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We propose a European Training Network that will provide a total of 540 ESR-months of training in Monte Carlo event generator physics and techniques, and related applications in experimental particle physics.Monte Carlo event generators are central to high energy particle physics. They are used by almost all experimental collaborations to plan their experiments and analyze their data, and by theo ...
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The global carbon cycle controls Earth’s climate by the emission and drawdown of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. One of the major sources of CO2 is thought to be the oxidation of organic carbon contained in rocks during chemical weathering. Since the industrial revolution, this flux has been accelerated by burning fossil fuels. However, the natural rates of CO2 emission by rock-derived o ...
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Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design (INDEED)

Start date: Feb 1, 2017, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

Nanowires (NWs) exhibit unique properties that make them potential building blocks for a variety of next generation NanoElectronics devices. Recent advances have shown that NWs with predefined properties can be grown, offering a new paradigm enabling functional device prototypes including: biosensors, solar cells, transistors, quantum light sources and lasers. The critical mass of scientific knowl ...
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This research brings together the complementary expertise of our consortium members to gain a better understanding of the physics in hydraulic fracturing (HF) with the final goal to optimize HF practices and to assess the environmental risks related to HF. This requires the development and implementation of reliable models for HF, scaled laboratory tests and available on-site data to validate the ...
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Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Europe has become a global leader in optical-near infrared astronomy through excellence in space and ground-based experimental and theoretical research. While the major infrastructures are delivered through major national and multi-national agencies (ESO, ESA) their continuing scientific competitiveness requires a strong community of scientists and technologists distributed across Europe’s nations ...
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In an expanding world with limited resources and increasing uncertainty, optimisation and uncertainty quantification become a necessity. Optimisation can turn a problem into a solution, thus the main focus of this ETN is to explore and develop new approaches to treat uncertainty in complex engineering systems and use novel optimisation techniques to efficiently deal with large scale problems with ...
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Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation (REINVENT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

It is high time for the EU to develop pathways and strategies for decarbonisation also in emissions intensive sectors such as steel, plastics, paper, and meat and dairy. These are sectors where low carbon transitions are still relatively unexplored. Some progressive companies and other actors are just beginning to consider such pathways. The overall aim of REINVENT is to help Europe achieve its lo ...
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‘Research is an investment in our future’ says Horizon 2020. That’s only true if you know what to do with it. When it comes to social policy, we don’t really know how to put our research results to use. K4U aims to remedy this. K4U will construct a radically new picture of how to use social science to build better social policies. This picture will be founded on an ambitious philosophical study ...
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Nature Based Urban Innovation (NATURVATION)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have the potential to respond to climate change, enhance biodiversity and improve environmental quality while contributing to economic regeneration and social well-being. Yet there is a substantial gap between the promise of NBS and their uptake. To unlock the potential of NBS for sustainable urban development, NATURVATION will take a transdisciplinary, internationally ...
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Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

The challenges of international police reform assistance are formidable. Conventional top-down institutional reform has proven neither effective nor sustainable. Community-based policing (COP) holds promise, however evaluations have pointed to a lack of in-depth understanding of police-community relations in police reform assistance. This project will conduct integrated social and technical resear ...
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Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers (AMBER)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

Rivers rank among some of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, and are the focus of costly restoration programmes that cost billions to taxpayers. Much of Europe depends on water from rivers for drinking, food production, and the generation of hydropower, which is essential for meeting the EU renewable energy target. Yet only half the EU surface waters have met the WFD’s 2015 target of goo ...
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Virus-X: Viral Metagenomics for Innovation Value (Virus-X)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

Biological sequence diversity in nowhere as apparent as in the vast sequence space of viral genomes. The Virus-X project will specifically explore the outer realms of this diversity by targeting the virosphere of selected microbial ecosystems and investigate the encoded functional variety of viral gene products. The project is driven by the expected large innovation value and unique properties of ...
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NEUTRINOS and DARK MATTER (DM) are the most abundant and also the most elusive building-blocks of nature because of their tenuous couplings to the ordinary matter we are made of. Each particle has a mirror image with identical mass and opposite charge: its antiparticle. What is the essential nature of particles and antiparticles? This is a most fundamental open question in science. The laws of phy ...
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The SUBITOP ETN is a framework for training and career development of young researchers in Geodynamics, Geophysics, Geology and Geomorphology. It has a scientific focus on the dynamics of continental margins where tectonic plates are recycled through subduction. Subduction processes have shaped and govern many aspects of the topography of Europe, and other continents, and they determine the patte ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

