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6 European Projects Found

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Tuning Middle East and North Africa

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

Tuning MEDA project is aimed at the implementation of the Bologna tools in Southern Neighbouring Area universities through building of a framework of comparable, compatible and transparent programmes of studies. In order to achieve this, four specific objectives have been identified: to apply the Tuning methodology in universities of SNA in four subject areas – Law and Good Governance including Hu ...
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PACOME vise à réduire l'écart entre l'offre et la demande en compétences dans le marché du travail, renforçant ainsi l'employabilité des jeunes et des adultes et indirectement la compétitivité économique. Ce projet régional est structuré en quatre phases : 1) La mise en place d’observatoires des métiers et compétences au Maroc et au Liban et la formation de personnels techniques, 2) Développement ...
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This is a regional JEP in Governance Reform involving ten universities in Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon satisfying the regional priority ‘ University Management and Student Services’ . The wider objective of the project is to demonstrate that good management practices can build sustainable HE cooperation between nations. The project does this by addressing the challenges facing the management ...
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Expected outputs/productsThe desired result of the INTER-HED project is to create a training course targeted at the administrative staff who are interestedin managing international programmes and projects and in collecting information about the Higher Education Systems andinternationalisation policies, with focus on Erasmus Mundus. The contents of the course will be published on-line and will bema ...
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Quality assurance (QA) is a major component in the Lebanese modernization agenda. With an important increase in volume and diversity, the Lebanese higher education (HE) faces several challenges making a clear QA system necessary. In this context, numerous Lebanese higher education institutions (HEIs) have already gone through a complete QA process with foreign QA agencies. Lately, a draft law for ...
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This project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of 10 Arab universities in five partner countries, through the development and embedding of a culture for quality assurance. Related activities include a series of pilot quality assurance assessments of chosen university services, the development of a long-term strategic plan for the development of quality assurance and the publication of ...
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