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Background The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi) is an endemic amphibian present only in the Montseny area and classified as “critically endangered” in the IUCN Red List. The population of this amphibian is estimated to be fewer than 1 500 adults. Moreover, its distribution area is small and fragmented, covering less than 8 km2. The newt specie ...
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Background Listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive, the roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) is classed as ‘Rare in Europe’ by BirdLife International and is a Species of European Conservation Concern. It breeds in just two areas of Europe, namely the Azores and the far northwest. The northwest metapopulation is spread across a small number of sites in Fra ...
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"CITyFiED project aims to develop a replicable, systemic and integrated strategy to adapt European cities and urban ecosystems into the smart city of the future, focusing on reducing the energy demand and GHG emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources by developing and implementing innovative technologies and methodologies for building renovation, smart grid and district heating ...
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The proposed research project breaks important new ground by analyzing and documenting how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dealt with the legacy of mass atrocities committed under Maoist rule. Most accounts of the period mention the trial against the “Gang of Four” and the accompanying resolution on party history from 1981, which held former party chairman Mao Zedong accountable for grave politi ...
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Far from receding, the threats posed by infections with epidemic potential grow ever greater. Although Europe has amongst the best healthcare systems in the world, and also the world’s supreme researchers in this field, we lack co-ordination and linkage between networks that is required to respond fast to new threats. This consortium of consortia will streamline our response, using primary and sec ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

This project proposal EARLY WARNING FOR INCREASED SITUATIONAL AWARENESS (EWISA) is addressing the FP7 Theme for Security Research the work programme topic SEC-2013.3.2-1 Pre-Operational Validation (POV) on land borders, the topic Area 10.3.2 Land borders as is aimed to promote further cooperation between public authorities as the end-users on developing new solutions to improve the quality and eff ...
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Organic agriculture is considered to be one of the important development pathways for improving agriculture’s relation with the environment while at the same time ensuring food safety and future food security. This role is dependent on continuous research and innovation.CORE Organic Plus will continue, update and consolidate the series of transnational research calls which support a focused and co ...
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The Council of the European Union (2009) has as a key strategic objective the promotion of equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. It outlines that 'education and training policy should enable all citizens, irrespective of their personal, social or economic circumstances to acquire, update and develop over a lifetime both job-specific skills and the key competencies needed for their employ ...
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Algorithms and Complexity of Highly Decentralized Computations (ACDC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

"Many of today's and tomorrow's computer systems are built on top of large-scale networks such as, e.g., the Internet, the world wide web, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, or peer-to-peer networks. Driven by technological advances, new kinds of networks and applications have become possible and we can safely assume that this trend is going to continue. Often modern systems are envisioned to co ...
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Political conflicts have long since gone beyond national borders and peace building has become central to the self-conception of the European Union as a foreign policy actor. Current challenges in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building (CPPB) trainings are that many programmes on offer are both too general/narrow, they are not applicable enough, weak on concrete skills enlargement and moreover tra ...
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Integrated knowledge toward experiential tourism

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project aims to improve competences and skills in the rural tourism sector, in particular for the hospitality and services industry, by developing the contents related to Experiential tourism approach. Experiential tourism is the current tourism trend that is well recognized at the level of touristic services, tour operator or incoming agancies while is not well exploited by the hospitality se ...
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In clinical interventions, skill transfer from therapist to children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) benefits from the inclusion of expressive artefacts such as puppets and animated characters. Well-designed robotic agents have proven to be particularly effective and are becoming an increasingly important tool for mediating between therapists and ASD children in robot-assisted therapy (RAT). ...
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The scope of the project is to generate a candidate drug targeting the inflammatory mediator High mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) to be used in treatment of stroke. The candidate drug will be validated in animal models, characterized and optimized for subsequent clinical development.Stroke remains a leading cause of death and disability throughout the world. Within EU, more than 500 000 perso ...
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Szászországi gyakorlatok mezőgazdasági tanulóknak

