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Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Europe is challenged to increase the share of renewable energy for heating and cooling, industrial processes, power generation and energy storage. Geothermal energy is a vastly under-utilized indigenous, clean, low footprint and continuously available energy resource, and thus uniquely positioned to substantially contribute to a safe and secure energy supply of Europe’s Energy Union. Hitherto only ...
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Eranet Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (EN-SUGI)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

Cities around the globe are struggling to meet the needs of their citizens with respect to food, energy and water. These three sectors are inextricably linked and actions in one sector more often have impacts in one or both of the others; these interacting sectors can therefore be seen as a Food-Energy-Water Nexus (FEW Nexus) of systems. The ERANET Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (EN-SU ...
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Sustainable food security and increasing availability of plant biomass for human nutrition and bioindustries is the key challenge for the coming decades. The analysis of crop performance with respect to structure, function, quality and interaction with the environment (“phenotyping”) remains the bottleneck for the exploitation of crop genetic diversity required for the enhancement of plant product ...
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Atmospheric simulation chambers are the most advanced tools for elucidating processes that occur in the atmosphere. They lay the foundations for air quality and climate models and also aid interpretation of field measurements. EUROCHAMP-2020 will further integrate the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation. A co-ordinate ...
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CREATE aims at developing innovative membrane electrode assemblies for low-temperature polymer-electrolyte fuel cell (FC) and electrolyzer (EL) with much reduced cost. This will be achieved via elimination or drastic reduction of critical raw materials in their catalysts, in particular platinum group metals (PGM).Key issues with present low-temperature FC & EL are the high contents of PGM in devic ...
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The objective of the AENEAS project is to develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The scientific potential of the SKA radio telescope is unprecedented and represents one of the highest priorities for the international scientific communit ...
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PRACE 5th Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-5IP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 11 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25 member states enabled users from academia an ...
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Production of Polarized Antiprotons (POLPBAR)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

"Hadrons, the building blocks of all matter in Nature, are not fundamental but composed of quarks and gluons. Up to now we do not know HOW NATURE MAKES HADRONS one of the most important questions of contemporary structure-of-matter physics. Major breakthroughs are to be expected with new experimental facilities such as FAIR. Most studies in hadron physics at HESR/FAIR will employ beams of unpolari ...
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This Coordination and Support Action proposal aims at aiding the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). JPIAMR currently has 18 participating countries and organisations from 8 of these are active partners of the CSA consortium. This proposal describes in detail the different work packages (WPs) that have been suggested in order to secure the rapid ...
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Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants (AMIS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"The proposed project aims at establishing a long-lasting collaboration and creates a network of European and Chinese research centres of excellence in the area of air quality and climate change studies. This aim will be achieved by undertaking joint research activities via collaboration facilitated by individual mobility of researchers between Europe and China. Accordingly, this network will cont ...
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M-ERA.NET will be a real tool for developing a strong European RTD community on materials science and engineering and for supporting the European economy with respect to the challenges of the 21st century.M-ERA.NET will be a highly ambitious network involving a majority of European key players in national funding of materials science and engineering.M-ERA.NET will replace a number of smaller previ ...
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ERASysAPP - Systems Biology Applications (ERASYSAPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The main objective of the ERANET proposal “Systems Biology Applications – ERASysAPP” (app = application = translational systems biology) is to promote multidimensional and complementary European systems biology projects, programmes, and research initiatives on a number of selected research topics. Inter alia, ERASysAPP will initiate, execute and monitor a number of joint transnational calls on sys ...
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European Soft Matter Infrastructure (ESMI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The central objective of this ESMI proposal is to create a top-level interdisciplinary research infrastructure available to a broad European materials research community. This is of crucial importance to the EU in view of the European strategy for nanosciences and nanotechnology and its implementation report that identifies “a lack of leading interdisciplinary infrastructures”.ESMI offers the mos ...
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Interfacing Oxides (IFOX)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The goal of IFOX is to explore, create and control novel electronic and magnetic functionalities, with focus on interfaces, in complex transition metal oxide heterostructures to develop the material platform for novel ‘More than Moore’ (MtM) and ‘beyond CMOS’ electronics, VLSI integratable with performance and functionality far beyond the state-of-the-art. To this end it will:-Establish a theoreti ...
