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37 European Projects Found

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Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange (AEOLIX)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Supply chain visibility supported by easy access to, and exchange and use of relevant and abundant logistics-related information is an important prerequisite for the deployment of pan-European logistics solutions that are needed to increase efficiency and productivity, and to reduce environmental impact. Although there is a proliferative development of logistics-related data stores, information ch ...
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Kulturgeschichte Digital / Cultuurgeschiedenis verdigitaald

Start date: Jun 14, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2018,

Description (EN): Innovative product development for the marketing of the cross border Nature Park MSN using digital means of communication, based on the cross-border cultural history and existing cultural elements. The extensive range of cultural history will be available with the help of modern media in order to reach new target groups of tourists and to support the regional econo ...
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Despite the importance of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs) and dynamic ICT-based maritime supply chains (SCs) for port operations, state-of-the-art Risk Management (RM) methodologies for maritime environments pay limited attention to cyber-security and do not adequately address security processes for international SCs. Motivated by these limitations, MITIGATE will introduce, integrate, ...
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LASHARE will develop a robust assessment framework for innovative laser equipment paving the way for new manufacturing applications. It will carry out a large number of assessment experiments for a variety of laser equipment targeting strategic manufacturing areas for Europe.The Laser Equipment Assessment (LEA) will be carried out by a trio of research/supplier/user partners. Each LEA will define ...
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

" Crossing way + " / " Crossing way + " is the title of the present project of itinerant exchange. This title is a continuation of the exchange realized in the summer of 2014 " Crossing Way " that it was born of two slopes, the Way of Santiago with the historical cultural context of the region and with the meeting of groups of young women proceeding from different European countries. This year we ...
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S@il (S@IL)

Start date: Mar 4, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Alternative propulsion systems for (freight) sailing, defined her as hybrid sailing concepts, have high potentials, due to rising oil prices and environmental aspects. Hybrid sailing concepts can lead to new business opportunities, job creation, more attractive regions and a more sustainable future. S@IL will build capacity, develop, improve and test concepts, develop business cases, build allianc ...
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A study on fatal accidents of professional drivers in Finland (Laapotti & Peräaho 2011) has revealed that the risks in loading and securing of cargo comprised 12 % of all vehicular risk factors. This was more than the proportion of risks connected to tires and brakes together (10 %). Europe is an area where goods and products can move around freely, without any checks at the national borders. Thi ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Demonstration, evaluation and dissemination of new robotic systems, sensors and network technologies in operational environments of maritime incidents that constitute a potential risk to human life, environment and economic activities, with the ability to operate in adverse circumstances, polluted and dangerous. ...
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Upgrading of Inland Waterway and Sea Ports (INWAPO)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

The central Europe area disposes of extensive inland waterways which in all cases underperform in terms of utilisation of their capacities for freight transport and the transport performance of these waterways is usually very low. Major reason for the unsatisfactory role inland navigation plays in coping with the ever growing freight volumes in central Europe is the lack of functional integration ...
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Existing and upcoming stricter air quality standards and regulations together with the need to reduce energy consumption raise the awareness of ports and terminals to focus on the carbon footprint which is dependent not only on equipment and operations, but also the energy mix and the management of energy consumption.There is also an increasing need to provide carbon footprint calculations to tran ...
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Coastal areas are vital economic hubs in terms of settlement, industry, agriculture, trade and tourism to mention some key sectors. There are already many coastal problems including erosion, flood risk and long-term habitat deterioration. As economies continue to develop the asset base at risk will grow, while accelerating climate change will increase the likelihood of damaging extreme events, as ...
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Cruise Gateway will increase the maritime accessibility by developing the NSR as a cruise destination of its own and promoting it as a "lighthouse" for sustainable cruise. Main outputs are the creation of a brand for cruise in the NSR, the improvement of service quality in ports and environmentally friendly economic growth. Within the work packages, the brand will be jointly designed and best prac ...
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European e-freight capabilities for co-modal transport (E-FREIGHT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

The key issues that will be addressed in e-Freight are:1. Intra-European trade is complicated due to disconnected logistic chains. This hindrance conflicts with the legitimate ambition of achieving a European maritime transport space without barriers. Linked to these issues is the broader need for simplification and harmonisation of regulatory requirements and accelerated development of EU and Nat ...
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Amber Coast Logistics (ACL)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

