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39 European Projects Found

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Background The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted in its 2014 report that climate change would have negative impacts on agriculture for the rest of this century, even in temperate zones such as in Europe. Integration of adaptation measures into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Cohesion Policy can increase the resilience of ...
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Restoration of Estonian alvar grasslands (LIFE to alvars)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2019,

...). In order to maintain the ecological connectivity and biodiversity of the country’s alvar grasslands, a minimum of 7 500 hectares needs to be subject to annual grazing. This is a target of the Estonian Nature Conservation Development Plan that will run until 2020. Objectives The project’s main objective is to rest ...
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Background Natural and semi-natural grasslands (NSG) are complex ecosystems that provide a range of ecosystem functions and services, which are essential for maintaining biodiversity and healthy societies in general. Loss of grassland biodiversity leads to the degradation and even total destruction of ecosystem functions and services, which would require ...
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Project addresses cross border dimension of sustainable management of green areas (GA) in most populated cities in EE-LV-RU border area: Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov. GA are green landscapes, incl. natural and artificial ones, inside cities. It’s an integral part of urban districts playing a vital role in preservation of natural environment & providing daily communication between human and nature. The ov ...
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Forests in the Baltic Sea Region are either dominating in the landscape (FIN, NOR, Russia, SWE) or are its important part (POL, Belarus, EST, LV) (annex 1). The long-term goal of the project is to foster good governance in forested landscapes. These landscapes are facing new challenges caused by i.e. globalization, climate change, demands of both more intensive use of natural resources and enhance ...
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Towards transboundary access of nature observation data (BALTICDIVERSITY)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

The project will promote transboundary access to nature observation data in three Central Baltic countries: Finland, Sweden and Estonia. Our goal is to use the joint potential of the national nature observation databases, including those covering the museum collections, and make their contents accessible to interested target groups in all the project countries. The project supports the development ...
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The Baltic Sea Basin is an area of intensive, and intensifying agricultural production. There are about 36 million units of cattle, 67 million units of pigs, and 190 million units of poultry in the region. (Gren, I.-M. et al., 2008: Cost of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea - technical report). Intensifying and concentration of animal production has resulted in environmental problems caused by ...
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...wool lamb breeds are preferred. It is not known that the native sheep offers high quality wool, several shades of yarn, delicious meat. In Finland, native sheep has been acknowledged as a breed. The Estonian Native Sheep is not yet; thus, the project will benefit, among other things, from the Finnish experiences with acknowledgement procedure of a native sheep. Project activities include researc ...
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Energy Efficient and Ecological Housing (ECOHOUSING)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Finland, Estonia and Latvia have made plans how to save energy, compensate the use of fossil energy sources by renewable energy sources. Important domestic source is wood and other biomass in different forms. Through the project the partners in Finland, Estonia and Latvia will collect information of heating technology, boilers and devices utilizing wood energy and other bioenergy in different form ...
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How to link strong research nodes, clusters and SME networks in the Baltic Sea region in order to jointly reach globally-leading innovation partnerships? How to use the high innovation potential of the region to address common societal challenges?StarDust was designed to give answers to these questions. Besides the concrete testing of collaboration methods, policy implication should be drawn on ho ...
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Fungi and Beetles in Buildings on Islands of Baltic Sea (FaBBi)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2013,

