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The project consists in: (1º) Achieving an effective implementation of the PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEM) (PCS) in 4 Mediterranean ports. (2º) Development of a platform allowing an effective communication of such systems. (3º) Assure an efficient utilisation of PCS and its services for all the potential users. The first step will consist of acquiring a deep understanding of all the works and experiences carried out in other environments, so as to derive maximum benefits, as well as of the legislation and official protocols, both European and international. The project does not intend to develop new protocols, nor harmonisation studies, but it intends to start from the work already accomplished. Likewise, each port shall study its management systems, particularly the penetration levels of the new communication technologies, so as to assess the effort needed for a PCS to be established. In parallel with the above, the management systems of the logistic operators linked to the ports in the project shall be studied in each territory in order to assess their capacity to take advantage of the subsequent establishment of the PCS. On the basis of the information gathered, the minimum requirements to be complied by all the PCS established, as well as the future system of communication among PCS, shall be defined. According to them, each port shall submit a plan for implementing its own PCS (different in scope for each port), and the development of the communication system among PCS will be commenced. As the same time as the defined solutions are being developed and established, an intense awareness-raising and communication work with logistic operators linked to the stakeholders will be developed, aiming at encouraging them to achieve a greater technological penetration in their management, so as to take better advantage of the subsequent establishment of the PCS. Special attention will be paid to three aspects: current services provided by the ports (singles Windows SW), software currently available for logistic operators, and new services and opportunities liked to PCS. Once the different PCS have been developed, a pilot test will be carried out, within a real environment and in each of the ports participating in the project. In order to assure the success of the pilot test and the subsequent continuity of the project, a wide training programme addressed to users and administrators will be implemented. About 2 months after the beginning of the pilot tests in ports, another pilot test will be carried out in order to verify the efficient functioning of the communication system among PCS. Once the pilot tests have finished and have been assessed, all the systems established will continue to operate normally, since they will be fully integrated within the management systems of the ports. Likewise, since the training materials were developed in such a way that they assure an autonomous training, new users will be able to join without specific training. Achievements: MED-PCS e-learning platformThe training material for the MED-PCS project has been uploaded on the e-learning platform and is now available for consultation and download ( the context of the EU Programme MED and project MED-PCS (, the University of Napoli Federico II (Italy), the University of the Aegean (Greece) and Rete Autostrade Mediterranee (RAM) offer a 120-hours advanced course on Design, implementation and management of Port Community Systems (PCS), targeted both to experts/professionals in the field and also to non-experts, including undergraduate university students.The training material is in the form of slides available in English and short videos and is accessible through e-learning platform. Three main sub-modules are available:• Module 1. Basic principles of freight, logistics and maritime transport (50 hours). • Module 2. Advanced topics on PCS and maritime transport (50 hours). • Module 3. Motorways of the Sea and sustainable transport in the framework of Port Community Systems (20 Hours).Outcomes of the MED-PCS Project
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  • 75%   1 426 252,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants