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36 European Projects Found

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European Blended Learning and HDR Photography

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Transnational cooperation of different education providers is becoming increasingly important in particular as regards the European Educational fields. Against this background the development and practice of innovative and efficient pedagogical approaches and ways of communication is required. Although, webinars could be used in all education sectors for seminars, lectures, discussion groups, the ...
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Health Academy

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

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Healthy body, healthy mind

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

In Lithuania and in Europe intoxicants, drugs consumption rates constantly rising every year, young people do not care about your healthy lifestyle, physical activities or eating habits. Physical activities take very small part of their daily routine and it is a major concern of our organizations and local communities. Young people often replace their free time and leisure’s physical activities by ...
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Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe (ClusterPoliSEE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

ClusterPoliSEE main objective is to enhance the capacity of regional policy makers to confront, prevent and anticipate change, developing smart specialization strategies for cluster improvement, thus accelerating differentiation and structural change towards a knowledge-based economy in which there is a place for all SEE regions to position themselves. 25 members partnership covers 11 different SE ...
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Rail Hub Cities for South East Europe (RAIL4SEE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

The challenge that the RAIL4SEE partners share is the development of models, concepts, measures, harmonised strategies and policy actions targeted to the improvement of rail and intermodal transport in SEE. In particular partners call for complementary interventions facing the alleviation of barriers for rail hubs integration in the local, regional, transnational and TEN-T systems, transport servi ...
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Cross-border Cluster of Social and Cooperative Enterprises (SOCIALNET)

Start date: Jul 31, 2012, End date: Jan 29, 2014,

The project aims to expand opportunities and improve the quality of work in these population groups, especially in those sectors that have been identified by the Regional Strategic Plans as development potential and that are bounded by tradition and crafts of the region, through the promotion of social enterprises. The final goal is to implement a regional cross border system capable of promoting, ...
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The Mediterranean area with its unique geology and climate is one of the world’s major centers of plant diversity housing approximately 25,000 species, about half of which are endemic to the region. Over centuries, the local population has been using natural materials as medicines for the treatment of a number of diseases. The natural products sector, including herbal medicines, teas, cosmetics an ...
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Primary objective of LUDUS (in Latin, game) proposed project is the creation of a South Eastern European network for the transfer of knowledge and dissemination of best practices in the innovative field of Serious Games. Serious games are electronic games designed primarily for learning (or even advertising, simulation, etc) instead of pure entertainment. Serious game must be entertaining, but thi ...
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Tex-EASTtile aims to spread and boost knowledge and application of environmental certification to products and processes in home textile and work wear within SEE area. Assuming that eco-design labels are synonym of high technical products and improved company culture, the project wants to contribute to the reinforcement of the competitive positioning of textile enterprises within the SEE area. Thi ...
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Confebask is the organization that represents and defends the general and common interests of Basque businesses.One of its strategic objective is the quantitative and qualitative adequacy between the training supply and the demand of the productive system, and this is the reason because it makes a firm commitment with the formation. An initial survey about Vocational Training in Europe came into b ...
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Academy of success

Start date: Dec 3, 2012,

Aim:The main aim of the training course is to prepare and support youth workers and youth leaders, working with minoroty groups, who face difficulties concerning their social human rights. During the course, participants will be develop projects and associative strategies based on participation, intercultural education and Human Rights in a European perspective.Objectives:•to empower and develop t ...
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The Inclusion Puzzle