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The destinations of the project are the areas of the Province of Saxony where agriculture is of great significance regarding employment. The basic objective of the mobility project is to enable students to get an insight into the successful local education outside plants as well as the successful local family owned agricultural businesses, and become acquainted with the agricultural activities cha ...
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Europe is confronted by a demographic challenge as a decreasing work force has to support an increasing elderly population. The economic risk implied by this burden could be addressed by efforts to achieve an increase in Healthy Life Years. One key element would be to ensure unrestricted mobility for especially the elderly, allowing them to stay at work for longer. Irreversible joint deterioration ...
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Hungarian forest fire prevention and training program (FIRELIFE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Background The incidence of forest fires has greatly increased in the last few decades in Hungary. This is due to climate extremes, less precipitation, the increase of mean annual temperature and a series of winters without snowfall. As a result, the period of risk of fire has extended. Not only has the frequency of fires increased, but also their intensi ...
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"RECREATE is a policy support network that will collect strategic and analyse information about medium and long term research and innovation trends and prospects.The aim of RECREATE is to overcome this fragmentation, and to create a clear cut research agenda for the Horizon 2020 priority of climate change, raw materials and resource efficiency using an RTD perspective for a transition management s ...
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The main target group of our project (ÉRTÜNK - Raising foreign language and digital competences of colleagues, particularly in the field of the methodology of using digital devices in individual learning) is primarily the pupils, teachers and leaders of our school and indirectly our wider educational environment. In hopes of carrying out our project successfully, the participants will raise thei ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

We would like to carry out this project to further support the INTERNATIONALISATION STRATEGY of our institution, that has beensuccessfully offering VET transnational mobility experience since 2006.The vocational areas chosen are Engineering -(Aircraft Manufacturing, Welding) , Hospitaliy and Catering - Professional Cookery,Agriculture, Hairdressing that are priority areas of the College, the 4 sec ...
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CAST (CArbon-14 Source Term) (CAST)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The CAST project (CArbon-14 Source Term) aims to develop understanding of the generation and release of 14C from radioactive waste materials under conditions relevant to waste packaging and disposal to underground geological disposal facilities. The project will focus on releases from irradiated metals (steels, Zircaloys) and from ion-exchange materials as dissolved and gaseous species. A study t ...
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The DROPSA consortium will create new knowledge and understanding of the damage and losses of fruit crops resulting from pests and pathogens, with a specific focus on the new and emerging threats due to Drosophila suzukii and quarantine pathogens Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas fragariae and X. arboricola. The project will deliver a cost effective approach that can be widely implemented by the E ...
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MEsenchymal stem cells to Reduce Liver INflammation (MERLIN)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

"Prevalence of liver disease is c6% (29 million people) in the EU with mortality rates from chronic liver diseases estimated at 14.3 per 100.000 in the EU-25 in 2004. Most liver diseases have a significant inflammatory component that underpins liver damage and fibrogenesis, yet current therapies have limited effectiveness. Safe novel anti-inflammatory therapies would satisfy a large unmet need for ...
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Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel (ERNI2016)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Following previous TEN years of successful implementation of European Researchers' Night in Israel we will have:o Venues covering the whole country.o Involvement of the academic community including Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST), all major researchuniversities, leading collages and three science museums.o Awareness campaign at national level managed and funded by the Israe ...
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"Countries striving to provide universal health care coverage and achieve the Millennium Development Goals are increasingly implementing close-to-community (CTC) health services. There is a need for health systems to understand the context and conditions in which these services operate in order to realise their potential. Working with some of the most respected and widely quoted close-to-communi ...
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It is paramount and timely for European manufacturing companies to adopt energy/carbon-related evaluation, planning and monitoring systems to enhance their sustainable competitiveness. This project is aimed at establishing effective industry-academia partnerships and pathways for sustainable manufacturing management by developing, deploying and demonstrating intelligent Cloud-based services (SMART ...
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E-GNSS Knowledge Triangle (E-KnoT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The scope of the proposal is to strengthen the interaction between the areas of education-research-industry in Europe, leveraging on past activities already undertaken in this field, in order to consolidate a strong EGNSS knowledge triangle, i.e. a solid network for the creation of a critical mass involving the relevant actors in the three areas with the final objective of supporting the Europea ...
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Rapidly developing markets such as green construction, energy harvesting and storage, advanced materials for aerospace, electronics, medical implants and environmental remediation are potential key application targets for nanomaterials. There, nanotechnology has the potential to make qualitative improvements or indeed even to enable the technology. Impacts range from increased efficiency of energy ...
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Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia (EGERA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"EGERA brings together eight research and higher education institutions in seven EU member states (Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) + Turkey, bound by a same commitment to the dual objective of achieving gender equality in research, and strengthening the gender dimension in research. Made up of five universities covering an ample array of disciplin ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

