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17 European Projects Found

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Interrogations of suspects in international crime are very difficult and require sophisticated skills, familiarity with different -cultures, laws and methods, and cross-border teamwork. Training law enforcement agents on how to conduct such interrogations is the key to fighting these crimes.LAW-TRAIN applies an interdisciplinary approach for international criminal interrogations. It will unify the ...
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PC LAW (Police Commissioners: Leadership Aspires Wisdom)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Police leaders are expected to provide vision, shape national perspective into European, communicate effectively towards internal and external forces. Senior officers must be both hard-headed business managers and professional politicians, while inspiring and motivating ranks, who themselves are facing enormous upheaval. Above all, leadership is more accountable and under more scrutiny than ever b ...
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The BROADMAP project will take the first steps towards future procurement of ‘interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication systems for public safety and security’ (DRS-18) to improve PPDR’s service to Europe’s citizens and enhance interoperability across borders. The primary goal of this project is to: Collect and validate the PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) organisa ...
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Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 (STORK 2.0)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

"Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0" builds on the success and results of STORK by taking further steps to decisively push the lines for wider uptake of eID in Europe, aiming at realising a single European electronic identification & authentication area. Its highly innovative focus lies on the convergence of private and public sectors in an operational framework and infrastructure encompass ...
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Archives Portal Europe network of eXcellence (APEX)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

APEX will be the follow-up of the APEnet project, in which national archival institutions from 14 European countries have realised – in collaboration with Europeana – the Archives Portal Europe, the first version of an internet portal for documents and archives in Europe and an archives aggregator for Europeana. APEX aims at widening, deepening, improving and sustaining this initiative, thus expan ...
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Lacking information about public transport is often an obstacle for travellers to use public transport at all. This is an even bigger challenge when travelling by sustainable transport modes to and within destinations of the Alpine Space, where often cross-border information is needed. This project aims to provide travellers with comprehensive information about sustainable transport modes beyond r ...
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Setting up the Structure of a Danube River Forum (DARIF)

Start date: Jun 30, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Programmes should provide a brief description of project (background, problems addressed, objectives, main activities, results); in principle project description The establishment of the Danube River Forum structures aims at forming a cooperative platform, which would strengthen the efficient collaboration between the Member States of the Danube Region in the field of criminal investigation and th ...
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Harmonised eCall European Pilot - Phase 2 (HeERO2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The overall objective of HeERO 2 is "To extend HeERO to new Member States or associated countries to demonstrate the scalability of the HeERO solution and to widen the acceptance of eCall."To support this objective there are three aims:(1) to prepare the necessary infrastructure to realize interoperability of "eCall" at European level, (2) to boost Member States investment in the PSAP infrastructu ...
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There are two BCP complexes located in the populated urban areas of the cities of Narva (EE) and Ivangorod (RF): the road BCP complex (Narva-1, ABCP-Ivangorod) is intended for motor vehicles (trucks, buses, passenger cars) and for pedestrians crossing the border, while the other complex (Narva-2, PBCP) is intended only for pedestrians. The road BCP complex (Narva-1, ABCP) was built more than 15 ye ...
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The main purpose of this project is to improve coherence and consistency among risk assessments undertaken by the countries at national and local level, and especially in case of disasters intensified by climate change. The project builds on the EU Council conclusions on "Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union" adopted in March 2011, that aims for a co ...
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The SEE region faces a complex, nationally and regionally diverse set of demographic, migratory and labour market challenges (low or declining fertility, large scale out-migration, brain and care drain, ageing, low labour force participation rate). Together with further aspects like gender, age and the given territorial heterogeneity of the programme area, they are creating a complex challenge to ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Together with the projects SoNorA, BATCo, SCANDRIA North and SEETAC (Central Europe, Baltic Sea, SEE Programme), SETA is aiming on the analysis and development of the transport corridors from Scandinavia to South-East Europe. Competitive Accessibility of regions is one of the most important preconditions for their economic growth and development (as the project SIC! has shown). Fluent transport of ...
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Adaptation to flood risk in the LABE-ELbe river basin (LABEL)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Jan 27, 2012,

...eminded of the disastrous Elbe flood 2002 and complimented the fruitful cooperation of the projects ELLA and LABEL in the Elbe catchment. According to Jan Mücke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development, the continuing cooperation to improve flood prevention is also in future a priority of the spatial development policy.
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Secure Identity Across Borders Linked (STORK)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

Description eID - easier access to public services across the EUSeveral barriers to free movement of workers still exist in the EU: for example, it is not easy to access public services while working or living in another country. The European Commission has launched a pilot project to remedy this situation with an EU-wide system for the r ...
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The target of ODERREGIO is the production of a transnational agreed action program of spatial planning for preventive flood protection between the countries Czech Republic, Poland and Germany for the complete Oder river catchment area. This action program contains concrete realisable actions agreed between the project partners. These cover the preparation of enlargement of retention areas by spati ...
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The development of new retail locations in green fields far away from urban centres promotes rapid urban sprawl and leads to traffic congestion and environmental problems and contradicts sustainable regional development. The settlement of retail enterprises in city centres can lead to a healthier development structure. The project VITAL CITIES aimed to strengthen polycentric urban systems and to c ...
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The ELLA project is the transnational co-operation of nearly all regional spatial planning authorities in the Elbe basin. This partnership between national and regional partners that are responsible for spatial planning, water management and agriculture, realises almost full spatial coverage of the catchment area of the Elbe and even neighbouring regions. Flood prevention and common management app ...
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