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Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants (AMIS)
Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The proposed project aims at establishing a long-lasting collaboration and creates a network of European and Chinese research centres of excellence in the area of air quality and climate change studies. This aim will be achieved by undertaking joint research activities via collaboration facilitated by individual mobility of researchers between Europe and China. Accordingly, this network will contribute to strengthening and stimulating collaborative research between the partners, enhancing multidisciplinarity in the field of atmospheric chemistry by integrating experimental, theoretical and modelling and promoting mutual awareness for the environmental issues addressed by our scientific community. The network is also aimed at filling gaps in our knowledge in different areas which will increase our ability to further understand the atmospheric chemical processes impacting air quality and climate change.The proposal involves 14 partners from Europe and China (France:3, Germany:4, Spain:1, Denmark:1, China: 5). The research groups of this consortium bring together a fully complementary blend of field monitoring, laboratory measurement and modelling activities, which are not available in any single institution throughout the world. Hence, the training opportunities offered by the network, the built-in programmes, dedicated workshops, schools and exposure to internationally recognised research leaders will provide the early stage researches with significant career advantages. All groups are actively involved in a number of national, European or international projects.The proposed project responds to the key priorities for strengthening EU-China collaboration as identified in the S&T Agreement between the two parties."
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8 Partners Participants