ACL is a collaborative project that supports the coordinated development of logistic centres and thus fosters the connection of areas with low accessibility in the southern and eastern Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to the European transport network and international trade flows. The project’s main objective is to improve accessibility and locistic processes both via land and sea to strengthen economic t ...
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The recent EU Commission paper on the establishment of a “Primary European Rail Freight Network” is the confirmation that Europe wants to develop a long term freight sustainable mobility.Infrastructure investments are costly and take long time to come to fruition. Hence force the need to adopt a realistic mid term strategy for developing the use of freight trains to bridge the gap up to when the ...
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SMART Container Chain Management (SMARTCM)

Start date: Aug 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

SMART_CM aims to do advanced technology implementation and research in order to overhaul the complete container door-to-door transport chain so that it is more efficient, secure, market driven, and competitive. It systematically analyses current processes and systems, produces new innovative concepts for processes and technologies, and demonstrates all these in a set of 2 world scale Demonstrators ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The aim of the project is to evaluate, define and agree upon a common development strategy for improving competitiveness of the MED maritime system, developing the connections between the main regional ports and the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T); The direct target groups include ministries, regional administrations, municipal institutions, port authorities, which will cooperate in th ...
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Cruise Atlantic Europe (CruiseAtlanticEuro)

Start date: Jan 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

The growth of cruise tourism activity in Europe has been capitalized primarily by regions with more tradition in the sector and which present a consolidated product, such as the Baltic and Mediterranean. Despite the strong competition in these markets, with its unique features, the AA has a relatively competitive position in global cruise tourism.The strategic location, at cruise routes crossroads ...
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Motorways of the Seas Strategic Demonstration Project (StratMos)

Start date: Mar 31, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2011,

The application is for an extension of the project with the inclusion of a further two partners, who have been involved in the Stratmos project from the start but were not able to submit their letters of intent in time for the submission of the project in the first call. The potential partners were involved with the Stratmos predecessor project Northern Maritime Corridor. The Stratmos project aim ...
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"The competitive advantage of the EU in the maritime industry sector has to be sustained and depends mainly on the sector's performance, its flexibility and continuation of competitiveness. In this regard, shipbuilding and port equipment are important and strategic industry in a number of EU member states and for the European Community as a whole. RTD investment for boosting the sector is needed ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le système d’Autoroutes Électroniques Maritimes de la Méditerranée (AEM-MED) est un système maritime d’information et d’infrastructure innovant qui intègre des Systèmes de Gestion et de Protection de l’Environnement (SGPE), des technologies maritimes de sûreté dédiées à des services maritimes améliorés, des standards - plus sophistiqués - liés à la sûreté de navigation, la protection intégrée de l ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

Besides east/west connections and transport corridors, the enlarged EU also needs an improvement in the transport routes connecting the Mediterranean and Baltic countries. The Adriatic-Baltic land bridge project will conduct a pre-feasibility analysis and develop a deployment roadmap for north/south intermodal transport connections which link Europe and the Mediterranean countries with global mark ...
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Atlantic Area Motorway of the Sea (ATMOS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Mar 4, 2008,

This project aims to promote the opening of cabotage lines by creating partnerships between ship owners, shipyards, dockers, and public and private bodies and to develop connections between the ports with heavy maritime traffic. It establishes inventories of the existing infrastructures and studies the supply and demand for transport to define the necessary lines and develop Short Sea Shipping (SS ...
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Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The goal for the Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB) project was to increase awareness of the marine pollution situation in the target sectors of fishing, shipping, and leisure craft owners. Focus areas have been environmental issues in guest harbours and marinas, Blue Flag activities, courses for fishermen and seamen, and a media campaign. The ultimate goal of Baltic SeaBreeze was to change the attitudes and ...
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EPOS - Electronic Port Surveillance System (EPOS)