NEUTRINOS (Ns) and DARK MATTER (DM) are the most abundant particles in the universe. Their couplings to ordinary matter are so tenuous that they remained undiscovered -invisible- until very recently. N masses and DM constitute the first evidence ever of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The path to build the New Standard Model must confront the fundamental nature of the partic ...
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Smart grid represents a significant new technology of improving the efficiency, reliability, and economics of the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity. It is crucial to exchange and use information for performing smart grid applications. However, in reality the exchange of information over multiple networks is unreliable, leading to unpredictable network Quality-of-Service and ...
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The overall goal of the HyperOLED project is to develop materials and matching device architectures for high-performance, hyperfluorescence organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) for use in display applications and solid state lighting. The innovative OLEDs will be realised by combining thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecular hosts with novel shielded fluorescence emitters, target ...
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PEOPLE brings together Higher Education Institutions from the social sciences and industries from the sustainable living and energy sector to jointly develop and integrate people-centred development approaches into research, teaching and learning practices. At the core of the project is the idea that understanding people should become an indispensable part of industrial development processes, as a ...
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TERRE aims to develop novel geo-technologies to address the competitiveness challenge of the European construction industry in a low carbon agenda. It will be delivered through an inter-sectoral and intra-European coordinated PhD programme focused on carbon-efficient design of geotechnical infrastructure. Industry and Research in the construction sector have been investing significantly in recent ...
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The Durham International Fellowships for Research and Enterprise (DIFeREns2) will greatly expand and enhance a successful COFUNDed fellowship scheme at Durham University. DIFeREns2 will provide fellowships across all areas of the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities for both early-career and established researchers seeking to address challenging problems in the 10 interdisciplinar ...
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An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine (ExaHyPE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Many aspects of our life, but also cutting-edge research questions, hinge on the solution of large systems of partial differential equations expressing conservation laws. Such equations are solved to compute accurate weather forecast, complex earthquake physics, hematic flows in patients, or the most catastrophic events in the universe. Yet, our ability to exploit the predictive power of these mod ...
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Artificial lighting is a global and growing industry. New forms of efficient solid state lighting (SSL) in particular are rapidly gaining a market share. New OLED technologies (Organic Light Emitting Diode) can revolutionise this industry as they have done in displays because of their potential flexible structure, infinite tailoring of their properties, efficiency and high colour quality. Industri ...
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Medication errors occur daily and form a major burden to society. Medication errors often lead to adverse drug reactions, lengthened hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and in the most severe cases, increased mortality. Medication errors pose a significant risk to the European population. It is estimated that 4,7 million Europeans are harmed by a medication error every year, which amounts ...
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"With an average toll of 80.000 deaths per year over the last decade, earthquakes remain one of the most dreadful geohazards. The advancement of earthquake risk assessment and forecasting methods (probability estimates that a mainshock may occur in terms of hypocentre location, magnitude and time) calls for a sound physical basis. The nucleation, propagation and arrest of an earthquake rupture res ...
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In the past fifteen years, neutrino physics has revolutionised our understanding of particle physics. The discovery of neutrino oscillations implies that neutrinos have masses and mix: this is the only particle physics evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model to date. Their origin remains a major challenge.The NuMass project will focus on new physics at low energy scales, below the one re ...
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Symmetry Principles in Nature (SPIN)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

Symmetries have traditionally played a very important role in our understanding of physics, both classical and quantum. As we move towards the next frontier of defining a quantum theory of gravity, it is clear that they will continue to play a predominant role. The current project is aimed at obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of strongly coupled quantum systems, exploiting v ...
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Euro-Mediterranean policies, as well as research on them, have been characterized by a Euro-centric approach based on a narrow geopolitical construction of the Mediterranean. Moreover, stakeholders, policy instruments, and policy issues have been defined from a European standpoint, marginalizing the perspectives and needs of local states and people, and ignoring the role played by new and powerful ...
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Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes (CREEP)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