...0 specialists and property owners are planned to be educated in the region. Within the framework of WP5 foundation is laid for establishing a research and training centre of rural architecture at the Estonian Open Air Museum (EOAM), which guarantees sustainable development in the studies of timber structures and buildings and also provides teaching materials and books after the termination of the ...
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Tourism is seen as a main income source in many rural areas with strategies stressing new sustainable, high quality market orientated products linked locally, regionally & internationally. Few SMEs can provide all that is demanded in the markets thus necessitating cooperation & joint marketing with other SMEs & actors in their area. However, tourism development initiatives mostly target SMEs, lead ...
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The project will explore the best ways to develop sustainable urban drainage systems in Estonia and Latvia. Joint feasibility studies in Baldone (LV), Tartu (EE), Rīga (LV) and Pärnu (EE) will look for the most efficient ways to drain surface waters back into the environment in ecological ways without expensive piping works. The local community groups will be actively involved in discussions and e ...
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The project aims at strengthening the ties between the rural food producers and gourmet restaurants, promoting quality local products and culinary heritage in restaurants and gourmet sector. It will be achieved through joint trainings and experience exchanges for rural producers, as well as networking events with gourmet sector representatives. ...
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Joint standards and plan for managing the water quality and resources of the Gauja/Koiva River, shared by Latvians and Estonians – this is the goal for cooperation among Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Biology Institute of Latvian University, Baltic Environmental Forum in Estonia and Latvia, Tallinn Technological Universi ...
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Interreg IIIA interdisciplinary ”Reed Strategy in Estonia and Finland” project brought out the concept of integrated coastal planning and Reed Strategy in 2007. It created a framework for wider utilization and gave an idea for the new project, which focuses on the bioenergy production with reed, and looks for new ways to use reed in the construction industry. COFREEN-project delves deep into utili ...
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International Food and Activity Tourism (InFActo)

Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

Tourists are increasingly demanding linked & coordinated activities of higher quality not only at local level but also regionally & internationally. Local food linked to active tourism is increasingly popular but demand is for products of high quality with an authentic experience. Few operators can provide all that is demanded in todays markets thus necessitating linked or complementary products, ...
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The fishery sector is an integral part of the Baltic Sea coastal regions and their economies. Not all fish stocks are fished within natural limits, and certain commercially important species (e.g. Baltic cod and Baltic white fish) are severely overfished and outside safe biological limits. Existing national and EU fisheries management policies are apparently not effective enough to maintain or eve ...
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...nomic activities. The Bremerhaven Technology-Transfer-Centre (De), the Research Institute of Plant Production Piestany (Slovaquia), the Regional Natural Areas Conservatory of Aquitaine (Fr) and the Estonian University of Life Sciences will provide tools and expertise. The Executive Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria (Bg) remain a partner of REVERSE project but this partner ...
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During the last years the costs for fossil energy resources are heavily increasing. Even though the prices for these resources will not be rising to ever new peaks it is obvious that they will remain on a high level and in medium and long term rise continuously. Consequently, the costs for public services, such as transportation or the provision of heat and electricity, are rising as well. This si ...
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Wood Energy and Cleantech (Woodenergy)

Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Wood for energy (such as wood chips, residuals and pellet) is an underutilised resource and vital to the northern part of the Baltic Sea Region for sustainable development. In regional, national and EU plans overall objectives are to use more bio energy in order to reduce climate effect. In the Baltic States fossil gas and oil are the dominating fuels when heating houses, official buildings and in ...
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Gulf of Riga as a Resource for Wind Energy (GORWIND)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2012,

The project carries out a comprehensive research for the future wind parks in the Gulf of Riga through analyzing the wind energy policies in both countries, obtaining reliable marine wind information, considering the environmental aspects, and involving in the discussions the relevant authorities, business partners and local people. ...
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...of wetlands in Estonia and Finland. This campaign is directed to farmers, landowners, authorities and policy makers. In addition, WP4 also aims to enhance co-operation in wetland management between Estonian and Finnish wetland managers. The main results expected from the project are improvements in the design and management of constructed wetlands leading to improved nutrient retention. This in ...
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moting Natural Materials know-how (ProNatMat)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) with the other Finnish partners has worked with natural materials for several years and Estonian Heritage Society (SRIK) has experience from the year 2001. The idea about the joint project arose from the common interest and need to develop cooperation. ProNatMat promotes natural material know-how in Finland and in Estonia and between these countries. T ...
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Background There are extensive and increasingly abandoned grasslands over large areas of Europe (e.g., approximately 1.5 million ha in Germany, 2.2 million ha in UK and 0.6 million ha in Estonia). Due to their rich diversity of both flora and fauna, these grasslands are listed among the targeted habitats within the Natura 2000 ecological framework. Once d ...
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Tools for water management and restoration processes (Lakepromo)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...the first period of 2006 one Hungarian partner (Budapest University) was dropped out due to difficulties with their financial management. However, these tasks and remaining budget were shifted to the Estonian partner. Due to Danish structural reform partner 5 (The County of North Jutland) was replaced by partner 16 (Environment Center Aalborg). On the Lakepromo main web site (http://lakepromo.savo ...
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The project investigates the impacts of cold cowsheds on animal welfare, labour working conditions, functionality and, nutrient losses. The objective is to gather and verify data of existing small and medium size Finnish and lager Estonian cold cowshed units, and use the information for planning of more cost-effective, more ecological and lager production units.
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Conservation of NATURA 2000 biotopes in Räpina polder ( RAPINA )

