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14 European Projects Found

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Delight in global cousine

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The project Delights in Global Cuisine will last 12 months and it will take place in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana. It will host three volunteers from Spain, from Hungary and from Croatia. The volunteers will join the team of Zavod Global and will take part of the daily activities and events of the projects of Zavod Global – SKUHNA and Globalna Lutka. The aim of Zavod Global within this proje ...
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A number. A letter. A smile.

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"A Number. A Letter. A Smile. " is a project that we want to propose. He addresses to disadvantaged children and youth in the Liceul Tehnologic “Sava Brancovici” Ineu, Arad, as beneficiaries of our association in this city who have a precarious social situation. The project it is a K.1 mobility European Voluntary Service for a period of 8 months. The 5 volunteers from Italy, Spain and Germany whic ...
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Open your heart. Give me your time

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project "Open Your Heart. Give me your time "emphasizes the principles of innovation and proactivity required size of volunteering in a constantly changing world. The project is a challenge both for volunteers and for Sirina Association and the local community through the proposed approach exploiting the potential participants in a process of personal growth through creative, shared commitmen ...
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Chance. Choice. Change

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...ncouraged to input their ideas and to reflect upon the experiences during the stage, in order to contour the personal learning outcomes. The promoters of the project were: Asociatia Sirinia - Romania FOCSIV - Italy Asociación para la Innovación en la Dinamización Comunitaria y el Turismo INDICOT - Spain ProAtlântico - Associação Juvenil - Portugal
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Towards online training for global volunteers

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

During the years of work in the field of international volunteering we realized how the experience of voluntary work in foreign environment is of a great importance to develop and improve various skills, competencies and knowledge of young people, particularly soft skills and learning responsibilities and self initiative.When considering and handling volunteers, adequate preparation is extremely i ...
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WHAT DO YOUth WANT?_ Indagine giovanile sul tema "Youth Partecipation"

Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Jan 14, 2016,

“WHAT DO YOUth WANT?_ Youth survey on Youth partecipation" is a project launched by FOCSIV in the framework of the Structured Dialogue (Erasmus+ Programme), to promote active participation of young people in democratic life and foster debates around the renewed political framework in the youth field according to the Trio Presidency Priority of Youth Empowerment – Youth participation (IV Cycle). FO ...
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"YES: Youth, Education and Solidarity!" was an international cooperation and awareness-raising EVS group project launched by FOCSIV - Italian Coordinator and Sending NGO - and 6 other Sending Organizations. The main themes were the rise of European awareness (values and active citizenship), Children rights and the Cooperation with Developing Countries. FOCSIV aimed at spreading a culture of solida ...
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The objective of the project is to promote the participation and inclusion of young people between 13-30 with fewer opportunities,in order to contribute to civil society development.This parteciation and inclusion process will be relaized stimulating youth reflection,undarstanding,active elaboration about issues and values which are at the basis of the european citizenship, but which should be co ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

"CHILDREN: Right to future!" was an international cooperation and awareness-raising EVS group project launched by FOCSIV - Italian Coordinator and Sending NGO - and 4 other Sending Organizations. The main themes were the rise of European awareness (values and active citizenship), Children rights and the Cooperation with Developing Countries. FOCSIV aimed at spreading a culture of solidarity amon ...
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EVS: Educate Vocational Solidarity

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

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EVS: stand up for Education

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

"EVS: stand up for Education" was an EVS group project in the field of international cooperation and awareness-raising initiatives launched by FOCSIV to contribute to Children rights, Cooperation development in the Developing Countries and European awareness (values and active citizenship). In particular, FOCSIV aimed at developing a culture of solidarity among young people in order to promote act ...
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The Project aims to transfer the results of two previous Leonardo da Vinci projects: GLODEV and Free-Learning. The partners of E-GLODEV thought that, recognizing the competences and missions of each of them, is appropriate to focus on systemizing the results in order to develop and improve the European process of education, training, and competences acquisition, with the final goal of making more ...
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The non profit sector has experienced many attempts of training the volunteers and the employees through distance learning and also of producing e.learning courses. But without an appropriate methodology all those experiences got meagre results. Therefore the current projects aims at making a repository of methodologies for e.learning and through the involvement both of training agencies and of tr ...
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