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Becoming Entrepreneurs! Developing New Skills for New Jobs
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The project is in line with the European strategy 2020 aimed at developing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. According to such strategy which has indicated the goal of achieving the 75% rate of employed people (age 20-64) by 2020, the project aims in particular at supporting over 45 adults (with secondary school and with compulsory education degrees) who loose their jobs due to the current economic crisis, in renewing their professional profile in order to be reintegrated in the labour market. In this regard NewsJob will be focused on the development of transversal key-competencies (Rec. 2006/962/CE) and 'non-routine skills' (ref.‘New skills and New Jobs’ COM(2008) 868), paying specific attention to entrepreneurship skills.NewsJob will test an Integrated Learning Model (ILM) for the development of such competencies, focused on: knowledge - through blended learning (20h e-learning and 32h face-to-face training); skills - through internship in SMEs (2 months); and attitudes - through mentoring actions. The project is targeted, more then over 45 unemployed, also at: VET e-tutors, with some experiences in companies and the labour market; the retired entrepreneurs for becoming mentors, along with SMEs for internship activities.Competencies acquired by over 45 unemployed will be compared and inserted within ECVET framework with the aim of enlarging its use within the VET system.Diss. and expl. represent significant activities at countries and European levels with dedicated resources.Project’s results will be sustained through specific agreements with social partners at local, regional and national levels, along with the use of Web Learning Group – on line community , and web 2.0 services.Partners play a strategic role at local and regional level, with scope and social responsibilities in economic development of the areas involved, ensuring then a concrete impact of NewsJob actions.Due to the numerous actions, the project last 27 months

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  •   397 500,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants