been designed to move wastewater treatment from being primarily a sanitation technology towards a bio-product recovery industry and a recycled water supplier. A wastewater specific Decision Support System methodology will be tailored to the INCOVER tec ...
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A collective effort is needed to create the environmental research infrastructure for answering pressing questions in a world of rapid social, economic and environmental change.The overall aim of the eLTER project is to advance the European network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms to provide highest quality services for multiple use of a distributed res ...
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P4SB is about the utilization of the conceptual and material tools of contemporary Synthetic Biology to bring about the sustainable and environmentally friendly bioconversion of oil-based plastic waste into fully biodegradable counterparts by means of deeply engineered, whole-cell bacterial catalysts. These tools will be used to design tailor-made enzymes for the bio-depolymerization of PET (polye ...
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Water and water-related services are major components of the human wellbeing, and as such are major factors of socio-economic development in Europe; yet freshwater systems are under threat by a variety of stressors (organic and inorganic pollution, geomorphological alterations, land cover change, water abstraction, invasive species and pathogens. Some stressors, such as water scarcity, can be a st ...
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Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceutical in the Environment (IPIE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can be released to the natural environment during the manufacturing process, following use by patients or when unused medicines are disposed of. As APIs are biologically active compounds concerns have been raised about the potential effects of APIs in the environment on human and environmental health. Over the past 15 years, a substantial amount of work has ...
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The Department of Environmental Sciences at Jožef Stefan Institute has invested in new state-of-the-the-art mass spectrometry instrumentation and related laboratory infrastructure, an important and essential technique in modern science, but must now bolster its knowledge capacity and raise its research profile through taking practical steps in training and knowledge transfer and networking activit ...
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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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Aquatic ecosystems are regularly threatened by chemical mixtures. Among risk assessment methods, the Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSD) approach is frequently applied. SSDs are built on the sensitivity of species, obtained from monospecies bioassays, and aim to derive concentrations expected to protect the structure of field communities to chemicals. However, this method overlook species inte ...
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The stratospheric ozone layer is an important shield to protect life on earth. Most of the short-waved UVB radiation is absorbed which otherwise would cause skin cancer and genetic damage. Destruction of the ozone layer by halogen radicals was discovered in the 1970s and consequently production of many halogenated compounds was curtailed. Methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and methyl bromide (CH3Br), importa ...
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The aim of INSPIRATION is to adopt a funder and end-user demand-driven approach to establish and promote the adoption of the knowledge creation, transfer and implementation agenda for land use, land-use changes and soil management in the light of current and future societal challenges. Main objectives are: • Formulate, consult on and revise an end-user oriented strategic research agenda (SRA), • S ...
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Advance_eLTER marks a crucial step in building the distributed European Research Infrastructure of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms (eLTER RI) to provide highest quality data and services complementary to the European and global environmental RIs. The project will conduct important conceptual work and preparatory steps towards enabling European-scale inves ...
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"Anthropogenic pressures drive global biodiversity loss. The loss of landscape connectivity, further exacerbated by climate change, is a key driver of species decline. Hence, it is crucial to identify key elements that ensure landscape connectivity across landscapes and scales. Several challenges in this context include insufficient knowledge of 1) species’ eco-physiology across landscapes and ran ...
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Metabolic interactions in oceanic photosymbioses (MINOTAUR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Symbiosis between heterotrophic hosts and microalgae (photosymbiosis) is a widespread and ecologically important phenomenon in the oceanic plankton. Symbiotic organisms like radiolarians (unicellular eukaryotes) are key players in marine biogeochemical cycles by contributing to predation and primary production. While knowledge of the diversity of symbiotic partners has improved in recent years, me ...
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Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications (OPERAs)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Human use and exploitation of the biosphere is increasing at such a pace and scale that the sustainability of major ecosystems is threatened, and may not be able to continue to function in ways that are vital to the existence of humanity. Re-framing environmental resource use has led to the emergence of the concepts of ecosystem services (ES) and natural capital (NC). This discourse indicates not ...
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"INTERFACES is a supra-disciplinary training and research network that aims (1) to develop conceptual process understanding of the role of ecohydrological interfaces (i.e. system boundaries) for the transport and transformation of fluxes of heat, energy and water and interlinked biogeochemical cycles (C, N, O) at micro- to landscape-scale; and (2) to create the next generation of supra-disciplinar ...
