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8 European Projects Found

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Strategy for the Natura 2000 Network of the Umbria Region (SUN LIFE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Background Italy’s central region of Umbria hosts transitional areas located between the Mediterranean and Continental biogeographical regions. These areas are rich in biodiversity and include many endemic species. Such diversity is reflected in the 104 SCI and SPAs located in the region, accounting for more than 15% of its land surface. However, the co ...
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Background Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are designed and operated to protect the environment from polluting compounds and, when possible, to recover energy and matter (as nutrients and water for example). While most of Europe’s WWTPs are currently removing biodegradable organic compounds satisfactorily, the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phos ...
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Rotating bioreactors for sustainable hydrogen sulphide removal (Biosur)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Background People living in industrial tannery districts, especially those close to wastewater treatment plants, have traditionally experienced poor air quality and odour problems caused by emissions of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and other sulphurous compounds. The Santa Croce sull’Arno tannery district in Tuscany produces more than 80% of all Italian foot ...
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Le projet Vent, Ports et Mer, qui représente la continuation et le renforcemen du précédent projet Vent et Ports, concerne la question du contrôle et de la prévision du vent et des vagues du Nord de la MerTyrrhénienne.L'entrée et la sortie des ports sont parmi les moments les plus critiques de toute la navigation. Afin de garantir plus de sécurité, le système fournit des informations en temps réel ...
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Background Since wastewater treatment processes require large investments, it is very important that up-to-date, appropriate and viable solutions be implemented. Failing to do so delays the reduction of environmental pressure and results in ineffective use of taxpayers’ money. Previous LIFE projects have identified a wide range of available solutions, ...
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Background The presence of contaminated sediment in coastal environments may lead to significant alteration of marine and coastal ecosystems. Since marine disposal is forbidden by national and international regulations, an alternative solution needs to be found to prevent the disposal of dredged sediment as landfill. Furthermore, the identification of pro ...
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The project will improve and integrate instruments to support the management of environmental resources in alpine areas, in particular water. This goal will be achieved by adopting innovative techniques for monitoring and reconstructing the time evolution of meteo-hydrological processes.The competence areas of the partners cover uniformly the central-eastern Alps, where the territories of various ...
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The project consists in: (1º) Achieving an effective implementation of the PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEM) (PCS) in 4 Mediterranean ports. (2º) Development of a platform allowing an effective communication of such systems. (3º) Assure an efficient utilisation of PCS and its services for all the potential users. The first step will consist of acquiring a deep understanding of all the works and experiences c ...
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