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6 European Projects Found

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The project is intented to improve teachers’ competences and to develop new contents and methodological approaches for Primary Education regarding non-violent conflict resolution from a gender-approach. It will contribute to reinforce key competencies linked to children self-development. At the same time, the students from participant schools will improve their skills in solving conflicts and equa ...
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La juventud: motor de la convivencia transfronteriza (JUVENTUD)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

Promover el intercambio de jóvenes, mejorar la gestión de la diversidad cultural en el ámbito de la juventud, formar a animadores juveniles y dinamizadores en las dos zonas intensificando así el diálogo cultural entre Canarias y el sur de Marruecos. ...
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Development of the information society in training and youth (PORTEDEJO)

Start date: Oct 31, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2005,

PORTEDEJO se constituye como una estrategia completa de comunicación para la Juventud basada en las NTIC. La parte central de las actividades a desarrollar la constituye el PORTAL de JUVENTUD, concebido como una plataforma digital integral a lo largo de la cual girarán una serie de actuaciones que fomentarán el uso de las NTIC entre los jóvenes, aportarán nuevas herramientas de gestión y comunicac ...
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« REVER MED » sintéresse aux voies de communication au sein des espaces urbains et périurbains. Il a pour objectif principal de mettre en place un réseau de voies de communication autonomes destiné au transport non motorisé (donc non-polluant et respectueux de lenvironnement). Ce réseau devrait ainsi être constitué principalement de voies vertes, de voies faisant partie du patrimoine culturel natu ...
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The aim of our project is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices between youth, youth workers and youth leaders from 5 different countries representing 3 different continents (Europe, America and Africa). We particulary focus on youth who use art and culture as tools for inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and for promotion of cultural diversity in order to sup ...
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This project intends to promote the socioeconomical development of the rural areas from its roots, having in mind to generare dynamics associated to the younth, that repel in the improvement of their economic potential, operating and reorienting the natural traditional and cultural resources. Roots persecute, through the cooperation, the search of values, the development of networks of institution ...
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