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20 European Projects Found

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Hybrid-EVs and Full-EVs on the market are products where the Internal-Combustion-Engine (ICE) is supplemented by an electric-motor (HEV) or replaced by an all-electric power-train (FEV). Neither approach address lightweight or modularity inheriting the same disadvantages as conventional ICEV - Electrification of mobility must face a conceptual rEVOLUTION! This project breaks the paradigm of curren ...
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Background The Ulla river basin experiences different pressures that impact on aquatic species such as freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus). Threats affecting these species include degradation of the river bed substrate, from dredging and siltation, degradation of riparian forest and difficulties f ...
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Collective enHanced Environment for Social Tasks (CHEST)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

CHEST aims to create a Pan-European "point of presence" to activate social interaction and social innovation that lies latent within and across organizations, enterprises, and individuals. The goal is to increment the number and success rate of initiatives that use collective awareness approaches to respond to high-impact societal challenges. To do so, the project will:- engage a large base of org ...
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Be Wiser examines organisation and technical research challenges in some of Europe’s best known RTD regions. The technology focus is on wireless internet security; while the organisational challenge is to more effectively utilise Triple Helix clusters in regional innovation processes. This approach will strengthen Europe’s position in wireless rollout and address the challenges set out in the Digi ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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As we move inextricably into a digital economy there is a looming crisis for a growing number of increasingly marginalized individuals. The accessibility technologies we have are meeting the needs of only some, at high cost, and will not work with many new technologies. The path and pace of technological change predestines these approaches to fail in the very near future. At the same time the inci ...
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Collaborative Open Market to Place Objects at your SErvice (COMPOSE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The COMPOSE project aims at enabling new services that can seamlessly integrate real and virtual worlds through the convergence of the Internet of Services with the Internet of Things. COMPOSE will achieve this through the provisioning of an open and scalable marketplace infrastructure, in which smart objects are associated to services that can be combined, managed, and integrated in a standardise ...
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Description Falls are the most prominent among the external causes of unintentional injury, since they account for approximately 40% of all injury deaths. Fall rates (and related mortality rates) vary depending on the country and the studied population. At the same time, falls are also associated with various risk factors, spanning the areas ...
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Citizens' observatory for coast and ocean optical monitoring (CITCLOPS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

In the marine environment, anthropogenic pressures on resources and non-anthropogenic causes may create harmful conditions that affect human society. Harmful algal blooms and habitat destruction are examples, which pose serious human-health threats and severely affect numerous industries, causing annual economic losses in the tens of millions of euros, in the form of reduced sales, diminished tour ...
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LEADS: Large-Scale Elastic Architecture for Data as a Service (LEADS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

There is a wealth of publicly available data in today's Internet (e.g., Web pages, government law texts, public statistics, media archives, etc.) that can be exploited by large and small companies in various business domains. Storing, processing, and querying such ever increasing amounts of data is becoming a major challenge, and having the capability to do so is a strong asset for the few big com ...
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Research efforts have improved Brain-Neural Computer Interface (BNCI) technology in many ways and numerous applications have been prototyped. Until recently, these BNCI systems have been researched almost exclusively in laboratories. Home usage has been demonstrated, though only with on-going expert supervision. A significant advance on BNCI research and its implementation as a feasible assistive ...
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Manufacturated nanomaterials and nanocomposites are being considered for various uses in the construction industry and related infrastructure industries, not only for enhancing material properties and functions but also in the context of energy conservation. Despite the current relatively high cost of nano-enabled products, their use in construction materials is likely to increase because of highl ...
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SMARTgrid KeY NEighborhood indicator cockpit (SMARTKYE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

SMARTKYE strategic goal is to develop a system for the future smart grid neighbourhood that will enable better business\ndecisions to be made based on real-time fine-grained data. Key end-users targeted are the public authorities who can monitor\nand manage key indicators in neighbourhoods with the goal of better energy efficiency and CO2 reduction.\nSMARTKYE results in short:\n- An open architect ...
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Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have become a popular topic for research in recent years. A BCI is a communication device which allows people to control applications through direct measures of their brain activity. A BNCI (brain/neuronal computer interaction) system extends a BCI by including other physiological measures such as muscle or eye movement signals.The number of BCI research groups aro ...
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Mobility2.0 will develop and test an in-vehicle commuting assistant for FEV mobility, resulting in more reliable and energy-efficient electro-mobility. In order to achieve a maximum impact, Mobility2.0 takes an integrated approach of addressing the main bottlenecks of urban FEV mobility: 'range anxiety' related to the limited FEV range, scarcity of parking spaces with public recharging spots, and ...
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Electro-mobility (for the purpose of this document, Electro-Mobility is the mobility offer by electric vehicles that are fully integrated into a well adapted transport system) is seen as one of the largest opportunities to radically change today's transport system and make a quantum leap into the next generation of sustainable mobility.The aim is to contribute to a pre-deployment and wider uptake ...
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The SUPERHUB project aims at realizing a new services mobility framework supporting an integrated and eco-efficient use of multi-modal mobility systems in an urban setting.SUPERHUB provides a user-centric, integrated approach to multi-modal smart urban mobility systems, through an open platform able to consider in real time various mobility offers and provide a set of mobility services able to add ...
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Energy efficiency in the building sector through intelligent energy management is a key measure for the global reduction of greenhouse gas emitted by this sector and additionally facilitates user costs reduction in the context of growing energy prices and harshness of natural resources.The KnoholEM project's aim is the engineering of an intelligent energy management solution that will considerably ...
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Thanks to the developments in Medical Imaging Diagnosis is earlier than ever. Physicians have more information and insight. Care is less invasive and less painful for patients. Access to tests and treatments is easier as imaging procedures are available in convenient settings, such as independent imaging centers. In addition, patient outcomes— from fewer complications to saved lives—are dramatical ...
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Background The shift from traditional forms of farming and grazing to "modernised" forms that are intensive and heavily industrialised, and the disappearance in parallel to this of farming in large spaces, have created clear problems of environmental, economic and social sustainability.The Dehesas, which are forested areas used for grazing and visible mod ...
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