Search for European Projects

34 European Projects Found

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Stardust-The Asteroid and Space Debris Network (Stardust)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Asteroids and space debris represent a significant hazard for space and terrestrial assets; at the same time asteroids represent also an opportunity. In recent years it has become clear that the increasing population of space debris could lead to catastrophic consequences in the near term. The Kessler syndrome (where the density of objects in orbit is high enough that collisions could set off a ca ...
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Climate change can disrupt ecological, social and economic systems, with some regions and sectors suffering significantly. Therefore, adaptation plays a paramount role in responding to climate change. Progress has been made, but there are still important obstacles. Knowledge of the benefits and costs of adaptation is sparse, unsystematic and unevenly distributed across sectors and countries. Plan ...
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OPerating RAck For Full-Electric Vehicle (OPERA4FEV)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

To improve deployment of electrical vehicles in Europe, large scale production processes for Rack, cells and electrical components need to be developed. The OPERA4FEV project aims to develop a cost effective innovative thermoplastic battery rack, able to integrate any type of cylindrical cells. The solution proposed by OPERA4FEV project, adaptable to any Full Electric Vehicle model, will indeed in ...
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In the manufacturing industry, the machining of medium and big size parts with the required and suitable precision is a challenge, especially in high added value products manufactured in small or single-unit batches made of high performance materials like in aeronautic, space or energy sectors, where conventional process engineering and test/error methods are not completely efficient.INTEFIX aims ...
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The EU fruit juice and nectars market stood at a healthy 11.3 billion litres in 2009. A 60% of total volume consumed is packaged with carton, a 25% with PET and the remainder is packaged with glass (13%) and other packaging formats (2%).Environmental sustainability concerns are rising on the public agenda, becoming even more relevant to the consumers.The EU juice and nectars industry is aware of i ...
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POWER SoC With Integrated PassivEs (PowerSwipe)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Europe is a world leader in innovative automotive systems with competencies covering the full supply chain from the main OEMs (Audi, BMW, Daimler, Fiat, PSA, RSA, VW) to Tier1 suppliers (Bosch, Continental, Magneti Marelli) to leading semiconductor companies (Infineon, ST). The vision for electronic automotive control units in 2020 is that the battery will supply multi-core µControllers via multip ...
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Fast Reactor Experiments for hYbrid Applications (FREYA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

"Building up on the former activities accomplished in the previous FPs, namely MUSE in FP5 and EUROTRANS in FP6, it is proposed in the FREYA project to extend the investigations of the subcritical configurations for validation of the methodology for on-line reactivity monitoring of ADS systems. The investigations will be related to the different subcriticality levels for the nominal operation mode ...
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This proposal aims to close gaps that have been identified in nuclear and radiological preparedness following the first evaluation of the Fukushima disaster. It addresses the call Fission-2010-3.3.1: Update of emergency management and rehabilitation strategies and expertise in Europe. The consortium intends to review existing operational procedures in dealing with long lasting releases, address th ...
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As we move inextricably into a digital economy there is a looming crisis for a growing number of increasingly marginalized individuals. The accessibility technologies we have are meeting the needs of only some, at high cost, and will not work with many new technologies. The path and pace of technological change predestines these approaches to fail in the very near future. At the same time the inci ...
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ÉCLAIRE investigates the ways in which climate change alters the threat of air pollution on European land ecosystems including soils. Based on field observations, experimental data and models, it establishes new flux, concentration and dose-response relationships, as a basis to inform future European policies.Starting with biosphere-atmosphere exchange measurements, ÉCLAIRE quantifies how global w ...
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"A sustainable and efficient freight transport in Europe plays a vital role in having a successful and competitive economy. Freight transport is expected to grow by some 50 % (in tonne-kilometres) by 2020. However rail has, in many areas, been displaced from a dominant position as road transport services have grown and developed in capability and levels of sophistication that have not been matche ...
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The key objective of the TROPOS project is the development of a floating modular multi-use platform system for use in deep waters, with an initial geographic focus on the Mediterranean, Tropical and Sub-Tropical regions but designed to be flexible enough not to be limited in geographic scope.The TROPOS approach is centered on the modular development where different types of modules can be combined ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Description The PlanetData project aims to establish an interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web PlanetData will push forward the state-of-the-art in large-scale data management and its application to the creation of us ...
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"The goal of ERICKA is to directly contribute to reductions in aircraft engine fuel consumption with a targeted contribution of 1% reduction in SFC relative to engines currently in service. The fuel efficiency of a jet engine used for aircraft propulsion is dependent on the performance of many key engine components. One of the most important is the turbine whose efficiency has a large influence ...
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The 2050+ Airport (2050AP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

