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18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Professional volunteering (ProVol) Crossborder

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Volunteering holds an essential place in the society as well as in the economy: it is an essential act of citizenship. Volunteers and NPOs (non-profit organisations) are contributing essentially to the delivery of social services and combating social exclusion and therefore make a big contribution to build a strong and cohesive society. The European Commission estimated that volunteering contribut ...
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Multimedia Authoring and Management using your Eyes and Mind (MAMEM)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Loss of the voluntary muscular control while preserving cognitive functions is a common symptom of neuromuscular disorders leading to a variety of functional deficits, including the ability to operate software tools that require the use of conventional interfaces like mouse, key-board, or touch-screens. As a result, the affected individuals are marginalized and unable to keep up with the rest of t ...
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"Background: A significant proportion of pre-diabetics, show macro and micro vascular complications associated with hyperglycaemia. Although many trials have demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions in diabetes prevention, no trial has evaluated the extent to which mid- and long-term complications can be prevented by early interventions on hyperglycaemia.Aims: To ass ...
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Community Education Facilitating

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Community Education Facilitating has to be considered as an overall concept for fostering the implementation of community education offers in regional /local, urban as well as rural communities. It has become evident that community education processes must be initiated, coordinated, guided and accompanied. This is the only way to ensure sustainability and avoid pop-up effects. To this end, a prof ...
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Bags to do in your city

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Culture can be defined as the characteristics, the habits, traditions, and the beliefs of a country, religion, cuisine, music and arts of society, or a particular group of people. Cities have many different qualities in terms of culture, living styles, economic and social structures, history, beauties, and places to visit, food, environment and so forth. Human beings are an indispensable part of t ...
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Safety Evaluation of Adverse Reactions in Diabetes (SAFEGUARD)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

"In 2010 a widely marketed drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (rosiglitazone) was taken from the market as it was associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction, a T2DM complication it was actually supposed to prevent. This example shows several things. First, the approval requirements do not guarantee a longer term positive benefit risk profile. Second, large scale postm ...
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Tissue Transmigration Training Network (T3Net)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Cardiovascular and cancer-related diseases are the leading causes of human mortality and disability. The underlying mechanisms originate from chronic interstitial cell activation leading to pathological tissue remodelling and malfunction of cells. These depend on three fundamental processes: cell adhesion, migration, and modulation/degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), which together dete ...
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Obiettivi generali del progetto: Incremento dell'efficienza attraverso lo sviluppo di comuni strategie transfrontaliere, processi e modi operativi, miglioramento della qualità dei servizi nel turismo e nell'economia del tempo libero. Miglioramento nell'assistenza per l'infanzia, mobilità e consulenza genitoriale.
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U. of Turku in FI has contacts with many EE organizations. In many meetings, the question of nature protection has raised up. There are several old parks in both countries, and their re-establishment would make them more attractive for plants, animals and visitors. Cultural background and historic development of parks are quite different in EE and FI, but there are similar problems like how to add ...
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Lipids are central to the regulation and control of cellular processes by acting as basic building units for biomembranes, the platforms for the vast majority of cellular functions. Recent developments in lipid mass spectrometry have set the scene for a completely new way to understand the composition of membranes, cells and tissues in space and time by allowing the precise identification and quan ...
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Creating competitive regions in which companies choose specialist personnel from the pool of qualified workers or reach for know-how and tools to meet the needs for personnel.- Businesses benefit from the potential of a working woman for the needs of professional fields.- Development, planning and implementation of interregional educational programs.- Counselling the firms in Styria and Slovenia r ...
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"Primary cilia have been recognized on nearly all-mammalian cells. Emerging data suggest that they act as cellular antennae with diverse motility and sensory functions, detecting a wide variety of signals. As such, defects in cilia formation or function have profound effects on the development of body pattern and the physiology of multiple organ systems. Ciliary defects underlie a wide range of hu ...
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Europe has become a condition of life, in which we all have to play a role as Europeancitizens. This goes also for the deaf learners and teachers. Europe in this respect is alsothe discussion about the relationship between hearing and deaf culture and the role ofnational sign languages. To empower learners and teachers to understand the visiblesigns, attached meanings and personal identification p ...
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Le problème est celui d'une orientation professionnelle souvent mal comprise et/ou vécue par un certain nombre d'élèves et de parents, conçue dans un cadre national et perçue comme s'imposant plus ou moins du dehors. D'où notre objectif : choisir des établissements différents mais complémentaires pour lesquels cette problématique est importante et permettre aux élèves de commencer à penser par eux ...
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Obschon gut qualifizierte Migrantinnen ein soziales und kulturelles Potenzial mitbringen und über zahlreiche Ressourcen verfügen, gelingt ihnen die berufliche Integration vor dem Hintergrund der vorhandenen strukturellen und effektiven Diskriminierung nur unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Das Verhalten der ArbeitgeberInnen sowie die fehlenden sozialen Netzwerke behindern eine Anstellung im gleichwert ...
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Since 1st January 2007 the European Union has consisted of 27 countries. As it expands, it’s important for all countries involved to become aware of each other’s identity and diversity while learning what makes each individual country unique. Local and national culture is the root of this uniqueness and central to national identity. Sharing knowledge of each nations’ culture fosters understanding ...
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The partnership is composed by schools and VET (Vocational Education and Training) centres involved in the study, development and delivery of training activities to increase the level of digital literacy and active citizenship of elderly people. The partners are interested in learning more about and then transfer and localize the methodology developed by the “G&G - Grandparents and Grandsons” ini ...
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MOSAIC centres on synergy between education, culture and citizenship, relevant to the objectives of Comenius program. Cultural revelation through high mobility and personal discovery is applied to achieve spirit of tolerance, excellence and efficiency as well as artistic and innovative thinking. Promoting social, historical and cultural values, MOSAIC brings EU pupils together through intercultura ...
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