Start date: May 2, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Maritime safety and port security have become more pressing issues in NW Europe due to a series of factors. These include post 9/11concerns about the threat of terrorism and illegal immigrants putting themselves at serious risk of injury or death by stowing away. The objective of the 11.4 M euro EPOS project is to develop a shared technology infrastructure for the control and surveillance of port ...
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The overall objective of PORT-NET is to identify and tackle the main challenges faced by the European ports industry in order to create better operational structures and capacities and achieve the best possible regional integration of ports. Since ports are an important link of the transport chain, sub-objectives are to increase the quality of port services and to encourage cost efficient and envi ...
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Les partenaires se sont appuyés sur les objectifs décrits dans le Programme opérationnel dINTERREG III B, dans le Complément de programmation « Augmenter la sécurité de la navigation pour les passagers et les marchandises et protéger lenvironnement marin ». Le projet vise à une activité de type horizontale danalyse des données. Le but est de formuler des propositions relatives aux thèmes suivants: ...
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The transalpine traffic accessability is essential for Europe. Catastrophes in the Alp tunnels and traffic contrasts show the European dimension of this problems. The raise of road traffic within the alpine region cause an escalation of CO2 emmissions, noise pollution and use of road infrastructure which is not designed for the actual traffic volume. The "alpine" policy of traffic has abandoned th ...
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NautisMed : For the touristic regions (NautisMed)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

Pour les régions touristiques, il est de plus en plus nécessaire de chercher de nouveaux produits de qualité, qui respectent lenvironnement et qui représentent une alternative faisable au modèle traditionnel de tourisme. Le tourisme nautique est un segment identifié comme permettant datteindre ces objectifs (navigation à voile ou à moteur, surf, planche à voile, canoë-kayak, motonautisme, …), comb ...
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The B-SURE project was set up to come to a co-operative international effort aimed at improvement of the quality of life in the town-harbour zones. The aim of the B-SURE project was to find out in what way small investments (so called "Pin Point Initiatives (PPI)") can be used optimally to improve the quality of public spaces in neighbourhoods along rivers and canals. Spatial elements such as wate ...
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Start date: Mar 5, 2003, End date: Dec 14, 2005,

Shipping is regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly transport modes. On the other hand, there are also considerable risks related to the increasing maritime traffic. The aim of New Hansa was to identify and create sound environmental practices and policies for ports and cities. Reducing air emissions and noise, and managing waste and waste water, were in focus for the analyses and exc ...
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The proposed project aims to establish and operate a network of port authorities and transport experts in the Mediterranean region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise with regard to port and custom procedures and simplification of clearance for vessels and cargoes. This is expected to enhance the common understanding and promote the introduction of information systems to ports ope ...
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Im Projekt „Microteaching“ sollen multimodulare Qualifizierungen entwickelt werden, welche sich auszeichnen durch:− hohe kurzfristige Einsetzbarkeit (just-in-time, learning-on-demand),− verschiedene an das Erfahrungs- und Problemwissen der Mitarbeiter anknüpfende Themen- bzw. Lerneinheiten,− dem Selbstlernen unterstützende, modulare und dem individuellen Lernverhalten angepasste Vermittlungsformen ...
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MEDESS-4MS service is dedicated to the maritime risks prevention and strengthening of maritime safety related to oil spill pollution in the Mediterranean. The main goal of MEDESS-4MS is to deliver an integrated operational multi model oil spill prediction service in the Mediterranean, connected to existing oil spill monitoring platforms (EMSA-CSN, REMPEC and AIS data), using well established oil s ...
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The OPTIMUS project aims at developing a new approach for the design,performance and evaluation of simulation-based training activities in theport and logistics sector. Many EU ports and logistics facilities are usingdevices that simulate the driving and manoeuvring of goods-handlingvehicles for training activities, but each one is currently adopting differentmethodologies and training paths, with ...
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The project consists in: (1º) Achieving an effective implementation of the PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEM) (PCS) in 4 Mediterranean ports. (2º) Development of a platform allowing an effective communication of such systems. (3º) Assure an efficient utilisation of PCS and its services for all the potential users. The first step will consist of acquiring a deep understanding of all the works and experiences c ...
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The specific project is a follow up of the “GREEKHOT” project realized in the INTERREG III Programme, in the same territories. It concerns the expansion of the WiFi infrastructures already installed (GREEKHOT), in order to be able to provide more advanced services to the visitors. • An Integrated ICT Platform will be established for environmental control and protection (Video surveillance, fire de ...
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