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10 European Projects Found

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My best idea

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project aims on getting teachers to use an interdisciplinary approach for finding strategies to develop creativity and entrepreneurship among students, 10-16 years. The entrepreneurship should be directed towards smart, sustainable and inclusive development based on an ecological and social perspective. Each three country/region in this project has unique quality that provides opportunities t ...
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Search and implementation of procedures for dyslexia in VET

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Dyslexia is a disorder caused by a neurobiological alteration and it causes reading difficulties , that have different gravity livels and it is often accompanied by dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and sometimes also by other disease mental activities. This disorder is a constitutional characteristic and it remains in adulthood. The European Dyslexia Association shows that 10% of th ...
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The project SKILL JOB MATCH PLUS is a ERASMUS + KA1 mobility project that comprise VET learners mobility and also VET STAFF mobility. The mobility of VET learners is aimed at recent graduates from VET schools aged between 18 and 28 years old (the participants will undertake their training placement abroad within one year of their graduation) and they will realize a VET training abroad in the follo ...
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ANSER : Ancien maritime routes in the Mediterranean Sea (ANSER)

Start date: Dec 31, 2000, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

« ANSER » s’interesse à la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique subaquatique lié aux anciens ports et points d'abordage, comme source de développement durable des territoires concernés, à travers le développement des filières économiques. Le projet préconise la promotion de réseaux et de partenariats stables entre les administrations et les institutions impliquées, afin de donner une visibil ...
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« MAEM » sintéresse au domaine de léducation et de la formation à travers la mise en place dun Consortium dUniversités proposant un Master en affaires euro-méditerranéennes. Ce programme est novateur, tant par ses contenus que par son approche authentiquement euro-méditerranéenne et organisée thématiquement. Il innove également par les instruments qu'il utilise (enseignement et supervision intensi ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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The ERGO-IN-NET project aims at improving the European dimension of guidance through the widespread dissemination of training methodologies, materials & tools and information resources, able to be used by the European Guidance counsellor. This dissemination is to be assured through a series of networking activities involving different actors at the European level (Universities, members of the Leon ...
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The design of the project Informedu was formulated based on the observation that the Italian school system as a whole reflects a low rate of adult participation in formal education. The evaluation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning achievements could improve adults professionalism as well as their re-entry into the educational system, also through a customization and a reduction o ...
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Le projet Lalera TOI ( Language Learning by Radio transfert of innovation) se propose de transférer en Espagne et d’adopter dans deux Régions italiennes et en Roumanie les cours de formation linguistique-professionnelle élaborée dans le projet Lalera. (
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The project intends to transfer and adapt the results of two projects, which cover the issue of governance of education and training and networking models of mixed-education training. These projects have addressed the issues in question for the reality Lombard. This is update / transfer / adapt research findings to the reality of Sicily and Piedmont. The overall goal of the project is to facilitat ...
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