During the last years, many ABC Gates have been deployed in the main European airports, most of them as pilot projects intended to test their capability to improve the border crossing processes in aspects such as speed, security, automation, false rejection reduction, etc.Experience gained from these pilots has been periodically assessed within the Frontex ABC Workshops, where the need for a harmo ...
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With numerous European industries heavily depended on imported REE raw materials, there is a need for EU to secure a viable supply of REE minerals as well as develop from the ground up the currently non-existent European REE extraction and processing industry. The goal of the EURARE project will be (i) to characterize the potential REE resources in Europe; and (ii) to research, develop, optimize a ...
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Youth for Space Challenge - ODYSSEUS II (Odysseus II)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The Youth for Space Challenge - ODYSSEUS II project aims to inspire young people from all over Europe and to engage them in space exploration, through a series of educational activities, which will combine scientific learning with hands-on experiences. Through the organization of a fun oriented educational contest, which will be organized in multi rounds and which will target all pupils and stud ...
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Parasite glycobiology and anti-parasitic strategies (GLYCOPAR)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

"Protozoan parasites and helminths are the cause of some of the most devastating diseases worldwide and a major effort is needed to be able to control or eliminate these diseases. Glycoconjugates are abundant and ubiquitous on the surface of many parasites and they are frequently involved in their survival strategies by forming a protective barrier against host defences. A common feature of the pa ...
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This project is a Work-related Learning Project. It is aimed at focusing on the relationships between knowledges and work experience that our pupiils should face in order to access to good job opportunities and to make the right choice of university studies. The project is aimed at creating a partnership network with the realities of the surrounding area which can provide our pupils learning expe ...
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The objective of the EMERALD Project is to improve mental health outcomes by enhancing health system performance.The key issues addressed are: (i) adequate, fair & sustainable resourcing: using human, infrastructural, informational & financial resource inputs to effectively deliver better mental health services; (ii) integrated service provision: enhancing access to integrated community care; and ...
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The European Energy Research Alliance, set-up under the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan, has launched an initiative for a Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM). The JPNM aims at establishing key priorities in the area of advanced nuclear materials, identifying funding opportunities and harmonizing this scientific & technical domain at the European level by maximizing complementarit ...
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"LATINCROP objectives are to reinforce agrobiodiversity conservation in the Andean region; to identify promising underutilized species for commercial initiatives and improved food security; and to integrate activities into a strong network between relevant stakeholders in Latin America and the EU. The project will identify attractive species for marginal lands involving novel crop combinations thu ...
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Synthetic Cellular Signaling Circuits (SynSignal)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Cellular signaling systems are crucially important for a broad range of critical health and disease areas and high value industrial applications. Signaling systems are the target for more than half of the medicines marketed by the pharmaceutical industry, and form the main R&D area for the nutrition, flavour and fragrance industries. SynSignal is a multidisciplinary high-tech consortium working in ...
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Inorganic nanomaterials have attracted extensive attention as a result of their potential for a multitude of applications including those related to electronics and catalysis, and as part of sensors in medical diagnosis. Previously, we have described a new technique to generate gold nanoparticles inside the cavity of a ferritin cage protein by first forming a small nanocluster and using it as a se ...
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Innovative risk-based tools for ship safety inspection (SAFEPEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"Ships are subject to inspections from different stakeholders, such as port states, classification societies, ship owners, managers and operators, among others. Each one has its own inspection method depending upon its role in the vessel operation. Consequently, all inspections monitor the ship condition and report respective data. However no means exist today to inter-relate the data which are sy ...
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The objective is to provide a novel methodology and a comprehensive ICT solution for collaborative design of product-services (Meta Products) and their production processes. The effective extension of products with new services in different sectors (automotive, home appliances, automation equipment etc.) will be achieved by means of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) technology, Lean and Eco-design princi ...
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