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Despite improved understanding of the links between ecosystem health, provision of ecosystem services and human well-being, further conceptual and empirical work is needed to make the ideas of ecosystem services (ESS) and natural capital (NC) operational. OpenNESS will therefore develop innovative and practical ways of applying them in land, water and urban management: it will identify how, where ...
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EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2017,

Sustainable governance of our biological resources requires reliable scientific knowledge that meets the needs of society. Current biodiversity observation systems and environmental datasets are unbalanced in coverage and not integrated, limiting integrative analyses and implementation of environmental policies.EU BON presents an innovative approach towards integration of biodiversity information ...
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Amphibians are currently suffering severe worldwide declines caused by chytridiomycosis, an emerging infectious disease caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). So far, disease mitigation strategies have taken a host-level approach, in which only the host-pathogen interactions have been considered. However, recent results have shown that disease dynamics can be affected b ...
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The central hypothesis of this project is that socio-economic, socio-demographic, ethnic and cultural diversity can positively affect social cohesion, economic performance and social mobility of individuals and groups. A better social cohesion, higher economic performance and increased chances for social mobility will make European cities more liveable and more competitive. In this period of long- ...
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NANOREM is designed to unlock the potential of nanoremediation and so support both the appropriate use of nanotechnology in restoring land and aquifer resources and the development of the knowledge-based economy at a world leading level for the benefit of a wide range of users in the EU environmental sector.NANOREM uniquely takes a holistic approach to examining how the potential for nanoremediati ...
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Biodegradation of xenobiotic tertiary alcohols (BIOTEROL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

"Tertiary alcohol groups are not unusual in nature. They can even be moieties of central metabolites, such as citric and mevalonic acid, which are processed by nearly universal metabolic pathways. However, simple tertiary alcohols not possessing additional functional groups are rarely degraded by bacteria or other organisms. These xenobiotic compoundsmight be formed during microbial attack of some ...
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The overall aim of GLAMURS (Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability) is to develop a theoretically-based and empirically-grounded understanding of the main obstacles and prospects for transitions to sustainable lifestyles and a green economy in Europe, as well as of the most effective means to support and speed them up. The call states explicitly that for transit ...
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Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region are facing the challenge of managing its water resources under conditions of increasing scarcity and concerns about water quality. Already, the availability of fresh water in sufficient quality and quantity is one of the major factors limiting socio economic development. Innovative water management strategies such as the storage of reclaimed water or ex ...
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Climate change can disrupt ecological, social and economic systems, with some regions and sectors suffering significantly. Therefore, adaptation plays a paramount role in responding to climate change. Progress has been made, but there are still important obstacles. Knowledge of the benefits and costs of adaptation is sparse, unsystematic and unevenly distributed across sectors and countries. Plan ...
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Water4Crops provides a combination of technical improvements in the field of bio-treatment and agricultural water use within a transdisciplinary identification of novel agri-business opportunities. Water4Crops aims at: a) developing innovative biotechnological wastewater treatments for improved water recycling, b) initiating the co-creation of alternative combinations of bio-treatment, recycling o ...
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The overall aim of the TACTIC project is to increase preparedness to large-scale and cross-border disasters amongst communities and societies in Europe. To achieve this, TACTIC will consider studies on risk perception and preparedness (including good practices and preparedness programmes) in order to develop a participatory community preparedness audit enabling communities to assess, impacts in a ...
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"At a time with an urgent need to conserve water resources, efficient sanitation systems play a key role in sustainability. They can ensure that the vital resource Water is recovered from waste and can be re-used at the same time as protecting human health and the environment. The SWINGS project consortium will establish an optimal methodology for nutrient and energy recovery from wastewater (WW) ...
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The overall aim of ECO-India is to design and develop innovative cost-effective solutions for community- based water- and wastewater- treatment systems. These systems will be deployed at pilot sites in arsenic-affected water-stressed regions in India. The two consortia, Indian (DST) and European (FP7), will establish pilot schemes for• catchment area and reservoir management• surface water supply ...
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