Start date: Aug 1, 2003, End date: Oct 31, 2006,

...a on the shores of Lake Peipsi and covers a total of 1550 ha. The polder was actively farmed by agricultural cooperatives during the Soviet era but only 30% of its land continued to be farmed after Estonian independence in early 1990s. The other 70% was largely abandoned and gradually became overgrown with shrub as it dried out. Despite the lack of management, the polder remained an important ...
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The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the introduction of the Bologna principles into the Russian quality assurance system of higher education. This involves development of Standards and Procedures for Public Accreditation of Agricultural Programs in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Standards should meet the ...
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E-CLIC aims to bring European policy making closer to European citizens by helping schools, universities and communities to engage in a dialogue about these policies and how they influence people’s lives. The European Landscape Convention is taken as an example, linked directly to local development issues while affecting the environment and quality of life of all Europeans. A CLIC competition will ...
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...dustries. The developed study program will improve greatly the possibilities of good competence building in the field in partner regions. A 2-day training seminar in Pskov held by the professors from Estonian University of Life Sciences will be the basis and the start of knowledge transfer between the two universities. Also there will be good connections between target groups (companies in metal a ...
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The I.S.L.E network: Innovation in the teaching of Sustainable Development in Life sciences in Europe, will ultimately involve HEIs, Research institutes, and enterprises from 32 countries (including two "third countries" Ukraine, Belarus), interested in introducing the concept of Sustainable Development in their curricula and/or institutions having had experience in this area and who are willing t ...
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VET has a unique position between more theoretical higher education and practice. It is typically an operator, who could have the skills both to understand the research information and implement it to the practice. Especially in rural areas the VET’s role has also changed from the traditional educator to important regional expert organization and developer. VET is an important link to the experti ...
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Title: Creating a platform for communication between science and practice in organic food system.Introduction: Organic agriculture is a system of farm management based on natural substances and processes and, therefore, contributing to environment protection, animal welfare and rural development. Since 1990 the market for organic products has been growing rapidly. Increasing demand for organic foo ...
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The idea of long-term sustainable development on the earth and new standards and targets on EU-level as well as the growing need for ecological building materials and a rising demand for people who know how to handle these. This was the background for the LdV pilot project "Clay Plaster" (D/02/B/F/PP-112 695) that developed a Curriculum and pedagogical materials. The project has won the best pr ...
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Increasing cooperation between enterprises and VET is highlighted in various EU and national policies. The most of the VET organisations are involved in this cooperation, however, they have focused mostly on operating with larger companies. Small and micro enterprises are not properly involved in this cooperation nor benefiting from it, even though approx. 91% of companies in EU can be classified ...
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...lications, conference and workshops.EXPERTS PARTNERSHIP & ISLANDSCOORDINATOR1. IT-IUAV (University IUAV of Venice) - Venice LagoonCOORGANISERS2. CY-OUC (Open University of Cyprus) - Cyprus3. EE-IAES (Estonian University of Life Sciences) - Saaremaa4. GB-CCLP (Cambridge Centre for Landscape and People) - Britain5. HR-PAP (Priority Action Programme, UNEP-MAP) - Dalmatian Islands6. IT-DESA (Universit ...
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European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) is widely distributed throughout European estuarine and inland waters. In their adult phase eel spawn in the western central Atlantic Ocean. The larvae drift and swim into river mouths all over Europe and Northen Africa, before migrating upstream to spend most of their lives. The oldest eels migrate back downstream and across the Atlantic to spawn and die. Eel s ...
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