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ÉRTÜNK- Munkatársak idegennyelvi és digitális kompetenciájának fejlesztése, különös tekintettel a digitális eszközök használatának módszertanára a személyre szabott oktatás terén
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main target group of our project (ÉRTÜNK - Raising foreign language and digital competences of colleagues, particularly in the field of the methodology of using digital devices in individual learning) is primarily the pupils, teachers and leaders of our school and indirectly our wider educational environment. In hopes of carrying out our project successfully, the participants will raise their pedagogical, foreign language and digital competences. They will get familiar with good practices which are already tried and used in other educational institutions of Europe for long. In addition, our school management will be able to gain insight into other institutions' management strategies and will have the possibility to get information about their pedagogical plans and documentation so to help us reshape our pedagogical program. With our colleagues' improvement the students in the bilingual program will get more chances to create opportunities, to gain linguistic-cultural advantages. As we are to inform our direct educational environment about our project's results regularly, we expect our school's prestige to improve and also to secure the future of our bilingual program. This program answers the needs not only of Hungary but Europe as well by training good professionals in health care with high level of English skills. As our school is the only one which provides bilingual education in health care in the whole country, we are determined to give marketable knowledge to our students on the field of digital and foreign language competences. This idea can be realized only by a well-prepared, methodoligically up-to-date teaching staff. In the short run we expect the project to raise the motivation and the methodological competence of participating colleagues, and to spread this new aspect among the teaching staff and indirectly among our students in the future.
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