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

‘The Inclusion Puzzle’ youth exchange will last 12 days and take place in Palermo, Italy, in September 2012. A diverse group of 54 young people (age 18-25) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Italy will take part. Participants will explore their own understanding of inclusion, and be given the tools to take action in their local community as champi ...
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A key objective of smart cities is the development and implementation of intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Urban areas consume up to 70% of the energy produced and transport is a leading sector consuming non renewable energy and producing the biggest amount of GHG emissions in cities (30% of total emissions). Within this context, urban freight distribution requires for innovative sol ...
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Over the recent years it has become clear that an essential requisite for future growth & competitiveness in the European agro-food industry (in which SMEs represent 99% of the sector, with consequent high strategy fragmentation) are not only the investments in global network of commodities & distribution channels but also to extend the paradigm of sustainability in the food processing from the bi ...
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A big portion of the marginalized adult population has never seen their competences certified due to noncompletion of any kind of school. As adults, former drop outs, people with learning disabilities and migrants are missing these recognized skills, not being able to attend standard adult training, and having to face the already scarce chances to access the labour market which increases their soc ...
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For women and men to become a parent is an exciting time when they dream of their future having a family and set goals. People with disabilities have also a dream of having their own family. However, the experience of people with intellectual disabilities preparing for adult- and parenthood is often a struggle with service systems and leads them to dependence and a few choices.Objectives:The overa ...
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The main idea of the project is to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and procedural innovations, and guaranteeing sustainability of transport. The idea focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems (WP5) and on the reduction of externalities (WP6). The project addresses three strategic sectors: fre ...
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The project is in line with the European strategy 2020 aimed at developing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. According to such strategy which has indicated the goal of achieving the 75% rate of employed people (age 20-64) by 2020, the project aims in particular at supporting over 45 adults (with secondary school and with compulsory education degrees) who loose their jobs due to the current ...
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In 2005 in Europe 10,8% of adult working age population (24-64) has participated in Non Vocational Adult Education (NVAE); one benchmark adopted by the Council in 2003 was to reach an average level of participation of at least 12.5%. Recent studies (EAEA, Adult education trends and issues in Europe, 2006; Eurydice, Non vocational adult education in Europe, 2007) show common participation patterns ...
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Transparent Boundaries ( Lace – Networks – Space – Architecture): Dialogue with the ElderThe project partners met in Brussels to prepare for this project and agreed the following in their Brussels Declaration!Our AimExplore the visibility of the elder in contemporary Europe through creative dialogue informed by the structural and cultural understanding of lace net-works.Our Objectives- Question th ...
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The project, inspired by the theory developed by Richard Wagner (1813-1883), recurring the bicentenary of his birth, aims to create some “total” artistic performances. The project is based upon an idea of “total” theatre, interdisciplinary, where dance is a unique amalgam of music, song, mime and acting, intertwined at the same time with painting, design and visual arts. The performances will be d ...
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It is well documented that greater cooperation is needed between employers & VET providers in order to provide a more relevant supply of skills to, & within, the labour market. There is also clear evidence to suggest a gap between the VET curricula & labour market needs with regard to ‘soft skill’ requirements. The challenge & therefore the rationale for this project is to address both demand side ...
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The project proposes a theoretical and practical framework for providing a co-operativeLanguage Lifelong Learning ICT methodology to teachers, educational institutions andto policy makers.The project attempts to inspire Europeans toward extending their language skills by wayof international communication and exchange with the application of innovativemultimedia and an ICT-based methodology. The au ...
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Estimates show that at least 20 million people are over-indebted in Europe. According to EU SILC Portugal ranks 2nd, Italy and Spain 6th and Greece 9th for arrears in the household in Europe and, respectively, 1st, 3dt, 4th and 5th in the EU GINI Index. On the other hand, those countries have not yet developed significant strategies and tools for the prevention of over-indebtedness, for ex. all co ...
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The main aim is to transfer innovative VET solutions from Europe to Slovenian Wood Sector to set up advanced VET System and new validated and state recognized VET Program.
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The European rural women have a lot of difficulties to improve their professional profile and to be inserted in the labour market, because in their environment the employment opportunities and the training resources are scarce.This project search for an incorporation of rural women in those sectors with more male presence, with the adaptation of training paths and contents to the characteristics o ...
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Local products are mainly products and services produced and offered by traditional sectors, while the monotonousness and rejection of change and innovation that stems from the tendency of becoming traditional makes it difficult for them to adapt to changing market conditions, eventually exhausting their capacity of competition. The general objective of the ELMA-TP is to increase the capacities o ...
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Four transnational meetings (in Estonia, Finland, Romania, Czech) and meanwhile workshops using mainly on-line communication methods. The DCT is not an ICT-project itself but also an approach representing educational-sociological and political points of view for creating more reasonable methods to find out actual training needs.
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The global crisis has triggered a serious slowdown in world economic growth – enterprises have stopped hiring and many are laying off workers in considerable numbers. According to the 2009 Global Employment Trends Report, the actual financial crisis should result in 20 million new unemployed by the end of 2009. Older workers with low qualifications and young unemployed workers face special difficu ...
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In today's European labour market the procedures to match supply and demand are rarely codified and are often aleatory. At this stage, a legislative intervention of the Union on this matter has been required by different parties. The problems to tackle often concern: lack of availability of workers with professional skills that satisfy the requirements of companies; lack of guidance of the non em ...
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...a Poznan/ Poland, (P1) Transfer Association /Poland, (P2)REFA Bundesverband e.V. Darmstadt/Germany, (P3)IPA Frauenhoferinstitut Zilina/Slovakia and (P4)Racionalizace Agentur / Czech and (P5) Hellenic Regional Development Center Partas/Greece.The impact of this project is: the managerial staff and MSP workers are more interested in training participation, increase in popularity of trainings in wor ...
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The Quality increase in training systems results from the close connection between training programmes and the market demands. The project provided the research of current entrepreneurs’ needs in the area of production processes organization, determining skills of the workers is indispensable in their work in order to achieve optimal realisation of the production process and then to relate diagnos ...
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The DAISS2 project was designed to enhance employability amongst unemployed adults through the transfer of newly developed diagnostics that assess & develop soft skills for enterprise & entrepreneurship. It built on a previous LdV Transfer of Innovation that has successfully transferred soft skills diagnostics for job matching to 6 EU countries.DAISS 2 was developed in response to growing employe ...
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The project aims to develope an online course complemented with presential seminars to enhance the communication skills of scientists and communicators/journalists and to improve the dialogue and cooperation amongst them and the communication with the civil society. This is necessary because these skills are not part of most educational curricula. The project will produce a sypnosis report of rela ...
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Signing up for vocational education : By providing focused education for deaf people, the project creates opportunities for them in the job market and includes them better in society in general. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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the project partners fulfilled the following: - transfer of the best practice of using modular training programs for the profession of a decorator/builder in Scottish VET institutions, use of the experience of other project partners and development of European modular training program for the profession of a decorator/builder, a corresponding credit system and examples of methodological material, ...
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