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Over 40 European Projects Found

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ARTreat targets at providing a patient-specific computational model of the cardiovascular system, used to improve the quality of prediction for the atherosclerosis progression and propagation into life-threatening events that need to be treated accordingly. ARTreat will provide a three-level patient model describing the 3d arterial tree anatomy, the patient-specific blood flow and blood particle d ...
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European Stroke Research Network (EUSTROKE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

The European Stroke Research Network (EUSTROKE) will be a collaborative effort that brings together researchers, government, industry, the non-profit sector and patient group associations. This network will put Europe at the forefront of stroke research through its multi-disciplinary research program, high-quality training for European scientists and clinicians, and national and global partnership ...
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"It is proposed to establish a sustainable distributed infrastructure for global observations of atmospheric composition from a large fleet of in-service aircraft. This will be achieved by installing autonomous instrument packages aboard initially 10-20 longrange aircraft of internationally operating airlines. IAGOS-ERI will provide high quality in-situ observations of greenhouse gases and reactiv ...
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The NEuroStemCell consortium will foster collaboration between leading European experimental and clinical researchers in order to maximise the prospects for successful clinical trials of stem cell therapy for Parkinson's (PD) and Huntington's (HD) Disease. The activities will be driven by a Clinical WorkPackage (WP), which will set the requirements, and monitor and guide advances in development of ...
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The overall objective of UNICELLSYS is a quantitative understanding of fundamental characteristics of eukaryotic unicellular organism biology: how cell growth and proliferation are controlled and coordinated by extracellular and intrinsic stimuli. Achieving an understanding of the principles with which bio-molecular systems function requires integrating quantitative experimentation with simulation ...
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PROteomics SPECification in Time and Space (PROSPECTS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

"Proteomics is a major new field in biomedical research, which deals with the large-scale identification and characterization of large groups of proteins, or “proteomes”. These can either be the components of a subcellular organelle or compartment, or even the entire protein complement of whole cells and tissues. Proteomics is essential in the functional annotation of the genome and in future atte ...
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Technologies Enhancement for Clean Combustion in Aero-engines (TECC-AE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Due to continuous efforts through past and ongoing European projects, lean combustion by means of internally staged injectors now appears to be the promising technology for obtaining the required emission reductions compatible with a sustainable growth of aviation transport. (cf ACARE 2020) Recognising that putting into service such a technology as soon as possible is the only way to effectively ...
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Deciphering Eruptions by Modeling Outputs of Natural Systems (DEMONS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Active volcanoes emit high temperature gases that modify the chemical composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is crucial to be able to quantify the contribution of volcanogenic gases to the atmosphere so that the global atmospheric effects of a major eruption can be predicted and so that volcanogenic effects can be discriminated from anthropogenic emissions. At the scale of one volcano, monitor ...
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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males in Europe, causing over 87,000 deaths in 2006. Early diagnosis and treatment are key factors in determining survival but screening methods based on the commonly-used PSA blood test have low specificity and result in excessive treatment of localized lesions that might never progress to symptomatic cancer. Biomarkers that help determine which of the ...
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Angiogenesis underlies almost all biological processes of morphogenesis, including those in tissue repair and regeneration. Physiological angiogenesis is controlled by a complex interplay between cells and their environment: the extracellular matrix (ECM) provides signaling via numerous ECM adhesion molecules and growth factors bound to ECM polysaccharide components; and cells locally degrade and ...
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Rolled multi material layered 3D shaping technology (MULTILAYER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