... research and doctoral training between 10 leading academic centers in Earth Sciences in Europe: the CNRS (FR), represented by Geosciences Montpellier and the FAST Orsay, the universities of Bristol, Durham and UCL (UK), Munster and Mainz (DE), Roma TRE (IT) and Utrecht (NL), and as a partner organization: ETH (CH), and 11 partner organizations whose activity encompasses a variety of industrial ap ...
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Perception and Action in Complex Environments (PACE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The PACE research and training programme sits at the interface between basic science, technology and clinics, in order to unveil how humans control and adapt their movements in complex, naturalistic environments. Such a research agenda has major consequences for understanding how these movements are impacted by specific brain insults and how these impairments can be compensated for via new rehabi ...
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High Precision Simulation of particle collisions at the LHC (MCatNNLO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

...d complementary expertise in precision calculations and event simulation: Professor Dr Thomas Gehrmann (University of Zürich), Professor Dr Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder (ETH Zürich) and Dr Frank Krauss (Durham University).
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...ientific excellence and technology-transfer capacity in organic electronics of the Silesian University of Technology (SUT) by creating a network with the high-quality Twinning partners: University of Durham (UDUR), Institute of Nanoscience and Cryogenics, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (INAC) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). To achieve this aim, the 3 y ...
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Unifying Domestication and Evolution through Ancient DNA (UNDEAD)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

"Between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago, human populations in numerous regions of the world forged closer relationships with plants and animals. This domestication process not only significantly altered the genetic, behavioural and phenotypic characteristics of all the species involved, it also laid the foundations for the first urban societies.This project will take advantage of revolutionary geneti ...
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When stars die, they form white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes. These are key objects in astrophysics as their extreme gravities, densities and pressures allow us to test our theories of fundamental physics at the limits of their predictive powers. One of the best ways of studying white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes is via their variations in brightness. Unfortunately, due to the sma ...
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...seases. Surprisingly, all of this hinges on a cognitive ability whose evolutionary origins are largely unknown: the ability to recognize disease in others. Under the mentorship of Dr Joanna Setchell (Durham University), a world-leading expert in primate disease signalling, Dr Sharon Kessler (fellow) will test her novel hypothesis that disease recognition evolved in associate with social cognition ...
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The Earth formed ~ 4.5 billion years ago, from accreting particles of dust and primitive meteorites. It is the only habitable planet in our solar system and has a unique history of extended accretion and core formation coupled with active plate tectonics. Accretion and core formation would have defined the initial elemental composition of the Earth’s interior whereas plate tectonic processes contr ...
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The main goal of Green Flash is to design and build a prototype for a Real-Time Controller (RTC) targeting the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) Adaptive Optics (AO) instrumentation. The E-ELT is a 39m diameter telescope to see first light in the early 2020s. To build this critical component of the telescope operations, the astronomical community is facing technical challenges, emerging f ...
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Nuclei Using Topological Solitons (NUTS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Particle physicists have a good understanding of the fundamental constituents of matter, but the complexity of the theory means that it is impossible (even with supercomputers) to use it to predict the properties of even the simplest atoms familiar from everyday life, such as helium and carbon. Fathoming the core of these atoms is the realm of nuclear physics, but current approaches are detached f ...
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Exploring Social Permeability in Ancient Communities of Europe (Ex-SPACE)

Start date: Sep 26, 2016, End date: Sep 25, 2018,

The Ex-SPACE project aims to explore trends in social permeability in some ancient communities of Europe, focussing on scientific analysis of a selection of Italian pre-protohistoric burial contexts. The ‘social permeability’ of a group refers to its capacity to incorporate non-locals. What this research seeks to understand is how this pattern changes across time, space and social groups, and how ...
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Promoting civic engagement via exploration of evidence: Challenges for Statistics Education The project aims to contribute to the preparation of young people in Europe and beyond for responsible citizenship, in terms of their ability to be aware of and understand quantitative evidence and statistics about key social phenomena that permeate civic life, such as migration, demographic change, crime, ...
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Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe (CHISEL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

This project interrogates the early medieval ‘construction industry’ with a specific focus on the ecclesiastical workshops responsible for producing masonry buildings in the Early Middle Ages (8th-11th centuries). Using state-of-the-art analyses of selected religious buildings that survive as standing structures in Spain, Portugal and England, the overarching aims of the proposal are threefold. Fi ...
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