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Societal challenges, RTD and innovation offer opportunities to rejuvenate and transform the resource intensive chemical and process industries into eco-efficient high-tech solution providers, by switching to bio-based feedstock, improving efficiency of processes, by recycling waste materials and by looking at industry as an integrated system (industrial symbiosis). Objective of the Chemicals Regio ...
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"The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) recognizes in its roadmap for Research Infrastructures that ""in the near future, hydrogen, as an energy carrier derived from a number of other fuels, and fuel cells, as energy transformers, are expected to play a major role, for mobile and stationary applications"". With the current fragmentation of the European R&D infrastructures ...
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Demonstration of 1st European SOFC Truck APU (DESTA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

... an accelerated test profile for at least 1 year. Based on the test results and additional investigations a benchmark of the 2 systems will be performed by the independent research institute Forschungszentrum Jülich. Based on this benchmark and derived recommendations the 2 systems will be merged and optimized to one final DESTA SOFC APU. In this process the most promising approaches from both sys ...
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The intelligent and cost effective use of CCS technologies requires new strategies to increase the net efficiency of coal fired power plants. Among them, the most promising are summarised as below:- Increase working steam temperature and pressure in new USC power plants (350-370 bar, 700/720°C minimum), and hence increase the severity of fireside operating conditions,- Promote clean coal technolog ...
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In recent years, the effort in thin-film silicon (TFSi) was made at solving industrialization issues. In 2010, several companies demonstrated 10% stable modules (> 1 m²). The major “bricks” for efficient production are now in place. Next challenges are linked to the fact that TFSi multi-junction devices, allowing for higher efficiency, are complex devices, in which the substrate geometry and each ...
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Animal diseases can cause serious social, economic and environmental damage and in some cases also threaten human health. An increasing number of the major disease problems or threats faced by the livestock industry and zoonoses are of a global nature. The overall aim of the global strategic alliances for the coordination of research on the major infectious diseases of animals is to improve coordi ...
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In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the ARCHER project will extend the state-of-the-art European (V)HTR technology basis with generic technical effort in support of nuclear cogeneration demonstration.The partner consortium consists of representatives of conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Te ...
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Platform of Knowledge Based Bio-Economy relevant ERA-NETs (PLATFORM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

PLATFORM will bring together the European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs) from FP6 and FP7 in the area of the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) with the aim to improve exchange and cooperation between ERA-NETs and strengthen their contribution to, and impact on, the European Research Area in the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy.Experienced ERA-NET coordinators and managers propose to establish a net ...
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ERA-NET MARitime TEChnologies II (MARTEC II)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"An ERA-NET on maritime technologies (MARTEC) began with 12 ministries and funding organisations from 9 European countries in 2006. There was little or no contact prior to its establishment. MARTEC quickly formed a strong network and has launched calls in 2008, 2009 with a further one planned for 2010. So far applications for proposals have involved participants from 8 countries, and projects fund ...
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The EURATOM FP7 Collaborative Project “Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel (CP FIRST-Nuclides)” is established with the overall objective to provide for improved understanding of the fast / instantly released radionuclides from disposed high burn-up UO2 spent nuclear fuel. This issue is given a high priority in the SRA of the IGD-TP. The outcome of the p ...
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"The presence of a stratification in a NPP containment is a source of concern, as pockets of hydrogen in high concentration could lead to a deflagration or detonation risk. The objectives of the project are two folds: one is to establish whether in a test sequence representative of a severe accident in a LWR a hydrogen (helium) stratification can be established during part of the transient startin ...
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This proposal is intended to take into account the ongoing and previous integrating initiatives (AMPERA, marinERA, Marifish,...) so as to constitute a stable and durable structure for coordination and integration of national and regional marine and maritime research programmes with the major goal of providing a clear reply to the need for developing and implementing common research strategies and ...
