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11 European Projects Found

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The overall objective of BioVill is to develop regional bioenergy concepts in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania up to the investment stage in order to become “bioenergy villages”. This will increase the market uptake of bioenergy on the basis of cooperation with partners from countries with established bioenergy markets (Austria, Germany). The following specific objectives and activ ...
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40% of all energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the European Union arise in private and public buildings. Thus, major advancements have to be made in this sector to reach the EU’s climate and energy targets. Energy-efficient buildings will also contribute to the vision of secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy for citizens and businesses as well as generating additional societal, ...
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Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy (BioRES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

BioRES is proposed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the European Biomass Association, the Agricultural Chamber of Styria/Austria, C.A.R.M.E.N marketing network for renewable resources (Germany), the Finish Forest Technology Centre METLA, regional energy agencies in Croatia and Slovenia, and the national biomass associations in Bulgaria and Serbia ...
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The Project “FITT: Forma il tuo Futuro”, is embedded in the recent Italian Reform of the Apprenticeship, the Decree n. 167/2011, that identifies apprenticeship as the primary tool for promoting the work of young people in order to create an inclusive and dynamic labour market.However, like in any major reform, the implementation of such changes have not proven easy, even though the economic crisis ...
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A project proposed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden-Württemberg/Germany and European competence centres on Energy Performance Contracting (EnPC) in Croatia, Greece and Slovenia, a competence centre for e-learning in Slovakia, and key actors for the promotion of EnPC at the local level in Latv ...
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E-School for Sustainability in the Danube Region (eSchool4S)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

Basic idea of the eSchool4S is to create a multi-national and multi-level network involving stakeholders in the education sector, teacher training institutions, schools, teachers, and classes in the joint development, testing, demonstration and dissemination of innovative e-teaching concepts for secondary schools in the Danube Region.The strategic objectives of the eSchool4S network are coherent t ...
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Water4Crops provides a combination of technical improvements in the field of bio-treatment and agricultural water use within a transdisciplinary identification of novel agri-business opportunities. Water4Crops aims at: a) developing innovative biotechnological wastewater treatments for improved water recycling, b) initiating the co-creation of alternative combinations of bio-treatment, recycling o ...
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SDH-Net’s aim is to build, strengthen and link research capacities for health and its social determinants (SDH) in African and Latin American low- and middle income countries (LMIC) in close collaboration with European partners. The focus on SDH will allow for an in-depth and broad capacity-building approach, including managerial and technical excellence, ethical issues, and research strategies. L ...
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Mediterrangement - Arranging Conflicts in Euromed!

Start date: Aug 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2015,

This youth exchange aimed to bring a group of youths together in order to take a look at the various reasons that can lead to conflicts ensuing as well as to discuss and brainstorm different solutions to lessen the amount of conflicts that break out. In doing this, we took the opportunity to voice our own opinions and take a more active role in society. We discussed how conflicts on a social, nati ...
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History and Philosophy in Science Teaching (HIPST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2010,

In order to develop a better integration of science in society and society in science the promotion of young people’s interest in science, to encourage their critical and creative ways of thinking and to improve science education, and the uptake of scientific careers in general is of vital importance. Sustained learning of science implies many different dimensions. One often ignored, but important ...
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In 2011, around 55% of early leavers from education and training were jobless (Cedefop 2012). Research has shown that there are multiple reasons for early leaving. 30% found that the training appeared different to what they have thought or that the vocation is not matching their competences. This is due to the fact that people often do not fully know their skills and competences. School is merely ...
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