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Setting up the Structure of a Danube River Forum (DARIF)
Start date: Jun 30, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Programmes should provide a brief description of project (background, problems addressed, objectives, main activities, results); in principle project description The establishment of the Danube River Forum structures aims at forming a cooperative platform, which would strengthen the efficient collaboration between the Member States of the Danube Region in the field of criminal investigation and through this fasten the exchange of information aiming at criminal investigation. By the setting up of Danube Forum structure evolves a new form of cooperation that facilitates for the Danube Region’s member states to discuss the current issues in relation with the river transport security of Danube, to recognize each other’s problems, expectations, and to work out common strategies to enhance security that improves the effectiveness of cooperation concentrated not only at the parts of the Danube but at the whole line of the Danube. The cross border law enforcement collaboration can be enhanced by the active involvement of national and international authorities participating in waterway transport (border police, water police, disaster management and civil protection, transport authorities, etc.) in order to better harmonise and schedule common activities. Through the coordinated approach of countries collaborating in the Danube River Law Enforcement Forum the fight against waterway crimes and organised crimes becomes more efficient. Achievements: In addition to Hungary nine countries participated in the project: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.Several meetings were organised in the DARIF (kick-off conference, 3 expert meetings, 3 joint operations, final conference)Participants made risk analysis and profiles on the Danube, in order to speed up border crossings they endeavored to collect a list of documents to be examined in the process of border and customs controls and to map out databases that are used during the inspection. They mapped out the authorities who are responsible for the safety and control of the waterway transport on the Danube and analysed the possibilities of exchanging River Information System and other information among the Danube countries for law enforcement purposes and the legal and technical problems. During the joint operations created the DARIF Risk Analysis Chart, which contains the details of the most significant offences detected on board of ship in the past 3-5 years. High-level delegations adopted Joint Recommendations for the future law enforcement cooperation along the Danube on the Final Conference and last but not least a publication (Results and Conclusions) was published about the results, findings and recommendations in Hungarian and in English languages.

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