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RURAGRI aims to improve coordination between on-going and future European, national and regional research programmes dealing with the new relationships between rural areas and agriculture in Europe and the challenge of sustainability. While the challenges and issues are mostly common, and despite of the historical coordination at the EU level for agricultural and rural development policies, resear ...
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Inorganic nanotubes (INT) and particularly inorganic fullerene-like materials (IF) from 2-D layered compounds, which were discovered in the PI laboratory 16 years ago, are now in commercial use as solid lubricants ( with prospects for numerous applications, also as part of nanocomposites, optical coatings, etc. The present research proposal capitalizes on the leadership role of the ...
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Methods in Neuroimaging (NeuroPhysics)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Body and Brain imaging and its methodological development is a fast growing technique, both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. A long term prospective is that the field needs multidisciplinary expertise of internationally oriented young researchers with a profile of a Neuroimaging scientist, as described in one of the many open job positions (Box 1). The Marie Curie Initial Training Network ...
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C-ENERGY+ has the overall objective to reinforce the National Contact Points - NCPs network, broadening NCPs expertises and improving the quality of their services. C-ENERGY+ will involve 21 Energy NCPs as partner from 21 countries plus 29 Energy NCPs as associated partners from 23 countries. Associated partners will be invited and receive financial support to attend all initiatives. C-ENERGY+ is ...
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"National Contact Points (NCPs) hold a key role in communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and the scientific community. The quality of proposals submitted, for example, relies partially on an effective NCP network. This project is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will foster further cooperation between Environment NCPs from EU member States and Associate ...
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"The fundamental objective of the project is the further integration of existing European research facilities to a grid of reaction chambers in a continuation of the EUROCHAMP project. These facilities were created to study the impact of atmospheric processes e.g. on regional photochemistry, global change, as well as cultural heritage and human health effects under as realistic conditions as possi ...
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Long-term stable operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) is a basic requirement for introducing this technology to the stationary power market. Degradation phenomena limiting the lifetime can be divided into continuous (baseline) and incidental (transient) effects.This project is concerned with understanding the details of the major SOFC continuous degradation effects and developing models that ...
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PRACE - First Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-1IP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Large scale simulations are the third pillar of science today alongside theory and experiment. They produce scientific insights, technological advances, and solve problems in many fields of society. Their tools are high-end computers and effective software. PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing, has been created as a not for profit association in May 2010 as a permanent pan-European High P ...
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ETB-PRO will reduce the fragmentation of ERA and support high quality R&D&I project cooperation of European biotech SMEs by building on success factors of the predecessor project and establish a sustainable joint program with high funding impact. This will be done in two steps thereby using four calls with a funding volume of € 35 Mio each as an implementation tool. First step: Integration ETB-PRO ...
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Description European Union Research Initiative Aims to Increase 
Electronic Device Efficiency by 10x and Eliminate Power Consumption of Devices in Standby Mode STEEPER addresses the development of Beyond CMOS energy-efficient steep subthreshold slope transistors based on quantum mechanical band-to ...
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The project objective is to establish a LAC-UE platform bringing together regional and continental organizations involved in research funding and implementation, as well as other relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector and the civil society, in an effort to generate relevant information for the design and implementation of specific plans and projects, included the needed R&D and s ...
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Systems biology is still considered a young discipline in the field of life sciences. It integrates mathematics, chemistry, physics, informatics, engineering and other fields in biological research. The fragmentation of the discipline concerns all levels of the field: (i) It confronts researchers with a new combination of knowledge, methods, skills and expertise from different disciplines. (ii) It ...
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"The multi-site European initial training network – “ENHANCE” – “New Materials: Innovative Concepts for their Fabrication, Integration and Characterization” will be established to deal with the mid and long term issues of concern to the European industry encompassing the whole spectrum of functional materials for microelectronics, nano-electronics, data storage, photovoltaic, with emphasis on emer ...
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"EUFAR is the Integrating Activity for airborne research in Geo-science. It will integrate the airborne community, to ensure thatresearchers may have access to the most suited infrastructure they need, irrespective of the location of the infrastructure. TheEUFAR consortium comprises 32 legal entities. 14 operators of airborne facilities, and 18 experts in airborne research. Theycontribute to 9 Net ...
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