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17 European Projects Found

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Vocational Education and Training in the Working World 4.0

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project “Vocational Education and Training in the Working World 4.0” wants to promote work-based learning in the sectors electronics and mechatronics with special regard to the existing and future challenges of working world 4.0. in the European vocational education and training. The project wants to provide and improve the open and innovative education in the field of working world 4.0., embe ...
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The project originates from a careful analysis and discussion among Consortium members on the most recent developments and trends characterizing the manufacturing sector of the Veneto Region (mechanical, electromechanical and mechatronics) and affecting training and educational needs and provisions. Key Enabling Technologies such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology are increasingl ...
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eMovA - Virtual Mobility project for Apprenticeship

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Within the Euro Apprenticeship network - European network of more than three hundred organizations in Europe , reflections and experiments are being conducted to improve learning courses of short duration mobility quality and provide a virtual alternative to those who do can not leave. In this sense, virtual mobility , defined as all ICT activities to support, facilitate or carry out experiments o ...
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Movilidad para la innovación en la FP

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

HETEL - Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea - is an Association of twenty one Vocational Training Centres which are present in all the regions of the Basque Country in Spain. It was set up in 1987. The 20 partners in the consortium belong to the association. HETEL aims to facilitate the exchange of experience, know-how and setting up and jointly participating in projects related to pedagogical innovation ...
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BEST FOR BETTER – Best Skills for a Better Teaching

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The consortium needs a system activity to train the staff on specific issues related to education/training, employment and international mobility. The sending organizations involved need to learn innovative teaching and working processes, methods and instruments, in order to improve their educational activities, to prepare students for the labour market and to improve their strategies of internati ...
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Move on!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The European Agency for Vocational Education and Training, Cologne Government Regional Office (EUGES), wants to motivate and support further vocational colleges in the Cologne region to provide Europwide mobilities for their VET students. Moreover, the EUGES motivates the VET colleges to develop a concept of Europeanisation/ internationalization respectively to strengthen the existing ones. Altoge ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

In the years until 2020, the EU youth generation will diminish from 90 to 81 million. This will have a profound impact on education, the economy and society in the future. Technological changes will be even more pervasive and global competition will increase, not least the competition for talented people. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen policies to make EU ready for this competition an ...
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The EU Strategy Europe 2020 and its flagship initiative “Youth on the move” call up member states to design modern Education and Training systems, in order to achieve competences that are key to economy and the knowledge and excellence society, to cut off youth unemployment by making training more respondent to young people’s needs and by encouraging them in taking advantage from EU funding for le ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The partners have identified the needs of the beneficiaries, that are at the base of the project, through interviews and focus groups, which showed some problematic elements: - ability to organize in autonomy the work; communicate effectively; availability for work mobility and passion for the profession; - lack of knowledge of the labor market and of motivation towards school and work; difficulti ...
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CONTEXT IeFP+ integrates in the internationalisation strategy of the IeFP regional system, aiming at the reaching of the 6% benchmark of students participating to mobility, foreseen by ET2020. Aeca and its regional network of partners, including Regione Emilia Romagna, have already started the process through previous LLP Leonardo Mobility, Network and ESF for students' mobility and the developme ...
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Beloved Language (Caro Lingua)

Start date: Mar 31, 2004, End date: Oct 30, 2008,

Dieses Projekt bot Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen die Möglichkeit,langfristige grenzüberschreitende Arbeitsgemeinschaften einzugehen. Ziel wares, die Schüler in der Sprache der Partnerregionen kommunizieren zu lassen.Im Rahmen der geplanten Zusammenarbeit sollten die Partnerschulenpersönliche Begegnungen organisieren und sollte regelmäßig über moderneMedien miteinander kommuniziert werde ...
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The model of Vocational Qualification Transfer System -VQTS (LdV A/03/B/F/PP-158.034), developed for mechatronics have been transferred to the commercial sector and therein to the VET of professions of foreign trade. In the project:a) the competence matrix of VQTS including core competences and competence development units has been transferred into the professional area of foreign trade, b) select ...
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The evaluation study about the utilisation of the europass mobility has shown that the spaces in the document where the acquired skills and competences can be described were rarely used.It is necessary for the implementation of ECVET in Europe to report the experiences made with mobility actions in a bottom-up process to the EU-level in order to enhance the practicability.The modified europass mob ...
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The automotive industry is shaped by innovations, ever fiercer competition and global suppliers. As strategies are developed to cope with the complexity of this business, employees face growing demands to adopt systemic, networked and interdisciplinary modes of thought and action. At the same time, process-oriented work structures require that employees exercise a high degree of self-management an ...
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All over Europe building operators are forced to reduce operating costs and to reduce CO2 emissions of a building. In order to reach these central objectives the central when operating buildings a building must be seen as a complex technical system; it needs a systemic approach where all aspects from building to operating must be considered. A resulting field of activity is the Building Service En ...
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One of the greatest challenges for the implementation of the national and the European Qualification Frameworks (EQR) is the assignment of qualificational profiles to the individual levels according to comparable principles. This should be envisaged in a way to safeguard comparability and transparency of differently structured qualificational profiles. Therefore the main target of the project was ...
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The mobility of VET students is important to open their mind for the European labour market as a whole and to increase their chances for future qualified employment. However, the different VET systems with their country-specific rules and ideas as well as the lack of transparency and comparability that complicates the recognition and validation are still big obstacles for VET students` mobilities. ...
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