Various emerging markets in the field of non silicon multimaterial micro devices offer a huge potential for commercialisation in the near future. However, solutions for mass-production for most of them have still to be developed. The objective of the MULTILAYER project is to develop a set of solutions for the large-scale production of micro devices based on a technology we call “Rolled multi mat ...
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The MyPlanet collaborative initial training network represents a European initiative to train a new generation of engineers in the field of high performance computing applied to the numerical combustion simulation, energy conversion processes and related atmospheric pollution issues. Indeed, the project is based on the recognised lack on European level of highly skilled engineers that are equally ...
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"Effective and efficient vibration and acoustic analysis, modelling and design methods are required to produce world-leading products with good noise and vibration performance. Noise and vibration levels must remain within safe limits, there are issues regarding human comfort and a need for robust, optimal, efficient designs. There is also an increasing trend towards virtual design and prototyping ...
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TheraEDGE is an industry-driven effort to accelerate the adoption of theranostics applications in Primary Care by pushing Point of Care Test (POCT) technology far beyond its current state-of-the-art and by delivering clinical, analytical and operational breakthroughs.TheraEDGE is built around the high-incidence clinical case of early-diagnosing lower respiratory tract infections in Primary Care. S ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Osteoporosis is a common, age-related disease with a strong genetic component. With increasing age of the population, Europe and industrialised countries across the globe are facing a substantial increase in osteoporotic fractures, which account for considerable disease-burden and costs. Early identification and treatment of subjects at risk can help preventing this, and genetic susceptibility al ...
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The ÆGIS project seeks to determine whether 3rd generation access techniques will provide a more accessible, more exploitable and deeply embeddable approach in mainstream ICT (desktop, rich Internet and mobile applications). We develop and explore this approach with the Open Accessibility Framework (OAF) through which we address aspects of the design, development and deployment of accessible mains ...
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Cys-loop receptors (CLRs) form a superfamily of structurally related neurotransmitter-gated ion channels, comprising nicotinic acetylcholine, glycine, GABA-A/C and serotonin (5HT3) receptors, crucial to function of the peripheral and central nervous system. CLRs cover a wide spectrum of functions, ranging from muscle contraction to cognitive functions. CLR (mal)function is linked to various disord ...
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"With oil reserves diminishing and the effects of industrial emissions on global climate, there is a need for renewable carbon-neutral industrial feedstocks. First generation biorefineries, producing biofuels and bioplastics by the fermentation of sugar or starch, are seeing a rapid expansion and are adding stress to food supplies. A more sustainable option is to use plant biomass from agricultura ...
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Despite major efforts, identifying susceptibility genes for common human diseases - cancer, cardiovascular, inflammatory and neurological disorders - is difficult due to the complexity of the underlying causes. The dog population is composed of ~ 400 purebred breeds; each one is a genetic isolate with unique characteristics resulting from persistent selection for desired attributes or from geneti ...
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The PluriSys project is aimed at increasing the fundamental knowledge of basic biological processes of cell pluripotency and differentiation by generating new holistic data on gene expression and epigenetic modifications associated with cell pluripotency. The project integrates the multidisciplinary excellence in Europe in cell biology, molecular biology and bioinformatics. It also builds on earli ...
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European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"The overall goal of the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA) is to fill the numerousgaps in our understanding of the effects and implications of ocean acidification.EPOCA aims to document the changes in ocean chemistry and biogeography across space and time.Paleo-reconstruction methods will be used on several archives, including foraminifera and deep-seacorals, to determine past variab ...
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A Preparatory phase proposal for the Square Kilometre Array (PrepSKA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be one of the largest scientific projects ever undertaken. It is a machine designed to answer some of the big questions of our time: what is Dark Energy? Was Einstein right about gravity? What is the nature of dark matter? Can we detect gravitational waves? When and how did the first stars and galaxies form? What was the origin of cosmic magnetism? How do Eart ...
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Schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder are a major burden to affected individuals and their families and to society at large. These two severe mental illnesses affect at least 2% of the population worldwide, and whilst 50% of sufferers do not receive adequate treatment, they cost hundreds of billions in healthcare provision, treatments and lost earnings. The current diagnosis of schizophreni ...
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Up to now fuel development and qualification has been a long and expensive process essentially based on an empirical approach. European experts currently have an adequate knowledge of conventional fuel manufacturing and its behaviour under operating conditions encountered during 50 years of industrial application and R&D activities. For innovative fuel systems, however, the empirical approach has ...
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This proposal aims to investigate the ways the destruction and subsequent selective reconstruction of the cultural heritage impact identity formation. Recent conflicts in Europe, as well as abroad, has brought the deliberate destruction of the heritage of others, as a means of inflicting pain, to the foreground. With this has come the realisation that the processes involved and thus the long-term ...
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valiDation of Radical Engine Architecture systeMs (DREAM)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

"Since the publication of the ACARE goals, the commercial and political pressure to reduce CO2 has increased considerably. DREAM is the response of the aero-engine community to this pressure. The first major DREAM objective is to design, integrate and validate new engine concepts based on open rotor contra-rotating architectures to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions 7% beyond the ACARE 2020 ...
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Correlated Noise Errors in Quantum Information Processing (CORNER)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

Any form of manipulation of quantum information (QI), be it storage or transfer, may be represented as a quantum channel, i.e. a map transforming the input state of the sender into the receiver's output state. Given the extreme sensitivity of QI to noise, it is crucial to study the impact of incoherent effects on QI processing and communication if technological applications are to become a reality ...
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Nano-scale ICT Devices and Systems Coordination Action (NanoICT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

