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Sostenibilità e vivibilità della città contemporanea: verso la Smart City
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is a Work-related Learning Project. It is aimed at focusing on the relationships between knowledges and work experience that our pupiils should face in order to access to good job opportunities and to make the right choice of university studies. The project is aimed at creating a partnership network with the realities of the surrounding area which can provide our pupils learning experiences through stages, training activities and single day events. The prearranged activities: • 3 Project Implementation Meetings: Rome, Budapest, Paris; • Work-related Learning Experience at the partner Museums and activity of comparison during the planned short-term mobilities of pupils; • Languages Courses (french and hungarian) for pupils who will face a long-term mobility; • Teaching Training “SMILE (Schools Museums Internet Learning Education): Using museums and heritage as a teaching and learning resource”; • Teachers Short-Term Mobility aimed at Job-Shadowing; • Short-term Mobility for the partnership pupils; • Long-Term Mobility for the partnership pupils; • Creation of a blog to be allocated either to the partnership staff - in order to plan activities and to communicate about them - or to the partnership pupils – in order to socialize with the partner schools pupils. Goals. Schools: • Students approach to work issues; • Non-formal Learning out of school context; • understanding of the social value of the structures of every local context and digitalization of local areas heritage. Other partners: • promotion of its image and the functions they perform (mission); • marketing of their products or services through social networks; • availability of curriculum and field experiences to provide temporary collaborations (even one day) for special events (for instance,a night at the museum) or, in the future, internships during university studies or actual contracts of apprenticeship for the best students.

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5 Partners Participants