"This project will explore new airport concepts with radical and novel solutions to prepare airports for 2050 and beyond. It will build on the High Level Target Concepts (HLTC) from the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 2. The SRA-2 underlines the importance of the air transport sector with respect to value added, Gross Domestic Product, jo ...
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"The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative was launched in November 2010 to anticipate the development a fleet of fast reactors with closed cycle. Three fast neutron technologies have been selected:• the Sodium cooled Fast Reactor with the ASTRID prototype• the Lead cooled Fast Reactor with the ALFRED demonstrator which will be preceded by a pilotplan MYRRHA• the Gas cooled Fast Rea ...
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Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability (ANDES)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"According to the recent publications of the European Technological Platform for a Sustainable Nuclear Energy (SNETP) (Vision report and Strategic Research Agenda) the sustainability require the combination of the present LWR, future Advanced Fast reactors and the waste minimization in closed cycles with Partitioning and Transmutation. To implement these new nuclear systems and their fuel cycles i ...
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There are approximately 2 million people who suffer from chronic wounds such as venous leg ulcers in Europe at the present time. These wounds typically take between 12 and 24 weeks to heal, but 30% take over two years. This represents a cost to the European healthcare services of at least €8 billion a year in treatment. Two thirds of cases are released immediately for treatment in the community, ...
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Each year Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) causes over 1.9 million deaths in the EU, causing direct health costs of €105 billion. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), half of all CVD deaths, is the single most cause of death in Europe. Heart Failure (HF) – a CHD being the most frequent cause of hospitalization for people over 65 – has 10 million patients in the EU. Current treatment of HF entails recommendat ...
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"Asbestos-related diseases are the leading cause of occupational death in Europe. 500,000 European workers, mostly within the construction, demolition and remediation industries, are expected to die by 2030. Despite a ban on asbestos use, our members’ workers are continually exposed to this potent, invisible carcinogen from legacy products such as insulation, water tanks, ceiling panels, floor til ...
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Biomedical Informatics deals with the integrative management and synergic exploitation of the wide ranging and inter-related scope of information that is generated and needed in healthcare settings, biomedical research institutions and health-related industry.Some key present challenges of Biomedical Informatics are:- The effective and synergic integration between computational methods and technol ...
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Flutter-Free Turbomachinery Blades (FUTURE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

"FUTURE brings together European and international well reputed centres-of-excellence in order to reach major scientific & technical objectives in striving towards flutter-free turbomachine blades. By advancing the state-of-the-art in flutter prediction capabilities and design rules, the FUTURE project will lead to benefits in terms of decreased development cost, reduced weight and fuel consumptio ...
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The objective of the proposal is based on the outcome of PATEROS CA to assess more in depth the regional approach to P&T implementation. It will respond to one of the key-topics put forward by the Strategic Research Agenda of SNETP. The project intends to look at the economical aspects of the most realistic scenario for P&T with the hypothesis: limit the MA bearing fuel transport and limit the MA ...
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This project will transform the perception of, and possibilities for, the next generation Internet. It addresses the FI Content Usage Call in a number of innovative, practical and useful ways. With inputs from 5 important content areas, spanning future uses of AV, games, Web, metadata and user created content, demonstrating usage beyond current state of the art, we have assembled a consortium incl ...
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The SmartAgriFood project addresses the food and agribusiness as a use case for the Future Internet. The intelligence, efficiency, sustainability and performance of the agri-food sector can be radically enhanced by using information & decision support systems that are tightly integrated with advanced internet-based networks & services. Concurrently, the sector provides extremely demanding use case ...
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Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network (TITAN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"The TITAN project will analyse the current Turnaround process to detect gaps and to study the influence of external actors, specially the effect of land-side process like passenger flow or baggage handling. A concept shall be defined for this improved process, which will be modeled and validated using the most appropriate platform. Using the validated concept, a decision-making support tool for t ...
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"Indium nitride is a new narrow gap semiconductor (
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"Besides the European Global Energy Policy, the European Council adopted an action plan that covers nuclear technologies and supports research in order to ""further improve nuclear safety and the management of radioactive waste"". To obtain a more efficient and sustainable management of radioactive waste and hence reduce the burden on geological storage, one can apply partitioning and transmutatio ...
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Controlling Chronic Diseases related to Metabolic Disorders (METABO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

The aim of METABO is to set up a comprehensive platform, running both in clinical settings and in every-day life environments, for continuous and multi-parametric monitoring of the metabolic status in patients with, or at risk of, diabetes and associated metabolic disorders.The type of parameters that will be monitored, in addition to traditional clinical and biomedical parameters, will also inc ...
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Development of Photovoltaic Textiles based on novel fibres (DEPHOTEX)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

The goal of the project is to research and develop textile solar cells in order to get flexible photovoltaic textiles based on novel fibres allowing taking benefit from the solar radiation so as to turn it into energy. Photovoltaic solar energy is being widely studied as one of the sources of renewable energy with major application potential, being considered a real alternative to fossil fuels. Si ...
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Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links (GLOBAL)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2010,

GLOBAL - Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links will provide a virtual conference center using advanced communication technologies and concepts to support the promotion of e-infrastructure topics around the world.The GLOBAL project can be condensed in 4 objectives:• Objective 1: Providing the "Virtual Conference Center" Collaborative e-Infrastructure• Objective 2: Realising of Global Networking Sessi ...
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PROmoting MArine Research Careers (PROMARC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

"Europe has a strong maritime economy with a high global position. The strength of the European maritime industry is based on its entrepreneurship and ability to innovate. The European maritime companies can only maintain their position to produce innovative products if they can attract highly qualified RTD personnel. In order to remain at the cutting edge of knowledge and technology for green, co ...
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"An extensive amount of transport research projects have been conducted in the past EU Framework Programmes. Traditionally, the projects have been grouped under mode specific themes aiming to-wards commonly defined objectives for those themes. In Policy oriented transport research projects sustainable mobility has often been the key objective, in technology oriented projects the focus has been mor ...
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Since the EU agreed to raise the EU's share of renewable energies to 20% by 2020, there appear especially new challenges for branches like the solar-sector. But here, the skills development is still national in scope and unaligned to the European market. This poses barriers to achieving the European Union's targets and the objectives of the LLL-program to bolster cross-border mobility of solar wor ...
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