In the semiconductor industry, CMOS technology will certainly continue to have a predominant market position in the future. However, there are still a number of technological challenges, which have to be tackled if CMOS downscaling should be pursued until feature sizes will reach 10 nm around the year 2015-2020.The NanoICT Coordination Action activities will reinforce and support the whole Europea ...
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Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) constitute a group of rare to very rare mostly heritable disorders affecting the genito-urinary tract and in most instances also the endocrine-reproductive system. We hypothesize that stringent and stepwise analysis of cases with DSD will result in a systematic and reliable discovery of DSD-relevant biochemical, genetic and functional profiles, allowing for the d ...
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VISIT - Vertically Integrated Systems for Information Transfer (VISIT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

The proposed STREP focuses on strategic, high-value photonic components and subsystems for scalable economic broadband access and local area networks. The central objective is research on, development, test and exploitation of system-enabling optical transmitters having a completely novel design and/or largely improved functionality as compared to the state of the art.Three key design and performa ...
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HGF/SF and MET in metastasis (SFMET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

"The growth and motility factor HGF/SF and its receptor MET define a paracrine signalling system which controls the migration of several cell lineages in embryogenesis and tissue repair. In a large number of human tumours, cancer cells hijack HGF/SF and MET signalling in order to invade adjacent tissue and initiate metastasis. The evidence for this is strong, broad and consistent and highlights ...
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"We propose to extend an existing collection of DNA extracts from TB patients and their corresponding TB DNA to establish the world’s largest resource of extracts from a population of TB patients and 5000 ethnically matched healthly controls. The bank will comprise 5000 DNA host DNA extracts paired the DNA and cultures of the strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis causing their disease. We will pe ...
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Nanostructured Magnetic Materials for Nanospintronics (NAMASTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2011,

We are proposing a Collaborative Project, NAMASTE, on nanostructured dilute magnetic semiconductor and metal materials. The key ideas are to control and manipulate the nanoscale properties of magnetic materials by local strain and electric fields making possible new types of magneto-electronic and spintronic devices. This is a co-ordinated programme of theoretical, experimental and technological r ...
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The competitiveness of EC companies in micro and nano technologies (MNT) very much relies on short time-to-market. That is true in particular for collaborative, distributed design and fabrication scenarios typical for an area where SMEs are strongly involved. Reduced time-to-market can only be achieved by faster product engineering. MNT product design and fabrication process development is an expe ...
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Graphene-based Nanoelectronic Devices (GRAND)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

The semiconductor industry is a cornerstone of today's high-tech economy, supporting over 100,000 direct and even more indirect jobs in Europe. This position has been achieved through continued miniaturization in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, which will only last for a maximum 10-15 more years. In line with its Lisbon Strategy, the EC has identified an urgent need to a ...
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"Neural circuits in the spinal cord, called central pattern generators (CPGs), can produce locomotor movements. The locomotor activity pattern is the result of the circuit design and the interplay between the firing properties of the CPG constituent neurons and their synaptic interactions. Spinal cord injury impairs the function of the locomotor circuitry and results in paralysis. An understanding ...
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Simulation of directed self-assembly of nanocrystals (NANOSYM)

Start date: Jun 7, 2009, End date: Jun 6, 2011,

"The aim of the proposed research is to use novel Monte Carlo simulation techniques in order to gain insight into the factors that control the nucleation and growth of crystals of charged nano-colloids. Recent experiments (Shevchenko et al, Nature 439, 55(2006)) have shown that it is possible to grow a wealth of different crystal structures from binary mixtures of charged nano-colloids. However, t ...
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HYDROSYS aims at providing a system infrastructure to support teams of users in on-site monitoring events analysing natural resources. The project introduces the innovative concept of event-driven campaigns with handheld devices, potentially supported by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In these campaigns, users can setup and retrieve data from mobile sensorstations, the UAV and external sources ...
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Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare and life-threatening inherited immune disorder of early childhood characterised by an uncontrolled immune response. Three disease causing genes have been identified in about half of the patients. Diagnosis is difficult, pathophysiology poorly understood, and treatment unsatisfactory with about 40% of the children dying from treatment failure or t ...
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A European Consortium for Lysosomal Disorders (EUCLYD)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

"The EUCLYD consortium aims at developing a scientific network among outstanding communities of basic and clinical investigators in five European countries (Italy, Netherlands, UK, Sweden and Germany) to study various aspects of lysosomal storage diseases (LSD). LSDs are rare disorders (overall prevalence of 1/5000 to 1/8000), each due to a specific lysosomal enzyme deficiency, leading to intracel ...
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