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Knocking on the Doors of different Cultures - New approch in youht Exchange Methodology
Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

The aim of our project is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices between youth, youth workers and youth leaders from 5 different countries representing 3 different continents (Europe, America and Africa). We particulary focus on youth who use art and culture as tools for inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and for promotion of cultural diversity in order to support the development of long term partnerships between groups having similar interests and priorities. Th©s© partnerhipa highlight® several topics as the huge cultural "pptential of Latin America represented by Brazil and Argentina and the historical links between these regions and latin countries as Italy and Spain, the sensibilization to the situation in Africa about poverty favouring the relationship between Europe and Africa about this priority, the valorization of European citizenship giving it a World dimenstion in order to build a World active citizenship through intercultural dialogue and learning through youth people from all over the World; the attention to pay to sustainable development in a global vision involving all the continents here represented. The activities will take place in 3 different venues: Spain, Brazil and Tanzania during the 12 months of the project. After each meeting in each organization country will be done dissemination activities through conferences, seminars, and using web tools (newsletter, mailing, websites, forum, social networks). At the end of the project a final DVD will collect all the know-how produced during the 12 months of activities. For each venue each organization will send 3 participants (youth leaders, youth workers, youth with fewer opportunities). 2 trainers, one from Italy, and one from Spain, will ensure a high professionality of each training course and its preparatory activities. Activities and preparatory activities before each meeting in programme (one week of activity for each meeting) will focus on the following objectives: to share experience regarding realities, approaches and working methods used in different countries, to establish the premises for a long term cooperation between NGOs from the countries concerned, to promote good practices and innovative ideas to be used for inclusion and diversity in youth work in the above mentioned regions, to engage young people with demonstrated leadership ability and to motivate them to take an active role within their local community. In order to reach our objectives, we will organize workshops that will explore the area of Youth Culture. Furthermore, through our efforts, we intend to formulate relevant conclusions that will address the needs of young people throughout Europe, and find ways to show themes, Art and-Culture and Inclusion for several reasons. First of all, youngsters with fewer opportunities will be able to use their skills and develop new ones raising awareness at the same time on issues related to the inclusion and cultural diversity. Secondly, these are topics influencing the everyday lives of youth from both continents. Finally, we believe these tools would encourage them to act as multipliers in their local communities. The activities developed will encourage the policy dialogue in the field of youth and the development of partnerships and networks, will produce information and awareness campaigns in favour of and by young people, training and capacity-building of youth workers through non formal training, seminars and conferences with special regard to the themes of poverty, social inclusion, intercultural learning, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development, forum of discussion for youth organisations and multipliers, large-scale events - seminars and conferences in each partner local areas in order to share and disseminate the results of this project within the regional community at local and national level with multiplying effect.

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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

4 Partners Participants